
Online books in the category Hardware will help you gain practical skills in assembling and fixing computers. Also, you will learn how to use popular programming languages like JavaScript and C++ for creating interesting projects (e.g. signalling systems). Introductory Arduino manuals can fascinate you as well.


Unlocking the Power of Auto-GPT and Its Plugins. Implement, customize, and optimize Auto-GPT for building robust AI applications

Wladislav Cugunov

Unlocking the Power of Auto-GPT and Its Plugins reveals how Auto-GPT is transforming the way we work and live, by breaking down complex goals into manageable subtasks and intelligently utilizing the internet and other tools. With a background as a self-taught full stack developer and key contributor to Auto-GPT’s Inner Team, the author blends unconventional thinking with practical expertise to make Auto-GPT and its plugins accessible to developers at all levels.This book explores the potential of Auto-GPT and its associated plugins through practical applications. Beginning with an introduction to Auto-GPT, it guides you through setup, utilization, and the art of prompt generation. You'll gain a deep understanding of the various plugin types and how to create them. The book also offers expert guidance on developing AI applications such as chat assistants, research aides, and speech companions, while covering advanced topics such as Docker configuration, continuous mode operation, and integrating your own LLM with Auto-GPT.By the end of this book, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for AI application development, plugin creation, setup procedures, and advanced Auto-GPT features to fuel your AI journey.


Unreal Development Kit Beginner's Guide. A fun, quick, step by step guide to level design and creating your own game world

Richard J. Moore, Richard Moore

Unreal Development Kit (UDK) is the free version of the award-winning Unreal Engine 3. It is used to create a wide variety of games ranging from amateur to professional standard next generation AAA titles.This book will show you exactly how to create an enjoyable and immersive game environment using the UDK. You will learn how to implement, level design, lighting, environmental effects, movement, terrain, map creation, item placement, kismet, materials and complex event sequences.You will work through the level design process from navigating round the editor to learning how to develop a fully playable environment. You will quickly master all of the engine’s key tools that are accessible through Unreal Engine 3. You will then start putting together your first level using step-by-step instructions. Next we will implement real world features such as dynamic lighting and shadows, particle effects, physics, terrain, item placement and advanced AI/bot pathing. Finally you will learn how to use UDK’s cutting edge high level scripting. By the end of this book you will be equipped with the skills to create an entertaining and imaginative game world.


USB. Praktyczne programowanie z Windows API w C++

Andrzej Daniluk

Dowiedz się więcej o działaniu USB i poznaj metody programowania transmisji danych W jaki sposób odbywa się transfer danych? Jak odblokować urządzenia do transmisji? Na czym polega programowanie obiektowe transmisji USB? USB (skrót od ang. Universal Serial Bus -- uniwersalna magistrala szeregowa) to rodzaj bardzo praktycznego portu komunikacyjnego, dzięki któremu możliwe jest podłączanie do komputera wielu różnych urządzeń, takich jak mysz, kamera, aparat fotograficzny, telefon komórkowy, modem, skaner, przenośna pamięć. Podłączone w ten sposób urządzenia są od razu wykrywane i rozpoznawane przez system, dzięki czemu instalacja sterowników i konfiguracja sprzętu odbywają się zwykle automatycznie. Książka "USB. Praktyczne programowanie z Windows API w C++" w zwięzły sposób przedstawia wszelkie zagadnienia, dotyczące użytkowania i programowania transmisji USB. Korzystając z tego podręcznika, poznasz nie tylko teoretyczne podstawy działania USB, ale także zdobędziesz praktyczne umiejętności w tym zakresie. Książka zawiera bowiem zarówno konkretne przykłady, jak i ćwiczenia do samodzielnego wykonania dla wszystkich, którzy chcą zyskać wiedzę na zaawansowanym poziomie. Dowiesz się między innymi, jakie są rodzaje transferów danych i transakcji USB, za co odpowiadają komponenty i jak wykorzystać wzorce projektowe. Zrozumiesz także metody projektowania obiektowego oraz implementacji oprogramowania sterującego łączem USB. Środowisko fizyczne i sygnałowe USB Klasy instalacji urządzeń Rejestr systemowy Transmisja danych Struktura systemu USB Detekcja i identyfikacja urządzeń Odczyt i zapis danych w formie raportu Programowanie obiektowe transmisji USB Wewnętrzne struktury danych Programy wielowątkowe Konwertery USB Tu znajdziesz wszystko o działaniu USB i możliwościach jego wykorzystania!


User Training for Busy Programmers. Develop effective software training classes quickly and easily

William Rice, William Rice

If you need to write a successful software training course and are unsure of how to start, then this book gets right to the point with clear, concise directions for developing an end-user software course. This step-by-step job aid walks you through the process of developing a successful, instructor-led software class. There are many good books on training theory. This book takes a more practical, condensed approach for when you don't have time to learn training theory. It is based on fifteen years of technical writing and training experience. In under 100 pages, the book guides you through the process of developing an end-user software course using a method that is tested, proven, and based upon sound instructional theory.


Using CiviCRM. Develop and implement a fully functional, systematic CRM plan for your organization Using CiviCRM

Joseph Murray, Brian P Shaughnessy, Dave Greenberg

CiviCRM is a web-based, open source CRM system, designed specifically to meet the needs of advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental organizations. Elected officials, professional/trade associations, political campaigns and parties, government agencies, and other similar organizations are among its growing number of enthusiastic users. This book shows you how to harness CiviCRM’s impressive array of possibilities as you develop and execute performance-critical CRM strategies.This book will help you become familiar with the structure and main functions of CiviCRM. It will guide you in developing and successfully implementing a CRM strategy for your organization using detailed explanations and practical examples.Using CiviCRM walks you through developing a CRM Implementation Plan that is suited to your organization's size, culture, and needs. Readers will take away many constituent relationship management best practices and the knowledge of how to implement them with CiviCRM. Benefits of Using CiviCRM will be felt across your organization, and help it better achieve its mission.Overall, your organization will interact with constituents more effectively and handle staff growth and transitions by tracking all contacts and interactions with them in a system shared across the organization. Gathering and analyzing data about your constituents and their interactions with your organization will better inform your decisions.If your organization fundraises, you’ll be able to raise more money and reduce costs by identifying qualified prospects for targeted fundraising initiatives. We show how to attract new prospects and convert them to donors using online, direct mail, telemarketing and direct contact channels Using CiviCRM. You’ll learn why and how to set up and then grow your monthly donor program, as well as improve the frequency, average donation amounts, and retention rates of your donor base.With this book you’ll be able to reduce the burden on administrative resources by providing online payments and self-service options for event registrations and membership renewals. You can increase the likelihood your existing subscribers will become more involved with your organization, ensure more of your members show up to volunteer, identify potential leaders and steward their volunteer activitiesFinally, you'll be making relevant information easily available that quantifies what a great job you've been doing, including the number of hours that volunteers gave to your organization last year, the number of cases managed, or the number of new viral signups from your latest urgent action e-mail.


vBulletin: A Users Guide. Configure, manage and maintain your own vBulletin discussion forum

Kathy Kingsley-Hughes, Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Ashley Busby

Written specifically to allow you to create a discussion forum, vBulletin, provides all of the tools, features and functionality for you to set up and develop a vibrant community. Because it specializes in this one aspect of your website, all the features are geared towards this goal, and you can leave the improvement and additions to the vBulletin developers while you get on with managing the rest of your website. If you are either already running a community forum based on vBulletin, or are planning on establishing one, then this is the book for you. This book will guide you through installing, configuring, managing and maintaining a vBulletin discussion forum on your own website. The book begins with the initial installation and configuration of vBulletin on your system. You will then go on a tour of vBulletin and its features, for both users and administrators. This will grow your understanding and familiarise you with the power and possibilities of vBulletin. vBulletin's Administration Control Panel is where you can control every aspect of your board. From users, forums and word filters to skins, templates and maintenance, everything can be done through the web-based control panel. The book devotes significant sections to covering these, getting you up to speed on the options available to you, and offering advice to help you make the right choices with your board administration. To make your forums stand out from the rest, we cover skins and templates to take your first steps in customising your forum. vBulletin is one of the most popular forum platforms available. Well known for its power and speed, it drives many of the most popular discussion forums on the Internet.


VirtualBox 3.1: Beginner's Guide. Deploy and manage a cost-effective virtual environment using VirtualBox

Alfonso V. Romero, Alfonso Vidal Romero

The furore around virtualization is taking the technology world by storm and is a must for efficient utilization of network server capacity, storage administration, energy, and capital. VirtualBox is free and this brings down your upfront costs for an agile data center. VirtualBox will transform your IT infrastructure into a lean Data Center on a Windows XP/7 or Ubuntu Linux platform. Although VirtualBox has grown by leaps and bounds, there is not enough documentation to guide you through its features and implementation.This hands-on guide gives you a thorough introduction to this award-winning virtualization product. It will help you to implement the right virtual environment for you. Additionally, this book will help you set up an environment that will work for your system. You will learn to architect and deploy your first virtual machine without being overwhelmed by technical details.This practical book unveils the robust capabilities and easy-to-use graphical interface of VirtualBox to help you to effectively administer and use virtual machines in a home/office environment. You begin by creating your first virtual machine on a Windows/Linux guest operating system and installing guest additions. The book then goes on to discuss the various formats that VirtualBox supports and how it interacts with other formats. The comprehensive instructions will help you to work with all the networking modes offered by VirtualBox. Virtual appliances will be explained in detail—how they help to reduce installation time for virtual machines and run them from VirtualBox.By the end of this book you will be able to run your own headless VirtualBox server, to create, manage, and run virtual machines in that server from a remote PC.


VirtualBox w praktyce. Poznaj pełnię możliwości wirtualizacji na swoim komputerze

Daniel Sternik

Wirtualizuj! Pracuj efektywnie na wielu systemach operacyjnych Wirtualizacja umożliwia równoczesne uruchomienie różnych systemów operacyjnych na jednym sprzęcie. Dzięki temu można lepiej wykorzystać dostępną moc obliczeniową i zasoby. Oczywiście, by móc czerpać z dobrodziejstw wirtualizacji, potrzeba odpowiednich narzędzi. Jednym z najpopularniejszych programów wspierających wirtualizację jest VirtualBox. Aby łatwiej zarządzać wirtualnymi maszynami, skuteczniej monitorować ich wydajność, sprawnie je konserwować, warto nauczyć się używać właśnie tego narzędzia. Najszybciej zrobisz to z naszym poradnikiem. Dowiesz się z niego między innymi: Czym jest wirtualizacja Na jakiej zasadzie funkcjonuje VirtualBox Jak działają maszyny wirtualne, dyski wirtualne i sieci Jak efektywniej obsługiwać środowisko wirtualne W jaki sposób zautomatyzować tworzenie maszyn


Visual SourceSafe 2005 Software Configuration Management in Practice. Best practice management and development of Visual Studio .NET 2005 applications with this easy-to-use SCM tool from Microsoft

Alexandru Serban, Aleksandar Seovic

Why is Software Configuration Management important?Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the discipline of managing the building and modification of software through techniques including source-code control, revision control, object-build tracking, and release construction. SCM involves identifying the configuration of the software at given points in time, systematically controlling changes to the configuration, and maintaining the integrity and traceability of the configuration throughout the software development lifecycle.Software Configuration Management is one of the first skills a serious developer should master, after becoming proficient with his or her development tools of choice. Unfortunately, this does not always happen because the subject of SCM is not commonly taught in either academic or company training.When developing software, you need to have a manageable team development effort, track and maintain the history of your projects, sustain parallel development on multiple product versions, fix bugs, and release service packs while further developing the application. This is where the concepts of Software Configuration Management come into play; SCM is about getting the job done safer, faster, and better.Visual SourceSafe has a long history behind it. The previous versions were either loved for their ease of use and integration with other Microsoft products, or hated because the headaches caused by using them improperly. This book will help you to avoid such problems.


Visualize Complex Processes with Microsoft Visio. A guide to visually creating, communicating, and collaborating business processes efficiently

David J Parker, Šenaj Lelić

Every business has process flows, but not all of them are fully described to or verified for accuracy with each stakeholder. This not only presents a risk for business continuity but also removes the ability to make insightful improvements. To make these complex interactions easy to grasp, it’s important to describe these processes visually using symbology that everybody understands. Different parts of these flows should be collaboratively developed and stored securely as commercial collateral.Visualize Complex Processes with Microsoft Visio helps you understand why it is crucial to use a common, systematic approach to document the steps needed to meet each business requirement. This book explores the various process flow templates available in each edition of Microsoft Visio, including BPMN. It also shows you how to use them effectively with the help of tips and techniques and examples to reduce the time required for creating them, as well as how you can improve their integration and presentation.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered the skills needed to create data-integrated business flowcharts with Microsoft Visio, learned how to effectively use these diagrams collaboratively, but securely, and understood how to integrate them with other M365 apps, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Power Automate.


VMware ThinApp 4.7 Essentials. Learn how to quickly and efficiently virtualize your applications with ThinApp 4.7 with this book and

Peter Bjork

VMware ThinApp 4.7 is an application virtualization and portable application creator which allows users to package conventional applications so that they are portable.VMware ThinApp 4.7 Essentials shows you how to deploy ThinApp packages in order to improve the portability, manageability and compatibility of applications by encapsulating them from the underlying operating system on which they are executed.Application virtualization improves the portability, manageability and compatibility of applications by encapsulating them from the underlying operating system on which they are executed.VMware ThinApp 4.7 is an application virtualization and portable application creator which allows users to package conventional applications so that they are portable. ThinApp eliminates application conflicts, reducing the need and cost of recoding and regression testing.In this book you will learn about how application virtualization works and how to deploy ThinApp packages. You will learn how to update and tweak ThinApp Projects before distribution. This book will then cover design and implementation considerations for future ThinApp projects.


VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming. Get to grips with Programming Office 2007 using Visual Studio Tools for Office

Vivek Thangaswamy

With the arrival of Visual Studio Tools for Office 3.0 (VSTO), developers can now program Microsoft Office from the .NET framework. There are huge books in the market that give loads of unnecessary information but are of no real help to brand-new Office developers. Wouldn't it be great to have a precise book that simply covers the basics and introduces programming Office 2007 with VSTO using the latest version of Visual Studio? This is that book.VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming shows you how to write Office 2007 applications with Visual Studio Tools for Office 3.0. Learn how to automate tasks in InfoPath, Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Visio, and Project 2007 with greater programming power and flexibility than was available from the VBA language. With this book and the mastery of VSTO you will learn, Office will no longer be an application to you; it will be a platform for developing custom applications.VSTO 3 is the most recent version of VSTO, making use of Visual Studio 2008, and working with Office 2007. This book shows how VSTO puts Office automation into the hands of developers, allowing them to use the power of the .NET framework to automate Office applications thus increasing the speed of the applications, their security, and the opportunity to use other parts of the .NET Framework such as its data handling capabilities.This book builds a solid programming foundation in VSTO for brand-new Office developers. You will leave behind the world of VBA programming and take your first steps into the powerful and exciting world of using C# to create Office 2007 applications. Packed with examples and covering all the main Office applications, this book will have you creating fully featured Office extensions before you know it.


WCF 4.0 Multi-tier Services Development with LINQ to Entities. Build SOA applications on the Microsoft platform with this hands-on guide updated for VS2010

Mike Liu, Hongcheng Lui

WCF is the Microsoft model for building services, whereas LINQ to Entities is the Microsoft ORM for accessing underlying data storage. Want to learn both? You would normally have to dig through huge reference tomes—so wouldn't you agree that a simple-to-follow practical tutorial on WCF and LINQ to Entities is the way to get ahead?This book is the quickest and easiest way to learn WCF and LINQ to Entities in Visual Studio 2010. WCF and LINQ to Entities are both powerful yet complex technologies from Microsoft—but you will be surprised at how easily this book will get you get up and running with them.Mastery of these two topics will quickly enable you to create Service-Oriented applications, and allow you to take your first steps into the world of Service Oriented Architecture without becoming overwhelmed.Through this book, you will learn what's going on behind the scenes with WCF, and dive into the basic yet most useful techniques for LINQ to Entities. You will develop three real-world multi-tiered WCF services from beginning to end, with LINQ to Entities being used in the data access layer of the services. Various clients including windows console applications, the WCF Test Client, Windows Form applications and WPF applications will be created to test these WCF services. By the end of this book, you will be 100% confident that you know WCF and LINQ to Entities, not only in theory, but with sound real-world experience.


Wearable-Tech Projects with the Raspberry Pi Zero. Create imaginative, real-world wearable tech projects with the Rapsberry Pi Zero

Jonathan Witts

With Wearable-Tech Projects with the Raspberry Pi Zero, you will begin with learning how to install the required software for your upcoming projects. You will also learn how to control electronic devices with the GPIOZero Python library. Next, you will be creating some stylish wearable-tech projects such as a motion-reactive LED cap and a Tweet-activated LED T-shirt. Toward the end of the book, you will be creating some useful health and fitness wearable-tech projects; these will help you monitor your heart rate, track your movements with GPS, and count your footsteps with your own pedometer.By the end of the book, you will have created a range of wearable-tech projects and learned enough about your Raspberry Pi Zero that you should be able to adapt these projects further or come up with your own creations!


Web Content Management with Documentum. Setup, Design, Develop, and Deploy Documentum Applications

Gaurav Kathuria, BPB Publications

One of the world leaders in Enterprise Content Management, the EMC Documentum family of applications helps you manage all types of content across multiple departments within a single repository. With the Web Content Management suite of applications, you can efficiently manage content and underlying processes for your Web properties, and ensures that they are responsive to business needs.To fully realize the power of this system can seem daunting, but this book will help you achieve that. With easy to follow examples, this book will take you the simplest and most straightforward route to success. Along the way, you will learn insights that only a seasoned professional would know.Packed with practical examples, you will get hands-on with the powerful features of Documentum to grow your skills and confidence. You will see tips and tricks to handle complexities of the system, and avoid the common errors that waste your time.From installing and getting started with Documentum, you will see how to design and develop Documentum applications, before rounding off with deployment.


WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Administration Guide. Manage and administer your IBM WebSphere application server to create a reliable, secure, and scalable environment for running your applications with this book and

Steve Robinson

As an administrator you need a secure, scalable, resilient application infrastructure to support the developers building and managing J2EE applications and Service Oriented Architecture services. WebSphere application server, a product from IBM, is optimized to ease administration and improve runtime performance. It helps you run applications and services in a reliable, secure, and high-performance environment to ensure business opportunities are not lost due to application downtime.It's easy to get started and tame this powerful application server when you've got this book to hand. This administration guide will help you provide an innovative, performance-based foundation to build, run, and manage J2EE applications and SOA services, offering the highest level of reliability, security, and scalability.This book will take you through the different methods for installing WebSphere application server and demonstrate how to configure and prepare WebSphere resources for your application deployments. During configuration you will be shown how to administer your WebSphere server standalone or using the new administrative agent, which provides the ability to administer multiple installations of WebSphere application server using one single administration console. WebSphere security is covered in detail showing the various methods of implanting federated user and group repositories. The facets of data-aware and message-aware applications are explained and demonstrated giving the reader real-world examples of manual and automated deployments. Key administration features and tools are introduced, which will help a WebSphere administrator manage and tune their WebSphere implementation and application for success.