IT Branche

Online-Bücher in der Kategorie IT Business helfen Ihnen dabei, technische Probleme wie Datenanalyse, Blockchain oder Programmierung zu vertiefen. Hier finden Sie auch großartige Einträge zur Internetwerbung und zur erfolgreichen Führung eines Online-Geschäfts im Allgemeinen. Sie besprechen beispielsweise, wie Marketingdaten analysiert und eine gute Beziehung zum Kunden aufgebaut werden können.

Learning Elasticsearch. Structured and unstructured data using distributed real-time search and analytics

Abhishek Andhavarapu

Learning Google BigQuery. A beginner's guide to mining massive datasets through interactive analysis

Thirukkumaran Haridass, Eric Brown

Learning Hadoop 2. Design and implement data processing, lifecycle management, and analytic workflows with the cutting-edge toolbox of Hadoop 2

Gerald Turkington, GABRIELE MODENA

Learning Highcharts 4. Design eye-catching and interactive JavaScript charts for your web page with Highcharts, one of the leading tools in web charting

Joe Kuan

Learning Hunk. A quick, practical guide to rapidly visualizing and analyzing your Hadoop data using Hunk

Dmitry Anoshin, Sergey Sheypak

Learning Informatica PowerCenter 10.x. Enterprise data warehousing and intelligent data centers for efficient data management solutions - Second Edition

Rahul Malewar

Learning jqPlot. Learn how to create your very own rich and intuitive JavaScript data visualizations using jqPlot

Scott Gottreu

Learning Jupyter. Select, Share, Interact and Integrate with Jupyter Not

Dan Toomey

Learning Kibana 5.0. Exploit the visualization capabilities of Kibana and build powerful interactive dashboards

Bahaaldine Azarmi

Learning Microsoft Cognitive Services. Click here to enter text

Leif Larsen

Learning Microsoft Cognitive Services. Leverage Machine Learning APIs to build smart applications - Second Edition

Leif Larsen

Learning Microsoft Cognitive Services. Use Cognitive Services APIs to add AI capabilities to your applications - Third Edition

Leif Larsen

Learning Microsoft Project 2019. Streamline project, resource, and schedule management with Microsoft's project management software

Srikanth Shirodkar

Learning Neo4j 3.x. Effective data modeling, performance tuning and data visualization techniques in Neo4j - Second Edition

Jerome Baton

Learning NumPy Array. Supercharge your scientific Python computations by understanding how to use the NumPy library effectively

Ivan Idris

Learning pandas. Get to grips with pandas - a versatile and high-performance Python library for data manipulation, analysis, and discovery

Michael Heydt