
Książki online z kategorii Hardware pomogą Ci nabyć praktycznych umiejętności z zakresu składania zestawów komputerowych oraz ich naprawy. Dowiesz się także, jak wykorzystywać popularne języki programowania typu JavaScript i C++ do tworzenia ciekawych projektów (np. systemów sygnalizacyjnych). Zainteresować mogą Cię też poradniki wprowadzające do Arduino.

MooTools 1.3 Cookbook. Over 110 highly effective recipes to turbo-charge the user interface of any web-enabled Internet application and web page

Jay Larry G. Johnston, Jay L Johnston

MQTT Essentials - A Lightweight IoT Protocol. Send and receive messages with the MQTT protocol for your IoT solutions

Gaston C. Hillar

MySQL 5.1 Plugin Development. Extend MySQL to suit your needs with this unique guide into the world of MySQL plugins

Sergei Golubchik, Andrew Hutchings, Andrew Hutchings, Sergii Golubchyk

Nagios Core Administration Cookbook. Over 90 hands-on recipes that will employ Nagios Core as the anchor of monitoring on your network - Second Edition

Tom Ryder

.NET 4.0 Generics Beginner's Guide. Enhance the type safety of your code and create applications easily using Generics in the .NET 4.0 Framework with this book and

Sudipta Mukherjee

Next-Level Instructional Design. Master the four competencies shared by professional instructional designers

Susan Nelson Spencer

Nginx Troubleshooting. Investigate and solve problems with Nginx-powered websites using a deep understanding of the underlying principles

Alex Kapranoff, Rainer Duffner, Antonio Almeida, Alexey Kapranov

NumPy Cookbook. If you’re a Python developer with basic NumPy skills, the 70+ recipes in this brilliant cookbook will boost your skills in no time. Learn to raise productivity levels and code faster and cleaner with the open source mathematical library

Ivan Idris, NumPy

Object-Oriented Programming in ColdFusion. Break free from procedural programming and learn how to optimize your applications and enhance your skills using objects and design patterns

Matt Gifford, Matthew Gifford

Odoo Development Cookbook. Build effective applications by applying Odoo development best practices

Holger Brunn, Alexandre Fayolle, Daniel Reis

OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide. Create real time 3D applications using OGRE 3D from scratch

Felix Kerger, David Rogers

Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation. Create and implement a successful business strategy for improved performance throughout the whole enterprise

OpenCV Android Programming By Example. Leverage OpenCV to develop vision-aware and intelligent Android applications

Amgad Muhammad, Erik Hellman, Erik A Westenius, Amgad M Ahmed Muhammad