Biznes IT

Książki online z kategorii Biznes IT pomogą Ci opanować takie zagadnienia techniczne, jak analiza danych, blockchain, czy programowanie. Znajdziesz tutaj także świetne pozycje dotyczące reklamy internetowej i ogólnie tego, jak z powodzeniem prowadzić biznes online. Omawiają one choćby to, jak analizować dane marketingowe oraz budować dobrą relację z klientem.

Hands-On Neural Network Programming with C#. Add powerful neural network capabilities to your C# enterprise applications

Matt R. Cole

Hands-On Neural Networks with Keras. Design and create neural networks using deep learning and artificial intelligence principles

Niloy Purkait

Hands-On One-shot Learning with Python. Learn to implement fast and accurate deep learning models with fewer training samples using PyTorch

Shruti Jadon, Ankush Garg

Hands-On Predictive Analytics with Python. Master the complete predictive analytics process, from problem definition to model deployment

Alvaro Fuentes

Hands-On Python Deep Learning for the Web. Integrating neural network architectures to build smart web apps with Flask, Django, and TensorFlow

Anubhav Singh, Sayak Paul

Hands-On Q-Learning with Python. Practical Q-learning with OpenAI Gym, Keras, and TensorFlow

Nazia Habib

Hands-On Recommendation Systems with Python. Start building powerful and personalized, recommendation engines with Python

Rounak Banik

Hands-On Reinforcement Learning for Games. Implementing self-learning agents in games using artificial intelligence techniques

Micheal Lanham

Hands-On Reinforcement Learning with Python. Master reinforcement and deep reinforcement learning using OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow

Sudharsan Ravichandiran

Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers. Building real-time embedded systems using FreeRTOS, STM32 MCUs, and SEGGER debug tools

Brian Amos

Hands-On SAS For Data Analysis. A practical guide to performing effective queries, data visualization, and reporting techniques

Harish Gulati

Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python. Develop simulation models to get accurate results and enhance decision-making processes

Giuseppe Ciaburro

Hands-On Time Series Analysis with R. Perform time series analysis and forecasting using R

Rami Krispin

Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python. Implement advanced deep learning and neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras

Dipanjan Sarkar, Raghav Bali, Tamoghna Ghosh

Hands-On Unsupervised Learning with Python. Implement machine learning and deep learning models using Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, and more

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Hands-On Web Scraping with Python. Perform advanced scraping operations using various Python libraries and tools such as Selenium, Regex, and others

Anish Chapagain