
Online books in the category Hardware will help you gain practical skills in assembling and fixing computers. Also, you will learn how to use popular programming languages like JavaScript and C++ for creating interesting projects (e.g. signalling systems). Introductory Arduino manuals can fascinate you as well.

3D Printing Blueprints. Using the free open-source Blender software, anyone can design models for 3D printing. Fantastic fun and a great experience whether or not you have a 3D printer, this book is a crash course in the new technology

Joe Larson

3D Printing with RepRap Cookbook. Over 80 fast-paced recipes to help you create and print 3D models

Richard Salinas

A Definitive Guide to Apache ShardingSphere. Transform any DBMS into a distributed database with sharding, scaling, encryption features, and more

Trista Pan, Zhang Liang, Yacine Si Tayeb

A Handbook of Mathematical Models with Python. Elevate your machine learning projects with NetworkX, PuLP, and linalg

Dr. Ranja Sarkar

A Practical Guide to Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Optimization. Hands-on Approach to Modern Quantum Algorithms

Alberto Di Meglio, Elías F. Combarro, Samuel González-Castillo, Alberto Di Meglio

ABC sam naprawiam komputer. Wydanie II

Bartosz Danowski, Andrzej Pyrchla

ABC sam składam komputer. Wydanie IV

Bartosz Danowski, Andrzej Pyrchla

Adobe Acrobat Ninja. A productivity guide with tips and proven techniques for business professionals using Adobe Acrobat

Urszula Witherell

Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development. Working with the Publishing API, Placeholders, Search, Web Services, RSS, and Sharepoint Integration

Stefan Gossner, Lim Mei Ying, Angus Logan, Andrew Connell

AI for Absolute Beginners: A Clear Guide to Tomorrow. Demystifying AI for Beginners and Paving the Path to Future Innovations

Oliver Theobald

AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications. Enhance the user experience of your PHP website using AJAX with this practical tutorial featuring detailed case studies

Mihai Bucica, Cristian Darie, Bogdan Brinzarea, Filip Chereches-Tosa, ...

Alexa Skills Projects. Build exciting projects with Amazon Alexa and integrate it with Internet of Things

Madhur Bhargava

Alfresco 3 Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for implementing the most important functionalities of Alfresco

Snig Bhaumik, Snig Bhaumik, Alfresco.com