Office applications

Would you like to know more about secrets of Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc. that are useful in everyday work? Look into our online library where you will find books designed both for beginners and advanced users. Due to them office programs won’t have any secrets from you.

100 sposobów na Excel 2007 PL. Tworzenie funkcjonalnych arkuszy

Raina Hawley, David Hawley

A Developer's Essential Guide to Docker Compose. Simplify the development and orchestration of multi-container applications

Emmanouil Gkatziouras

A Practical Guide to Service Management. Insights from industry experts for uncovering, implementing, and improving service management practices

Keith D. Sutherland, Lawrence J. "Butch" Sheets, Lisa Schwartz

ABC Excel 2010 PL

Witold Wrotek

ABC Excel 2013 PL

Witold Wrotek

ABC Excel 2016 PL

Witold Wrotek

ABC Excel 2019 PL

Witold Wrotek

ABC Excel 2021 PL

Witold Wrotek