
Książki online z kategorii Hardware pomogą Ci nabyć praktycznych umiejętności z zakresu składania zestawów komputerowych oraz ich naprawy. Dowiesz się także, jak wykorzystywać popularne języki programowania typu JavaScript i C++ do tworzenia ciekawych projektów (np. systemów sygnalizacyjnych). Zainteresować mogą Cię też poradniki wprowadzające do Arduino.


Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS. Develop future-proof responsive websites using the latest HTML5 and CSS techniques - Third Edition

Ben Frain

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS, Third Edition is a renewed and extended version of one of the most comprehensive and bestselling books on the latest HTML5 and CSS tools and techniques for responsive web design.Written in the author's signature friendly and informal style, this edition covers all the newest developments and improvements in responsive web design including better user accessibility, variable fonts and font loading, CSS Scroll Snap, and much, much more. With a new chapter dedicated to CSS Grid, you will understand how it differs from the Flexbox layout mechanism and when you should use one over the other.Furthermore, you will acquire practical knowledge of SVG, writing accessible HTML markup, creating stunning aesthetics and effects with CSS, applying transitions, transformations, and animations, integrating media queries, and more. The book concludes by exploring some exclusive tips and approaches for front-end development from the author.By the end of this book, you will not only have a comprehensive understanding of responsive web design and what is possible with the latest HTML5 and CSS, but also the knowledge of how to best implement each technique.


Rhomobile Beginner's Guide. Step-by-step instructions to build an enterprise mobile web application from scratch

Abhishek Nalwaya

The four Rhomobile products – Rhodes, Rhosync, RhoHub, and Rhogallery – provide a complete toolkit for creating a mobile application. Rhomobile is cross-platform and so allows you to build your application for many different types of smartphone – including iPhone and Blackberry – just with a single codebase. This makes it the most preferred and quickest way of developing mobile apps. As you create a native Rhomobile application, you can use the built-in device features such as GPS, Push, and Camera, all with offline capabilities.Rhomobile Beginner's Guide is filled with practical examples to help you to create a mobile application from scratch. You can choose on which operating system to build, as well as for which smartphone to develop your application, giving you the freedom to create a customized mobile application quickly and easily.Once you have learned how to install Rhomobile on Windows, Mac, or Linux, you will create a simple application, which will be used to explore the products of Rhomobile one by one. Things really get going when you write unit test cases for your application before deploying it to the server and making builds for your chosen Smartphone.You will learn about the different aspects of Rhomobile, starting with Rhodes 3, which helps you to build a native mobile application. Rhosync 2.1 carries out the offline device capabilities and RhoHub deploys the code on the server and creates a build for the different smartphones.Rhomobile Beginner's Guide gives you the freedom to create a mobile web application on the platform of your choice, for the smartphone of your choice.


RISE with SAP towards a Sustainable Enterprise. Become a value-driven, sustainable, and resilient enterprise using RISE with SAP

Adil Zafar, Dharma Alturi, Sanket Taur, Mihir R. Gor

If you’re unsure whether adopting SAP S/4HANA is the right move for your enterprise, then this book is for you. This practical and comprehensive guide will help you determine your next steps toward building a business case, while preparing you for all the possible scenarios and enabling you to make informed decisions during implementation. RISEwith SAP toward a Sustainable Enterprise is packed with clear and detailed advice, including a run-through of what it takes to design the landscape using RISE with SAP. As you go through the chapters, you’ll get a solid understanding of precisely what services are available (such as Process Discovery, data migration, the fit-to-standard approach), and which scope items on RISE with SAP should be considered, allowing you to make the most of RISE with the SAP-based model. Finally, you’ll get an overview of different industry-based use cases and how they can be brought to reality with the platform that’s set up on the RISE with SAP offering. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build a detailed business case to determine if RISE with SAP is the right transformation engine for you, along with a clear idea of optimized landscape design on RISE with SAP that addresses the pain points for your implementation and support activities.


Robot Framework Test Automation. Create test suites and automated acceptance tests from scratch

Sumit Bisht

Testing has traditionally been a part of software development, and has always involved a lot of manual effort. It can be automated with Robot Framework, which offers numerous benefits from cost saving to increased quality assurance in the software delivery. This book will help you to start designing test suites and Automated Acceptance Tests.Helping you to get started with automating acceptance tests, this book will provide a detailed overview of acceptance test management practices and principles. You will also be introduced to advanced techniques that you can use to customize the test suite, along with helpful tips and tricks to extend and leverage it in a wide variety of scenarios.Starting with a detailed explanation of the need for automated acceptance test driven development, this guide will help you with an empty test project creation and execution for proof of concept, and validation of installation. This book will also cover the Robot Framework in detail, and will help you test desktop applications using Java Swing. You will gain an in-depth knowledge of tricky activities, such as setting up a test environment and using it with Selenium.You will also learn about other popular libraries, and how to test network protocols, web services, and databases. This book will cover the entire Robot Framework with real- world practical material to make its content informative and interesting.By the end of this book you will be able to write acceptance tests for desktop and web applications, as well as know how to extend acceptance testing in other scenarios that are commonly devoid of tests, and present the results appropriately.


Robot Operating System Cookbook. Over 70 recipes to help you master advanced ROS concepts

Kumar Bipin

This book will leverage the power of ROS with an introduction to its core and advanced concepts through exciting recipes. You will get acquainted with the use of different synchronous and asynchronous communication methods, including messages, services, and actions. You will learn how to use the various debugging and visualization tools used in development and how to interface sensors and actuators with the ROS framework.Firstly, you will get to grips with ROS simulation frameworks, such as Gazebo and RotorS for modeling and simulating any physical robot and virtual environment. You will also cover mobile robotics, micro-aerial vehicles, and robotic arms, which are the leading branches of robotic applications. Robot Operating System Cookbook will also guide you in the development of an autonomous navigation framework for both mobile robots and micro-aerial vehicles.Finally, you will explore ROS-Industrial, an open source project that extends the advanced capabilities of ROS software to manufacturing industries.


Robotics at Home with Raspberry Pi Pico. Build autonomous robots with the versatile low-cost Raspberry Pi Pico controller and Python

Danny Staple

The field of robotics is expanding, and this is the perfect time to learn how to create robots at home for different purposes. This book will help you take your first steps in planning, building, and programming a robot with Raspberry Pi Pico, an impressive controller bursting with I/O capabilities. After a quick tour of Pico, you’ll begin designing a robot chassis in 3D CAD. With easy-to-follow instructions, shopping lists, and plans, you’ll start building the robot. Further, you’ll add simple sensors and outputs to extend the robot, reinforce your design skills, and build your knowledge in programming with CircuitPython. You’ll also learn about interactions with electronics, standard robotics algorithms, and the discipline and process for building robots. Moving forward, you’ll learn how to add more complicated sensors and robotic behaviors, with increasing complexity levels, giving you hands-on experience. You’ll learn about Raspberry Pi Pico’s excellent features, such as PIO, adding capabilities such as avoiding walls, detecting movement, and compass headings. You’ll combine these with Bluetooth BLE for seeing sensor data and remotely controlling your robot with a smartphone. Finally, you’ll program the robot to find its location in an arena.By the end of this book, you’ll have built a robot at home, and be well equipped to build more with different levels of complexity.


Roboty JavaScript od podstaw. Projekty NodeBots dla platformy Johnny-Five z wykorzystaniem płytek Raspberry Pi, Arduino oraz BeagleBone

Rick Waldron, Andrew Fisher, Lyza Danger Gardner

Powszechnie JavaScript uważa się za doskonałe narzędzie do programowania aplikacji internetowych. To jednak nie wszystko: ten język świetnie nadaje się również do programowania robotów. Umożliwia zaprojektowanie zachowania robota, określenie, w jaki sposób będzie on zmierzał do celu, reagował na sygnały z otoczenia, oczekiwał na instrukcje czy omijał przeszkody. Bardzo wygodnym narzędziem do programowania robotów jest platforma Johnny-Five. Umożliwia ona programowanie robotów zbudowanych z płytek Arduino, Raspberry Pi i BeagleBone. Dzięki tej książce można nauczyć się budowania i programowania robotów o najrozmaitszej funkcjonalności i wielu zastosowaniach. Do jej napisania Rick Waldron zaprosił czternastu mistrzów JS — inżynierów, nauczycieli, popularyzatorów i liderów. Dowiesz się od nich, w jaki sposób zbudować poszczególne elementy robota, jakie części zastosować i jak napisać potrzebny kod. Podpowiedzą Ci, jak przygotować sobie warsztat pracy oraz zdobyć potrzebne materiały. Znajdziesz tu mnóstwo wskazówek pomocnych przy planowaniu, budowie i testowaniu już istniejących projektów. Poszczególne zadania zostały tak dobrane, aby po ich wykonaniu można było zabrać się za trudniejsze projekty, o wyższym stopniu złożoności. Zbuduj i zaprogramuj: roboty kroczące, piszące, pływające, a nawet tańczące domowy zegar słoneczny robota sterowanego głosem robota do sterowania oświetleniem system monitoringu robota ze sztuczną inteligencją robota delta interaktywne buty


Robotyka w domu przy użyciu Raspberry Pi Pico. Budowanie autonomicznych robotów przy użyciu elastycznego kontrolera Raspberry Pi Pico i języka Python

Danny Staple

Dziedzina robotyki rozrasta się i mamy teraz idealny moment, aby nauczyć się, jak tworzyć w domu roboty o różnym przeznaczeniu. Książka ta pomoże w podjęciu pierwszych kroków do planowania, budowy i programowania robota za pomocą Raspberry Pi Pico, robiącym wrażenie kontrolerze o ogromnym potencjale wejścia/wyjścia (I/O). Po krótkim przeglądzie Pico zaczniemy projektować korpus robota za pomocą narzędzia CAD 3D. Mając do dyspozycji proste do śledzenia instrukcje, listę zakupów i plany, zaczniecie budowę robota. Następnie dodacie proste czujniki i wyjścia, aby rozszerzyć działanie robota, podbudować swoje umiejętności projektowania i zdobyć wiedzę o programowaniu w języku CircuitPython. Dowiecie się także o interakcji z elektroniką, standardowych algorytmów robotyki oraz dyscypliny i procedur budowy robotów. Przechodząc dalej dowiecie się, jak dodawać bardziej skomplikowane czujniki i zachowania robota, na coraz wyższych poziomach złożoności, uzyskując praktyczne doświadczenia. Poznacie wspaniałe cechy Raspberry Pi Pico, jak PIO, dodawanie takich możliwości, jak unikanie ścian, wykrywanie ruchu i zrozumienie nagłówków. Połączycie to z Bluetooth BLE, aby oglądać dane z czujników i zdalnie kontrolować robota za pomocą smartfonu. Wreszcie zaprogramujecie robota, aby znajdować jego położenie na arenie. Kończąc tę książkę będziecie mieli zbudowanego samodzielnie robota i będziecie dobrze przygotowani do budowy innych o różnym stopniu złożoności. Czego się nauczycie? Interfejsu Raspberry Pi Pico z motorem do poruszania częściami Projektowania w CAD 3D za pomocą Free CAD Budowy prostego robota i rozszerzania na coraz bardziej złożone projekty Interfejsu Raspberry Pi Pico z czujnikami Bluetooth BLE Wizualizacji danych z pracy robota za pomocą MatPliotlib Algorytmów robotyki pozwalających na inteligentne zachowanie