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DevOps: Puppet, Docker, and Kubernetes. Practical recipes to make the most of DevOps with powerful tools

Neependra Khare, Ke-Jou Carol Hsu, Hideto Saito, John Arundel, ...

With so many IT management and DevOps tools on the market, both open source and commercial, it’s difficult to know where to start. DevOps is incredibly powerful when implemented correctly, and here’s how to get it done.This Learning Path covers three broad areas: Puppet, Docker, and Kubernetes. This Learning Path is a large resource of recipes to ease your daily DevOps tasks. We begin with recipes that help you develop a complete and expert understanding of Puppet’s latest and most advanced features. Then we provide recipes that help you efficiently work with the Docker environment. Finally, we show you how to better manage containers in different scenarios in production using Kubernetes.This course is based on these books:1. Puppet Cookbook, Third Edition 2. Docker Cookbook 3. Kubernetes Cookbook


Docker Deep Dive. Zero to Docker in a Single Book - Second Edition

Nigel Poulton

Most applications, even the funky cloud-native microservices ones, need high-performance, production-grade infrastructure to run on. Having impeccable knowledge of Docker will help you thrive in the modern cloud-first world. With this book, you will gain the skills you need in order to work with Docker and its containers.The book begins with an introduction to containers and explains their functionality and application in the real world. You will then get an overview of VMware, Kubernetes, and Docker and learn to install Docker on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Once you have understood the Ops and Dev perspective of Docker, you will be able to see the big picture and understand what Docker exactly does. The book then turns its attention to the more technical aspects, guiding you through practical exercises covering Docker engine, Docker images, and Docker containers. You will learn techniques for containerizing an app, deploying apps with Docker Compose, and managing cloud-native applications with Swarm. You will also build Docker networks and Docker overlay networks and handle applications that write persistent data. Finally, you will deploy apps with Docker stacks and secure your Docker environment.By the end of this book, you will be well-versed in Docker and containers and have developed the skills to create, deploy, and run applications on the cloud.


Domowe sieci komputerowe. Gotowe rozwiązania

Adam Józefiok

Szybko zbuduj własną, niezawodną sieć! Jak udostępniać foldery? Jak być widocznym w Internecie? Jak zabezpieczyć komputer w sieci? Domowa sieć komputerowa daje możliwość wymiany plików i folderów pomiędzy użytkownikami. Pozwala wszystkim korzystać z tej samej drukarki lub skanera. Zaś podłączenie jej do Internetu znacznie ułatwia codzienną pracę i zapewnia rozrywkę, a także umożliwia szybki kontakt z rodziną i znajomymi na całym świecie dzięki poczcie elektronicznej, komunikatorom lub darmowym połączeniom telefonicznym. Czytając tę książkę, nauczysz się samodzielnie budować i obsługiwać bezpieczną domową sieć komputerową -- w taki sposób, abyś mógł cieszyć się zdobyczami informatyki! Książka "Domowe sieci komputerowe. Gotowe rozwiązania" to praktyczny przewodnik zawierający wszelkie niezbędne informacje, które pozwolą Ci samodzielnie podłączyć i skonfigurować domowy komputer do pracy w Internecie. Z tego podręcznika dowiesz się także, jakie urządzenia umożliwiają rozdzielenie łącza na kilku użytkowników, jak dobrać odpowiednie okablowanie, w jaki sposób udostępniać urządzenia współpracujące z komputerem, a także jak korzystać z darmowych połączeń telefonii internetowej oraz komunikatorów. Nauczysz się nie tylko zabezpieczać swój komputer przed atakami z sieci, ale także usuwać wirusy, gdy sprzęt zostanie zainfekowany. Przygotowanie komputera do pracy w sieci Podłączanie i okablowanie Instalacja karty sieciowej Adresy IP Udostępnianie drukarki Dostęp do Internetu -- rodzaje łączy Poczta elektroniczna Komunikatory internetowe Telefonia internetowa Program Skype Bezpieczeństwo pracy w sieci Zostań administratorem własnej domowej sieci komputerowej!


ESB. Magistrala usług korporacyjnych

David Chappell

Integracja systemów dla praktyków! Integracja systemów oraz zapewnienie komunikacji między różnymi ich komponentami to ogromne wyzwanie. Podczas tworzenia własnych rozwiązań prawdopodobnie natkniesz się na dziesiątki problemów. Dlatego warto rozważyć możliwość wykorzystania sprawdzonych narzędzi. Należy do nich magistrala ESB (skrót od ang. Enterprise Service Bus). Magistrala taka zapewnia inteligentne zarządzanie ruchem, transformację danych, przesyłanie komunikatów i nie tylko. Brzmi obiecująco? Przekonaj się sam! Sięgnij po tę książkę i poznaj interesujące strategie wykorzystania ESB. Na początku znajdziesz podstawy — właściwości magistrali, jej historię oraz formaty wymiany komunikatów. Z kolejnych rozdziałów dowiesz się, jak skutecznie integrować usługi, wywoływać komunikaty oraz korzystać z niestandardowych adapterów. Ponadto skupisz się na aspektach związanych z bezpieczeństwem magistrali oraz jej konfiguracją. Nauczysz się również radzić sobie w przypadku wystąpienia problemów z przepustowością magistrali oraz opóźnieniami transferu. Książka ta jest unikalną pozycją, poświęconą interesującym zagadnieniom związanym z magistralą ESB. Jest to Twoja lektura obowiązkowa! Dzięki tej książce: poznasz możliwości magistrali ESB skonfigurujesz ją i wykorzystasz jej potencjał rozwiążesz typowe problemy zintegrujesz różne systemy — niezależnie od tego, czy to .NET czy Java! Poznaj zaawansowane techniki integracji systemów!


ESP8266 Home Automation Projects. Leverage the power of this tiny WiFi chip to build exciting smart home projects

Catalin Batrinu, Constantin Tambrea

The ESP8266 is a low-cost yet powerful Wi-Fi chip that is becoming more popular at an alarming rate, and people have adopted it to create interesting projects.With this book, you will learn to create and program home automation projects using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip. You will learn how to build a thermostat to measure and adjust the temperature accordingly and how to build a security system using the ESP8266. Furthermore, you will design a complete home automation system from sensor to your own cloud. You will touch base on data monitoring, controlling appliances, and security aspects.By the end of the book, you will understand how to completely control and monitor your home from the cloud and from a mobile application. You will be familiar with the capabilities of the ESP8266 and will have successfully designed a complete ready-to-sell home automated system.


Ethereum Projects for Beginners. Build blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and DApps

Kenny Vaneetvelde

Ethereum enables the development of efficient, smart contracts that contain code. These smart contracts can interact with other smart contracts to make decisions, store data, and send Ether to others.Ethereum Projects for Beginners provides you with a clear introduction to creating cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and decentralized applications. As you make your way through the book, you’ll get to grips with detailed step-by-step processes to build advanced Ethereum projects. Each project will teach you enough about Ethereum to be productive right away. You will learn how tokenization works, think in a decentralized way, and build blockchain-based distributed computing systems. Towards the end of the book, you will develop interesting Ethereum projects such as creating wallets and secure data sharing.By the end of this book, you will be able to tackle blockchain challenges by implementing end-to-end projects using the full power of the Ethereum blockchain.


Ethernet. Biblia administratora

Charles E. Spurgeon, Joann Zimmerman

Kompendium wiedzy o sieciach Ethernet! Biblia administratora sieci Ethernet! Standard Ethernet powstał w 1976 roku w ośrodku badawczym firmy Xerox. Wykorzystywany do budowy sieci lokalnych, znajduje zastosowanie praktycznie w każdym miejscu. Sieci Ethernet spotkasz zarówno w mieszkaniach czy domach, jak i w biurach czy centrach danych. W zależności od budżetu, jakim dysponujesz, możesz zbudować sieć dostosowaną do własnych potrzeb. Nowoczesne sieci Ethernet pozwalają na niezawodne przesyłanie danych z ogromnymi prędkościami. W Twoje ręce oddajemy biblię wiedzy o sieciach Ethernet, która odpowie na wszystkie nurtujące Cię pytania oraz zaprezentuje nowoczesne techniki wykorzystania tych sieci. Przekonasz się, jak wygląda proces automatycznej negocjacji oraz jak zasilać urządzenia za pomocą Ethernetu. W kolejnych rozdziałach znajdziesz charakterystyczne elementy popularnych sieci 10, 100 i 1000 Mb/s oraz niezwykle wydajnych sieci o prędkości dochodzącej do 400 Gb/s. Trzecia część tej książki została poświęcona budowie systemu Ethernet. Poznasz tu systemy okablowania strukturalnego, dostępne kable, złącza oraz przełączniki. Książka ta jest obowiązkową pozycją na półce każdego administratora, który chce poznać swoją sieć od podszewki. Dzięki tej książce: poznasz historię standardu Ethernet zrozumiesz zasadę jego działania zobaczysz, jaki potencjał kryją sieci Ethernet nauczysz się projektować wydajne rozwiązania poznasz tajniki działania Twojej sieci


Extending OpenStack. Leverage extended OpenStack projects to implement containerization, deployment, and architecting robust cloud solutions

Omar Khedher

OpenStack is a very popular cloud computing platform that has enabled several organizations during the last few years to successfully implement their Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms. This book will guide you through new features of the latest OpenStack releases and how to bring them into production straightaway in an agile way.It starts by showing you how to expand your current OpenStack setup and how to approach your next OpenStack Data Center generation deployment. You will discover how to extend your storage and network capacity and also take advantage of containerization technology such as Docker and Kubernetes in OpenStack. Additionally, you'll explore the power of big data as a Service terminology implemented in OpenStack by integrating the Sahara project. This book will teach you how to build Hadoop clusters and launch jobs in a very simple way. Then you'll automate and deploy applications on top of OpenStack. You will discover how to write your own plugin in the Murano project. The final part of the book will go through best practices for security such as identity, access management, and authentication exposed by Keystone in OpenStack. By the end of this book, you will be ready to extend and customize your private cloud based on your requirements.


FreeSWITCH 1.8. Get to grips with VoIP and WebRTC communication and quickly build robust telephony systems with FreeSWITCH

Anthony Minessale II, Giovanni Maruzzelli

FreeSWITCH is an open source telephony platform designed to facilitate the creation of voice and chat-driven products, scaling from a soft-phone to a PBX and even up to an enterprise-class soft-switch. This book introduces FreeSWITCH to IT professionals who want to build their own telephony system.This book starts with a brief introduction to the latest version of FreeSWITCH. We then move on to the fundamentals and the new features added in version 1.6, showing you how to set up a basic system so you can make and receive phone calls, make calls between extensions, and utilize basic PBX functionality.Once you have a basic system in place, we’ll show you how to add more and more functionalities to it. You’ll learn to deploy the features on the system using unique techniques and tips to make it work better.Also, there are changes in the security-related components, which will affect the content in the book, so we will make that intact with the latest version. There are new support libraries introduced, such as SQLite, OpenSS, and more, which will make FreeSWITCH more efficient and add more functions to it. We’ll cover these in the new edition to make it more appealing for you.


Fundamentals of Linux. Explore the essentials of the Linux command line

Oliver Pelz

Linux is a Unix-like operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. Fundamentals of Linux will help you learn all the essentials of the Linux command line required to get you started. The book will start by teaching you how to work with virtualization software and install CentOS 7 Linux as a VM. Then, you will get to grips with the workings of various command line operations, such as cursor movement, commands, options, and arguments. As you make your way through the chapters, the book will not only focus on the most essential Linux commands but also give an introduction to Bash shell scripting. Finally, you will explore advanced topics, such as networking and troubleshooting your system, and you will get familiar with the advanced file permissions: ACL, setuid, and setgid. Fundamentals of Linux includes real-world tasks, use cases, and problems that, as a system administrator, you might encounter in your day-to-day activities.


Fuzzing Against the Machine. Automate vulnerability research with emulated IoT devices on QEMU

Antonio Nappa, Eduardo Blázquez, Nikias Bassen, Dr. Javier López-Gómez

Emulation and fuzzing are among the many techniques that can be used to improve cybersecurity; however, utilizing these efficiently can be tricky. Fuzzing Against the Machine is your hands-on guide to understanding how these powerful tools and techniques work. Using a variety of real-world use cases and practical examples, this book helps you grasp the fundamental concepts of fuzzing and emulation along with advanced vulnerability research, providing you with the tools and skills needed to find security flaws in your software.The book begins by introducing you to two open source fuzzer engines: QEMU, which allows you to run software for whatever architecture you can think of, and American fuzzy lop (AFL) and its improved version AFL++. You’ll learn to combine these powerful tools to create your own emulation and fuzzing environment and then use it to discover vulnerabilities in various systems, such as iOS, Android, and Samsung's Mobile Baseband software, Shannon. After reading the introductions and setting up your environment, you’ll be able to dive into whichever chapter you want, although the topics gradually become more advanced as the book progresses.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills, knowledge, and practice required to find flaws in any firmware by emulating and fuzzing it with QEMU and several fuzzing engines.


Getting Started with Citrix XenApp 6.5. Design and implement Citrix farms based on XenApp 6.5 with this book and

Guillermo Musumeci, Guillermo Musumeci

XenApp is the leader in application hosting and virtualization delivery, allowing users from different platforms such Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices to connect to their business applications. Using XenApp, you can deploy secure applications quickly to thousands of users.XenApp 6.5 brings with it exciting new features such as a brand new management console, Instant App access, Multi-stream ICA, Single Sign-on and SmartAuditor enhancements, and more.Getting Started with Citrix XenApp 6.5 provides comprehensive details on how to design, implement, and maintain Citrix farms based on XenApp 6.5. Additionally, you will learn to use management tools and scripts for daily tasks such as managing servers, published resources, printers, and connections.Getting Started with Citrix XenApp 6.5 starts by introducing the basics and new features of the brand new version such as installing servers and configuring components, and then teaches you how to publish applications and resources on the client device before moving on to configuring content redirection. Author Guillermo Musumeci includes a use case throughout the book to explain advanced topics like creating management scripts and deploying and optimizing XenApp for Citrix XenServer, VMware ESX, and Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines. It will guide you through an unattended installation of XenApp and components on physical servers. By the end of this book you will have enough knowledge to successfully design and manage your own XenApp 6.5 Farms.