
Möchten Sie die Geheimnisse von Excel, PowerPoint, Word und anderer alltäglicher Software kennenlernen, die bei der Arbeit nützlich sind? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Online-Bibliothek, wo Sie viele Bücher sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene finden können.  Dank ihnen haben Office-Programme keine Geheimnisse vor Ihnen.

PowerPoint 2010 PL. Pierwsza pomoc

Roland Zimek

Poznaj Tableau 2022. Wizualizacja danych, interaktywna analiza danych i umiejętność data storytellingu. Wydanie V

Joshua N. Milligan

Practical Design Patterns for Java Developers. Hone your software design skills by implementing popular design patterns in Java

Miroslav Wengner, Bruno Souza

Practical Hardware Pentesting. A guide to attacking embedded systems and protecting them against the most common hardware attacks

Jean-Georges Valle

Practical Machine Learning. Learn how to build Machine Learning applications to solve real-world data analysis challenges with this Machine Learning book – packed with practical tutorials

Sunila Gollapudi

Practical Remote Pair Programming. Best practices for collaborating productively with distributed development teams

Adrian Bolboacă

Profesjonalna prezentacja multimedialna. Jak uniknąć 27 najczęściej popełnianych błędów

Paweł Lenar

Professional Image Editing Made Easy with Affinity Photo. Apply Affinity Photo fundamentals to your workflows to edit, enhance, and create great images

Jeremy Hazel

Professional SQL Server High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Implement tried-and-true high availability and disaster recovery solutions with SQL Server

Ahmad Osama

Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. Sharpen your skills and increase your productivity when programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015

Christopher D. Studebaker, David A. Studebaker, David Studebaker, CHRISTOPHER D. STUDEBAKER

Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Hone your skills and increase your productivity when programming in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 - Fifth Edition

Marije Brummel, David A. Studebaker, Christopher D. Studebaker, Luc van Vugt

Project 2013. Opanuj każdy projekt

Scott Daley

Projektowanie rozwiązań dla Microsoft SharePoint 2010

Lee Jason, Keyser Chris

Przetwarzanie danych w Excelu. Laboratorium Power Query

Python Data Science Essentials. Become an efficient data science practitioner by thoroughly understanding the key concepts of Python

Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron