Biznes IT

Książki online z kategorii Biznes IT pomogą Ci opanować takie zagadnienia techniczne, jak analiza danych, blockchain, czy programowanie. Znajdziesz tutaj także świetne pozycje dotyczące reklamy internetowej i ogólnie tego, jak z powodzeniem prowadzić biznes online. Omawiają one choćby to, jak analizować dane marketingowe oraz budować dobrą relację z klientem.

The Data Science Workshop. A New, Interactive Approach to Learning Data Science

Anthony So, Thomas V. Joseph, Robert Thas John, Andrew Worsley, ...

The Data Science Workshop. Learn how you can build machine learning models and create your own real-world data science projects - Second Edition

Anthony So, Thomas V. Joseph, Robert Thas John, Andrew Worsley, ...

The Data Visualization Workshop. A self-paced, practical approach to transforming your complex data into compelling, captivating graphics

Mario Döbler, Tim Großmann

The Data Wrangling Workshop. Create your own actionable insights using data from multiple raw sources - Second Edition

Brian Lipp, Shubhadeep Roychowdhury, Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar

The Deep Learning Architect's Handbook. Build and deploy production-ready DL solutions leveraging the latest Python techniques

Ee Kin Chin

The Deep Learning with Keras Workshop. Learn how to define and train neural network models with just a few lines of code

Matthew Moocarme, Mahla Abdolahnejad, Ritesh Bhagwat

The Deep Learning with PyTorch Workshop. Build deep neural networks and artificial intelligence applications with PyTorch

Hyatt Saleh

The Deep Learning Workshop. Learn the skills you need to develop your own next-generation deep learning models with TensorFlow and Keras

Mirza Rahim Baig, Thomas V. Joseph, Nipun Sadvilkar, Mohan Kumar Silaparasetty, ...

The Definitive Guide to Data Integration. Unlock the power of data integration to efficiently manage, transform, and analyze data

Pierre-Yves BONNEFOY, Emeric CHAIZE, Raphaël MANSUY, Mehdi TAZI, ...

The Definitive Guide to Google Vertex AI. Accelerate your machine learning journey with Google Cloud Vertex AI and MLOps best practices

Jasmeet Bhatia, Kartik Chaudhary

The Definitive Guide to Power Query (M). Mastering complex data transformation with Power Query

Gregory Deckler, Rick de Groot, Melissa de Korte, Brian Julius

The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit. Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters

Viktor Farcic

The Economics of Data, Analytics, and Digital Transformation. The theorems, laws, and empowerments to guide your organization’s digital transformation

Bill Schmarzo, Dr. Kirk Borne

The Infinite Retina. Spatial Computing, Augmented Reality, and how a collision of new technologies are bringing about the next tech revolution

Irena Cronin, Robert Scoble, Steve Wozniak

The Kaggle Book. Data analysis and machine learning for competitive data science

Konrad Banachewicz, Luca Massaron, Anthony Goldbloom

The Kaggle Workbook. Self-learning exercises and valuable insights for Kaggle data science competitions

Konrad Banachewicz, Luca Massaron