Sieci komputerowe

W tej kategorii znajdziesz książki online omawiające zróżnicowane zagadnienia dotyczące serwerów, osprzętów sieciowych oraz programowania. Przybliżają one takie technologie jak FreeSWITCH, Amazon Web Services, Azure i wiele więcej. Dowiesz się także z nich, jak z powodzeniem zdać egzaminy CCNA Cisco.

Fuzzing Against the Machine. Automate vulnerability research with emulated IoT devices on QEMU

Antonio Nappa, Eduardo Blázquez, Nikias Bassen, Dr. Javier López-Gómez

Gephi Cookbook. Over 90 hands-on recipes to master the art of network analysis and visualization with Gephi

Devangana Khokar, Devangana

Getting Started with Citrix XenApp 6.5. Design and implement Citrix farms based on XenApp 6.5 with this book and

Guillermo Musumeci, Guillermo Musumeci

Getting Started with Citrix XenApp 7.6. Getting Started with Citrix XenApp 7.6

Konstantin Cvetanov, Guillermo Musumeci, Vaqar Hasan, Esther Barthel

Getting Started with Microsoft System Center Operations Manager. Using SCOM 2016 TP 5

Kevin Greene, Kevin Greene

GNS3. Emulowanie sieci komputerowych Cisco

Adam Józefiok

Go Standard Library Cookbook. Over 120 specific ways to make full use of the standard library components in Golang

Radomír Sohlich

Hands-On Application Penetration Testing with Burp Suite. Use Burp Suite and its features to inspect, detect, and exploit security vulnerabilities in your web applications

Carlos A. Lozano, Dhruv Shah, Riyaz Ahemed Walikar