
Online books in the category Hardware will help you gain practical skills in assembling and fixing computers. Also, you will learn how to use popular programming languages like JavaScript and C++ for creating interesting projects (e.g. signalling systems). Introductory Arduino manuals can fascinate you as well.

Head First. Java. Head First. Java

Head First. Патерни проєктування

Ерік Фрімен

History Teaching with Moodle 2. History teaching can gain a lot from the interactive elements of the Moodle virtual learning environment, and this book will show you how to transform your existing courses easily and quickly with no technical knowledge needed

John Mannion, Moodle Trust

HTML5 Multimedia Development Cookbook. Recipes for practical, real-world HTML5 multimedia driven development

Lee Jordan, Dale Cruse

iAd Production Beginner's Guide. Create motion-rich, beautiful iAd adverts for iOS devices and incorporate techniques to help boost revenue and brand awareness

Ben Collier

IBM Cognos 10 Framework Manager. Full of practical instructions and expert know-how, this book continues where the official manual ends, taking you from the basics into the more advanced features of IBM Cognos Framework Manager in clear, progressive steps

Terence Phillip Curran

IBM Cognos 8 Planning. Engineer a clear-cut strategy for achieving best-in-class results using IBM Cognos 8 Planning with this book and

Rich Babaran, Ned Riaz, Jason Edwards