
Online books in the category Hardware will help you gain practical skills in assembling and fixing computers. Also, you will learn how to use popular programming languages like JavaScript and C++ for creating interesting projects (e.g. signalling systems). Introductory Arduino manuals can fascinate you as well.

Building a Pentesting Lab for Wireless Networks. Build your own secure enterprise or home penetration testing lab to dig into the various hacking techniques

Andrey Popov, Vyacheslav Fadyushin, Aaron Woody

Building Bluetooth Low Energy Systems. Take your first steps in IoT

Muhammad Usama bin Aftab

Building Enterprise Ready Telephony Systems with sipXecs 4.0. Leveraging open source VOIP for a rock-solid communications system

Michael W. Picher, Michael Picher

Building job sites with Joomla!. Establish and be in charge of a job site using easily adaptable Joomla! Extensions

Santonu Kumar Dhar, Chris Davenport

Building Low Latency Applications with C++. Develop a complete low latency trading ecosystem from scratch using modern C++

Sourav Ghosh

Building Multicopter Video Drones. Build and fly multicopter drones to gather breathtaking video footage

Ty Audronis

Building Online Stores with osCommerce: Beginner Edition. A step by step introduction to osCommerce

David Mercer