
Książki online z kategorii Hardware pomogą Ci nabyć praktycznych umiejętności z zakresu składania zestawów komputerowych oraz ich naprawy. Dowiesz się także, jak wykorzystywać popularne języki programowania typu JavaScript i C++ do tworzenia ciekawych projektów (np. systemów sygnalizacyjnych). Zainteresować mogą Cię też poradniki wprowadzające do Arduino.


3D Printing Blueprints. Using the free open-source Blender software, anyone can design models for 3D printing. Fantastic fun and a great experience whether or not you have a 3D printer, this book is a crash course in the new technology

Joe Larson

A new industrial age is here. Machines designed to build useful and interesting objects have moved from the factory to the home. Whether you have a 3D printer or not, learning how to design your first 3D models is the best way to become part of the 3D printing movement. 3D Printing Blueprints will teach you, step by step, the tools and techniques of using Blender, a free 3D modelling program, to build 3D models for printing with simple and fun hands-on projects.3D Printing Blueprints uses engaging and fun projects that teach Blender modeling for 3D printing through hands-on lessons. First you'll learn basic modeling and make a small simple object. Then each new project brings with it new tools and techniques as well as teaching the rules of 3D printing design. Eventually you'll be building objects designed to repair or replace everyday objects. Finally you'll be able to even tackle other people's models and fix them to be 3D printable.Through the course of doing the blueprints you will custom build one-of-a-kind objects that you can call your own. Starting from a custom vase formed from a picture, lessons will progress to a multi-part modular robot toy. Then simple machines will be designed with custom gears and functions. Eventually you'll learn how to download models from the Internet and make custom objects. Finally you'll be able to build models with near real life specifications and make a print that can be used for small object repair.3D Printing Blueprints will teach you everything you need to know about building custom 3D models to print successfully on modern home 3D printers.


A Definitive Guide to Apache ShardingSphere. Transform any DBMS into a distributed database with sharding, scaling, encryption features, and more

Trista Pan, Zhang Liang, Yacine Si Tayeb

Apache ShardingSphere is a new open source ecosystem for distributed data infrastructures based on pluggability and cloud-native principles that helps enhance your database.This book begins with a quick overview of the main challenges faced by database management systems (DBMSs) in production environments, followed by a brief introduction to the software's kernel concept. After that, using real-world examples of distributed database solutions, elastic scaling, DistSQL, synthetic monitoring, database gateways, and SQL authority and user authentication, you’ll fully understand ShardingSphere's architectural components, how they’re configured and can be plugged into your existing infrastructure, and how to manage your data and applications. You’ll also explore ShardingSphere-JDBC and ShardingSphere-Proxy, the ecosystem’s clients, and how they can work either concurrently or independently to address your needs. You’ll then learn how to customize the plugin platform to define personalized user strategies and manage multiple configurations seamlessly. Finally, the book enables you to get up and running with functional and performance tests for all scenarios.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build and deploy a customized version of ShardingSphere, addressing the key pain points encountered in your data management infrastructure.


A Handbook of Mathematical Models with Python. Elevate your machine learning projects with NetworkX, PuLP, and linalg

Dr. Ranja Sarkar

Mathematical modeling is the art of transforming a business problem into a well-defined mathematical formulation. Its emphasis on interpretability is particularly crucial when deploying a model to support high-stake decisions in sensitive sectors like pharmaceuticals and healthcare.Through this book, you’ll gain a firm grasp of the foundational mathematics underpinning various machine learning algorithms. Equipped with this knowledge, you can modify algorithms to suit your business problem. Starting with the basic theory and concepts of mathematical modeling, you’ll explore an array of mathematical tools that will empower you to extract insights and understand the data better, which in turn will aid in making optimal, data-driven decisions. The book allows you to explore mathematical optimization and its wide range of applications, and concludes by highlighting the synergetic value derived from blending mathematical models with machine learning.Ultimately, you’ll be able to apply everything you’ve learned to choose the most fitting methodologies for the business problems you encounter.


A Practical Guide to Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Optimization. Hands-on Approach to Modern Quantum Algorithms

Alberto Di Meglio, Elías F. Combarro, Samuel González-Castillo, Alberto Di Meglio

This book provides deep coverage of modern quantum algorithms that can be used to solve real-world problems. You’ll be introduced to quantum computing using a hands-on approach with minimal prerequisites.You’ll discover many algorithms, tools, and methods to model optimization problems with the QUBO and Ising formalisms, and you will find out how to solve optimization problems with quantum annealing, QAOA, Grover Adaptive Search (GAS), and VQE. This book also shows you how to train quantum machine learning models, such as quantum support vector machines, quantum neural networks, and quantum generative adversarial networks. The book takes a straightforward path to help you learn about quantum algorithms, illustrating them with code that’s ready to be run on quantum simulators and actual quantum computers. You’ll also learn how to utilize programming frameworks such as IBM’s Qiskit, Xanadu’s PennyLane, and D-Wave’s Leap.Through reading this book, you will not only build a solid foundation of the fundamentals of quantum computing, but you will also become familiar with a wide variety of modern quantum algorithms. Moreover, this book will give you the programming skills that will enable you to start applying quantum methods to solve practical problems right away.


ABC sam naprawiam komputer. Wydanie II

Bartosz Danowski, Andrzej Pyrchla

Złota komp-rączka W jaki sposób rozwiązać problemy z instalacją systemu? Jak usunąć złośliwe oprogramowanie? Co zrobić, gdy BIOS nie rozpoznaje dysków twardych i napędów optycznych? Rozpoznawaj objawy, diagnozuj usterki i sam naprawiaj swój komputer Przeciętny użytkownik komputera potrafi doskonale posługiwać się nim w takim zakresie, w jakim potrzebuje go do swoich codziennych zajęć. Jednak w przypadku jakichkolwiek -- nawet błahych -- awarii większość z nas staje się zupełnie bezradna wobec tego urządzenia i zaczyna w panice szukać kogoś, kto się na tym zna. A przecież jeśli poznasz budowę komputera, jego zasady działania oraz objawy typowych usterek, sam możesz świetnie poradzić sobie ze zdiagnozowaniem awarii i naprawą -- bez ponoszenia kosztów i oddawania sprzętu do serwisu. Książka "ABC sam naprawiam komputer. Wydanie II" prezentuje praktyczne i skuteczne rozwiązania dotyczące różnych usterek Twojego komputera. Podręcznik omawia nieinwazyjne i bezpieczne metody diagnozowania oraz usuwania awarii, które możesz przeprowadzić w warunkach domowych. Dowiesz się między innymi, co zrobić, jeśli niektóre urządzenia USB nie działają, lub jak poradzić sobie z sytuacją, gdy komputer zawiesza się albo masz kłopoty z instalacją systemu. Wreszcie, możesz nauczyć się rozwiązywać problem, gdy nie udaje się uzyskać litery "ł", lub gdy zamiast "z" pojawia się "y". Z tym poradnikiem świetnie poradzisz sobie z samodzielną naprawą komputera. Budowa komputera Diagnostyka w teorii i praktyce Prawidłowa konfiguracja ustawień BIOS Instalacja dwóch systemów na jednym komputerze Odzyskiwanie skasowanych plików i danych Zerowanie dysku Instalacja MS Windows XP oraz MS Windows Vista Identyfikacja oznaczeń procesorów Awarie płyt głównych, napędów optycznych i kart graficznych Czyszczenie i optymalizacja pracy systemu Przydatne oprogramowanie narzędziowe Ten podręcznik to Twój osobisty konsultant ds. napraw komputera!


ABC sam składam komputer. Wydanie IV

Bartosz Danowski, Andrzej Pyrchla

Czasy, w których musieliśmy samodzielnie składać komputery, niewątpliwie dawno odeszły już w przeszłość. Dziś możemy po prostu wybrać się do jednego z wielu sklepów komputerowych i zamówić w nim odpowiedni sprzęt. Do dyspozycji mamy też bogatą ofertę gotowych modeli, wśród których bez problemu powinniśmy znaleźć komputer najlepiej pasujący do naszych wymagań. Gorzej, gdy poszukujemy sprzętu nietypowego, nigdzie nie możemy znaleźć interesującego nas zestawu lub złożenie komputera naszych marzeń okazuje się dziwnie drogie. Jeszcze gorzej, gdy chcemy samodzielnie poskładać sprzęt w oparciu o elementy, którymi już dysponujemy. Wtedy przydałaby się szczegółowa instrukcja lub dobry przewodnik, który poprowadziłby nas za rękę i pomógł uniknąć nierzadko dość kosztownych błędów. Przewodnikiem takim jest "ABC sam składam komputer. Wydanie IV "— nowa edycja popularnej książki, dzięki której już kilkadziesiąt tysięcy użytkowników szybko poskładało komputery ku dużej satysfakcji własnej. Dzięki niej poznasz architekturę współczesnych komputerów osobistych, a także dowiesz się, jakie elementy są w nich wykorzystywane i jak zabrać się do pracy we właściwy sposób. Instalacja i konfiguracja sprzętu przestanie być dla Ciebie tematem tabu, a potencjalne problemy nie będą już wydawać się barierami nie do pokonania. Lektura wprowadzi Cię również w zagadnienia optymalizacji pracy komputera i instalowania najnowszej wersji systemu Windows. Wszystko to bez zbędnej i odstraszającej nowomowy technicznej, za to z mnóstwem praktycznych wskazówek i prostymi wyjaśnieniami najważniejszych kwestii. Prezentacja nowoczesnych platform komputerowych Wybór i zakup najlepszych komponentów Przygotowanie warsztatu pracy Montaż elementów wewnętrznych i niezbędnego okablowania Podłączanie urządzeń peryferyjnych Rozwiązywanie typowych problemów Konfiguracja ustawień BIOS-u Przygotowanie i instalacja systemu operacyjnego Optymalizacja pracy komputera Samodzielnie złóż swój komputer — to naprawdę nic trudnego!


ADempiere 3.4 ERP Solutions. Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in your organization can be a smooth process when you follow this ADempiere tutorial. From understanding the basics to customizing for your own needs, it’s a great intro to an excellent system

Bayu Cahya Pamungkas, Redhaun Redhaun

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are essential in today's business market. There are many options for ERP systems; however, ADempiere offers a solid foundation for developing a powerful ERP system that helps your business to manage data efficiently, streamline different processes, lower costs, and improve the efficiency levels without too much complexity. This practical book offers a comprehensive understanding of ADempiere and a look at its main features by way of developing and enhancing a sample case study from concept to deployment. This book will help you model complex business processes with ease.You will learn to install ADempiere followed by configuring the company structure and the initial client set up. You can start working with ADempiere immediately because this book will get you up and running quickly and assumes no knowledge or experience of working with ADempiere. ADempiere3.4 ERP Solutions enables you to set up the accounting parts, define the prerequisite data, learn about product and price management, and perform procurement and sales activities. When you read the book, you'll understand the concept behind the ADempiere workflow and the important function of managing the inventory. Activities such as making user-defined financial reports, procedures on importing data, and security will be covered in detail, and you will also learn about the application dictionary.ADempiere generates accounting facts/journals automatically. In this book, you will understand the impact of these accounting facts in detail. This book will give you a comprehensive study on how to easily implement ADempiere and make the best use of this open source ERP system.


Adobe Acrobat Ninja. A productivity guide with tips and proven techniques for business professionals using Adobe Acrobat

Urszula Witherell

Adobe Acrobat can help you solve a wide variety of problems that crop up when you work with PDF documents on a daily basis. The most common file type for business and communication, this compact portable document format is widely used to collect as well as present information, as well as being equipped with many lesser-known features that can keep your content secure while making it easy to share. From archive features that will keep your documents available for years to come to features related to accessibility, organizing, annotating, editing, and whatever else you use PDFs for, Acrobat has the answer if you know where to look.Designed for professionals who likely already use Adobe Acrobat Pro, this guide introduces many ideas, features, and online services, sorted and organized for you to easily find the topics relevant to your work and requirements.You can jump to any chapter without sifting through prior pages to explore the tools and functions explained through step-by-step instructions and examples. The information in some chapters may build on existing knowledge, but you are not expected to have an advanced level of prior experience.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of the many capabilities of PDFs and how Acrobat makes it possible to work in a way that you will never miss good old ink and paper.


Advanced Express Web Application Development. For experienced JavaScript developers this book is all you need to build highly scalable, robust applications using Express. It takes you step by step through the development of a single page application so you learn empirically

Andrew Keig

Building an Express application that is reliable, robust, maintainable, testable, and can scale beyond a single server requires a bit of extra thought and effort. Express applications that need to survive in a production environment will need to reach out to the Node ecosystem and beyond, for support.You will start by laying the foundations of your software development journey, as you drive-out features under test. You will move on quickly to expand on your existing knowledge, learning how to create a web API and a consuming client. You will then introduce a real-time element in your application.Following on from this, you will begin a process of incrementally improving your application as you tackle security, introduce SSL support, and how to handle security vulnerabilities. Next, the book will take you through the process of scaling and then decoupling your application. Finally, you will take a look at various ways you can improve your application's performance and reliability.


Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development. Working with the Publishing API, Placeholders, Search, Web Services, RSS, and Sharepoint Integration

Stefan Gossner, Lim Mei Ying, Angus Logan, Andrew Connell

Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 is a dynamic web publishing system with which you can build websites quickly and cost-efficiently. MCMS provides the administration, authoring, and data management functionality, and you provide the website interface, logic, and workflow. Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server (SPS) also features in the book. SPS 2003 enables enterprises to deploy an intelligent portal that seamlessly connects users, teams, and knowledge so that people can take advantage of relevant information across business processes to help them work more efficiently.You've mastered the basics of MCMS, and setup your own MCMS installation. You've only scratched the surface. This book is your gateway to squeezing every penny from your investment in MCMS and SPS, and making these two applications work together to provide an outstanding richness of content delivery and easy maintainability. As a developer, the Publishing API (PAPI) is at the heart of your work with MCMS, and this book starts by taking you on the most detailed tour of the PAPI you will find anywhere. As a live example, a component that reveals the structure of your MCMS site is created, taking you through how to manage the common elements of MCMS programmatically. Getting SharePoint and MCMS to work together is the next stop in the book. You will see how to use SharePoint's search engine to search MCMS content, publish content between the two systems, and create SharePoint Web Parts to draw content from MCMS.To ease your everyday work with MCMS, there are chapters on placeholder validation, and some useful custom placeholders for common MCMS tasks, such as a date-time picker, a placeholder for multiple attachments, and a DataGrid placeholder among others. There are a number of ways to consume MCMS content from the outside world, and we look at two exciting ways here; RSS and InfoPath/Web Services. The InfoPath solution provides another interface to MCMS content that allows content authors to concentrate on content and not the presentation. The book is rounded off with a number of must-have MCMS tips and tricks.Revert a posting to a previous version Change a postingÔø???s template Build a recycle bin Deal with links to deleted resources Update a postingÔø???s properties directly from a template file Re-write ugly URLs to friendly URLs Export resource gallery items using the site deployment API (SDAPI) Configure the position and size of the Web Author Console Dialogs Get frames and IFrames to work correctly in a template file


Agile Web Application Development with Yii1.1 and PHP5. For PHP developers who know object-oriented programming, this book is the fast track to learning the Yii framework. It takes a step-by-step approach to building a complete real-world application – teaching by practice rather than theory

Jeffrey Winesett, Qiang Xue (Project)

This book is a step by step tutorial in developing a real-world application using the incremental and iterative approach to software development. You learn about agile software development by leaning on the agile nature of the Yii application development framework. You touch on each aspect of the software development lifecycle by building a project task management application from concept through production deployment.After a brief, general introduction to the Yii framework and outlining the software development approach taken throughout the book, the chapters break down in the same way as software development iterations do in real-world projects. After the 1st iteration, you will have a working and tested application with a valid, tested connection to a database.In the 2nd and 3rd iterations, we flesh out our main database entities and domain object model and become familiar with Yii's object-relational-mapping (ORM) layer, Active Record. We also learn how to lean on Yii's auto-generation tools to automatically build our create/read/update/delete (CRUD) functionality against our newly created model. These iterations also focus on how Yii's form validation and submission model works. By the end of the third iteration you will have a working application that allows you to mange projects and issues (tasks) within those projects.The 4th and 5th iterations are dedicated to user management. We learn about the built-in authentication model within Yii to assist in application login and logout functionality. We then dive into the authorization model, first taking advantage of a Yii's simple access control model, then implementing the more sophisticated role-based access control (RBAC) framework that Yii provides.By the end of the 5th iteration, all of the basics of a task management application are in place. The next several iterations are focused on the nice-to-haves. We add user comment functionality, introducing a reusable content portlet architecture approach in the process. We add in an RSS Web feed and demonstrate how easy it is to integrate other third-party tools within a Yii application. We take advantage of Yii's theming structure to help streamline and design the application, and then introduce Yii's internationalization (I18N) features so the application can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.Finally, we turn our focus to production deployment. We introduce ways to optimize performance and security to prepare the application for a real-world production environment.


AI for Absolute Beginners: A Clear Guide to Tomorrow. Demystifying AI for Beginners and Paving the Path to Future Innovations

Oliver Theobald

The course begins with an engaging introduction to the world of Artificial Intelligence, making it approachable for absolute beginners. We unravel the mysteries of AI's evolution, from its historical roots to the cutting-edge technologies shaping our future. By explaining complex concepts in simple terms, this course aims to illuminate the path for those curious about how AI impacts our world.The course focuses on the core components of AI, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, before advancing to more specialized topics like generative AI and computer vision. Each module is designed to build a comprehensive understanding, emphasizing why these technologies are crucial for solving real-world problems and how they're transforming industries.The course wraps up by exploring the ethical considerations and privacy concerns associated with AI, along with a visionary look at the future of work in an AI-driven world. It offers a treasure trove of further resources, ensuring learners have everything they need to continue their exploration of AI.


AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications. Enhance the user experience of your PHP website using AJAX with this practical tutorial featuring detailed case studies

Mihai Bucica, Cristian Darie, Bogdan Brinzarea, Filip Chereches-Tosa, ...

Assuming a basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL, this book will help you understand how the heart of AJAX beats and how the constituent technologies work together. After teaching the foundations, the book will walk you through numerous real-world case studies covering tasks you'll be likely to need for your own applications:Server-enabled form-validation pageOnline chat collaboration toolCustomized type-ahead text entry solutionReal-time charting using SVGDatabase-enabled, editable and customizable data gridRSS aggregator applicationA server-managed sortable list with drag&drop support using the script.aculo.us JavaScript toolkitThe appendices guide you through installing your working environment, using powerful tools that enable debugging, improving, and profiling your code, working with XSLT and XPath.From the Author, Cristian Darie AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications is mainly a book for beginners, but when designing its contents we tried to find the ideal blend of topics that would help both novice and experienced web developers make a big step forward. One customer was very kind to let us know, through a review, that we succeeded:The theory behind all the technologies used is very clearly explained, without boring you with details about obvious things. Right from the first chapter you start learning by examples. The examples can be easily adapted to many web projects and they cover stuff that is both useful and fun.Here are a few examples of such useful and fun things that you can find in this book:details on using proxy scripts to work around the security measures in modern browsersclient-side and server-side code that doesn't break when fed with special characters (such as


Alexa Skills Projects. Build exciting projects with Amazon Alexa and integrate it with Internet of Things

Madhur Bhargava

Amazon Echo is a smart speaker developed by Amazon, which connects to Amazon’s Alexa Voice Service and is entirely controlled by voice commands. Amazon Echo is currently being used for a variety of purposes such as home automation, asking generic queries, and even ordering a cab or pizza.Alexa Skills Projects starts with a basic introduction to Amazon Alexa and Echo. You will then deep dive into Alexa Programmingconcepts such as Intents, Slots, Lambdas and maintaining your skill’s state using DynamoDB. You will get a clear understanding of how some of the most popular Alexa Skills work, and gain experience of working with real-world Amazon Echo applications. In the concluding chapters, you will explore the future of voice-enabled applications and their coverage with respect to the Internet of Things.By the end of the book, you will have learned to design Alexa Skills for specific purposes and interact with Amazon Echo to execute these skills.


Alfresco 3 Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for implementing the most important functionalities of Alfresco

Snig Bhaumik, Snig Bhaumik, Alfresco.com

Alfresco is the renowned and multiple award winning open source Enterprise content management system which allows you to build, design, and implement your very own ECM solutions.You have read a number of tutorials, blogs, and books on Alfresco. Now you're in the real world, trying to use Alfresco, but you’re running into problems with it. This is the book you want. Packed full of solutions that can be instantly applied, this cookbook with its practical based recipes and minimal explanation meets that demand.This Alfresco 3 cookbook boasts a comprehensive selection of recipes covering everything from the basics to the advanced. The book has recipes for quickly installing Alfresco in Windows and Linux and helping you use custom content model, rules, and search. There is also a collection of recipes focused on creating Scripts, Freemarker templates, Web Scripts, and new workflow definitions. Steps to integrate Alfresco with other systems like MS-Office are also included. You will be able to use Alfresco’s File and Email servers. Finally, step-by-step recipes are presented to create an Alfresco build environment and compile the source code. This Alfresco 3 Cookbook is perfect for developers looking to start working on Alfresco quickly, gain complete understanding, write custom implementations, and achieve expertise very easily.


Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation. How to customize, use, and administer this powerful, Open Source Java-based Enterprise CMS

Vinita Choudhary, Pallika Majmudar, Munwar Shariff, Amita Bhandari, ...

Alfresco 3.0 has generated a lot of curiosity with its new content management features. Users have been waiting for a book that covers these concepts along with the security, dashboards, and configuration features of Alfresco 3.Alfresco 3 includes Alfresco Surf, a new N-Tier Architecture, which delivers scalability and accommodates more users on existing hardware resources. This new release also includes a draft implementation of the CMIS specification, and Microsoft Office SharePoint Protocol support. The new multi-tenancy features enable Alfresco ECM to be configured as a single-instance multi-tenant environment.This well-crafted and easy-to-use book is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management in your business using Alfresco 3. It covers the enhanced document management, a new web-based collaborative application called Alfresco Share, and various integration options with external applications.Alfresco 3 offers true Enterprise Content Management (ECM) by providing an open source alternative to Microsoft SharePoint, Documentum, and Interwoven. It is the most popular Java-based CMS with over 1.5 million downloads, 50,000 live sites, 74,000 community members, and with more than 150 application extensions in forge. This book guides you through creating smart, collaborative content repositories and shows how to use Alfresco 3 to create more elegant document sharing, better collaborative working, and reliable automated workflow processes.The book also explains how administrators can set up Alfresco 3 for multiple business units as a single-instance multi-tenant environment. Business users can leverage Alfresco Share, a new built-in web-based collaborative content management application bundled with Alfresco repository. It simplifies capturing, sharing, and retrieval of information across virtual teams.This book shows you how to unleash the power of Alfresco 3 to create collaborative working systems in your enterprise


Alfresco 3 Records Management. Comply with regulations and secure your organization's records with Alfresco Records Management

Dick Weisinger, Richard B Weisinger, Alfresco.com

The Alfresco Records Management feature set is so complete that it is one of the very limited number of systems, and the only Open Source solution, that has been fully certified for Records Management use by the US Department of Defense. Record keeping is important because accurate records are really the only way that organizations can demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. The amount of regulation that organizations must comply with has gone up dramatically over the last decade, and the complexity of record management has increased proportionally.Alfresco 3 Records Management is a complete guide for setting up records programs within organizations. The book is the first and only one that describes Alfresco's implementation of Records Management. It not only teaches the technology for implementing Records Management, but also discusses the important roles that both processes and people play in the building of a successful records program.Alfresco 3 Records Management starts with a description of the importance of record keeping, especially from a regulatory compliance perspective. It then discusses Records Management best practices and standards, and goes on to describe step by step how to identify documents that need to be managed as records, how to use Alfresco Records Management software to set up the File Plan structure for organizing the storage of records, and then how to manage the lifecycle of the records.The book provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring Alfresco Records Management. The topics covered include setting up a record File Plan, filing records, establishing record retention schedules, setting up security and permissions, assigning metadata, extending the content model, using advanced search techniques, and creating system activity audit reports. The book also provides deep-dive information from a developer's perspective about how the Records Management module was implemented within the Alfresco Share platform.Alfresco 3 Records Management covers features available in both the Community and Enterprise versions of Alfresco software. By the end of this book, you will be able to successfully develop a records policy and implement it within Alfresco Records Management.


Alfresco 3 Web Services. Build Alfresco applications using Web Services, WebScripts and CMIS

Alfresco.com, Piergiorgio Lucidi, Ugo Cei

Alfresco 3 is the leading open source enterprise content management system that offers powerful features for interacting with the content in its repository from outside the system. These include the support for the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) implementation, reusable web scripts, and a Web Services API.This is the first book to show you how to use Web Services in Alfresco. Packed with examples, you'll learn how to build applications using Alfresco remote APIs based on SOAP and REST. You'll see how to use different APIs and bindings such as WebServices, WebScripts, and CMIS.Alfresco 3 Web Services starts off by showing you the services exposed by the Alfresco Web Services API, and how the API fits into the Alfresco software architecture.You learn to develop your application firstly by setting up and testing your Java development environment using the Alfresco SDK in Eclipse IDE and secondly by associating the Alfresco source code and Javadocs in Eclipse.With the help of real world practical examples, you learn how to do things like create, sort, and call Web Scripts, and invoke remote calls to Alfresco repository. To get the most from the Web Services API, you need to know about the basics of the Content Manipulation Language (CML), and the book takes you through this.Examples such as the bookshop application show you how to sign in, change user sessions, get, remove and change public and private associated contents, manage a cart for your e-commerce application, and so on.Next, by implementing a Microsoft .NET application using the Alfresco Web Services API, you see how to perform operations against the repository from your .NET application.The book provides you with REST and SOAP concepts, their comparison, basics of the FreeMarker language, Atom Publishing Protocol, JavaScript controllers, and the Apache Chemistry project.By the end of this book, you will be able to put together your knowledge about CMIS and the Apache Chemistry toolkit to develop a complete working application that uses Alfresco, via CMIS, as a back-end storage. Last but not the least, this book also covers the WebServices security profiles— the best practices for Web Services to promote better interoperability.


Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implementation. With Alfresco 4 you can manage content across the enterprise more effectively and corroboratively. This book helps you achieve great results, however basic or sophisticated your needs, with a hands-on, training course approach

Jayesh Prajapati, Snehal Shah, Munwar Shariff, Vandana Pal, ...

Alfresco 4 has improved a lot with its new and advanced concepts for content management. Users have been waiting for a book that covers these concepts along with security, dashboards, and the configuration features of Alfresco 4.Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implementation is a well-crafted and easy-to-use book, and it is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management for your business needs using Alfresco 4. It covers the enhanced document management, integration with standard productivity tools, and various integration options with proven external applications.This book will take you through a number of clear, practical sections that will help you to make a proper decision for your business needs using standard practices with Alfresco's Document Management and various third-party integrationsYou will learn how to install, administer, and manage your entire application. The concepts of mapping your business documents by extending content models and achieving your complex business process using Workflow models and business rules will be discussed in this book. Integration with various third party tools like MS Office, Mobile Application, Outlook, Liferay, Ephesoft, and Kofax will also be covered. You will learn to create your own custom workflow using Activiti BPMN 2.0 Process Designer and also maintain and administrate the entire application.This book explains everything you need to know to manage your documents using standard processes and mechanisms.


Amazon SimpleDB Developer Guide. Scale your application's database on the cloud using Amazon SimpleDB

Prabhakar Chaganti, Rich Helms, Richard Helms

SimpleDB is a highly scalable, simple-to-use, and inexpensive database in the cloud from Amazon Web Services. But in order to use SimpleDB, you really have to change your mindset. This isn't a traditional relational database; in fact it's not relational at all. For developers who have experience working with relational databases, this may lead to misconceptions as to how SimpleDB works.This practical book aims to address your preconceptions on how SimpleDB will work for you. You will be quickly led through the differences between relational databases and SimpleDB, and the implications of using SimpleDB. Throughout this book, there is an emphasis on demonstrating key concepts with practical examples for Java, PHP, and Python developers.You will be introduced to this massively scalable schema-less key-value data store: what it is, how it works, and why it is such a game-changer. You will then explore the basic functionality offered by SimpleDB including querying, code samples, and a lot more. This book will help you deploy services outside the Amazon cloud and access them from any web host.You will see how SimpleDB gives you the freedom to focus on application development. As you work through this book you will be able to optimize the performance of your applications using parallel operations, caching with memcache, asynchronous operations, and more.


Amazon Web Services: Migrating your .NET Enterprise Application. Evaluate your Cloud requirements and successfully migrate your .NET Enterprise Application to the Amazon Web Services Platform

Rob Linton

Amazon Web Services is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platform in the Cloud, which businesses can take advantage of as their needs demand. The Amazon Cloud provides the enterprise with the flexibility to choose whichever solution is required to solve specific problems, ultimately reducing costs by only paying for what you use.While enterprises understand moving their applications among infrastructure they own and manage, the differences in Amazon's infrastructure bring up specific business, legal, technical, and regulatory issues to get to grips with.This step-by-step guide to moving your Enterprise .NET application to Amazon covers not only the concept, technical design, and strategy, but also enlightens readers about the business strategy and in-depth implementation details involved in moving an application to Amazon. You'll discover how to map your requirements against the Amazon Cloud, as well as secure and enhance your application with AWS.This book helps readers achieve their goal of migrating a .NET Enterprise Application to the AWS cloud. It guides you through the process one step at a time with a sample enterprise application migration. After comparing the existing application with the newly migrated version, it then moves on to explain how to make the hosted application better. It covers how to leverage some of the scalability and redundancy built into the Cloud, and along the way you'll learn about all of the major AWS products like EC2, S3, and EBS.


Android Things Projects. Efficiently build IoT projects with Android Things

Francesco Azzola

Android Things makes developing connected embedded devices easy by providing the same Android development tools, best-in-class Android framework, and Google APIs that make developers successful on mobile.With this book, you will be able to take advantage of the new Android framework APIs to securely build projects using low-level components such as sensors, resistors, capacitors, and display controllers. This book will teach you all you need to know about working with Android Things through practical projects based on home automation, robotics, IoT, and so on. We’ll teach you to make the most of the Android Things and build enticing projects such as a smart greenhouse that controls the climate and environment automatically. You’ll also create an alarm system, integrate Android Things with IoT cloud platforms, and more. By the end of this book, you will know everything about Android Things, and you’ll have built some very cool projects using the latest technology that is driving the adoption of IoT. You will also have primed your mindset so that you can use your knowledge for profitable, practical projects.


Android Things Quick Start Guide. Build your own smart devices using the Android Things platform

Raul Portales

Android Things is the IoT platform made by Google, based on Android. It allows us to build smart devices in a simple and convenient way, leveraging on the Android ecosystem tools and libraries, while letting Google take care of security updates.This book takes you through the basics of IoT and smart devices. It will help you to interact with common IoT device components and learn the underlying protocols. For a simple setup, we will be using Rainbow HAT so that we don't need to do any wiring.In the first chapter, you will learn about the Android Things platform, the design concepts behind it, and how it relates to other IoT frameworks. We will look at the Developer Kits and learn how to install Android Things on them by creating a simple project.Later, we will explore the real power of Android Things, learning how to make a UI, designing and communicating with companion apps in different ways, showcasing a few libraries. We will demonstrate libraries and you will see how powerful the Android Things operating system is.