
Online books in the category Hardware will help you gain practical skills in assembling and fixing computers. Also, you will learn how to use popular programming languages like JavaScript and C++ for creating interesting projects (e.g. signalling systems). Introductory Arduino manuals can fascinate you as well.

IoT Projects with Bluetooth Low Energy. Harness the power of connected things

Madhur Bhargava

iPhone User Interface Cookbook. A concise dissection of Apple’s iOS user interface design principles

Cameron Banga

IT Inventory and Resource Management with OCS Inventory NG 1.02. Eliminate inventorying dilemmas by implementing a free and feasible IT Inventory solution

Barzan Antal Tony (Euro), Barzan "Tony" Antal, Pierre Lemmet

Jak zaprogramować robota. Zastosowanie Raspberry Pi i Pythona w tworzeniu autonomicznych robotów. Wydanie II

Danny Staple

JasperReports 3.5 for Java Developers

David R Heffelfinger, David R. Heffelfinger, Teodor Danciu

JasperReports for Java Developers

David R. Heffelfinger, David R Heffelfinger, Teodor Danciu

JavaFX 1.2 Application Development Cookbook. Over 60 recipes to create rich Internet applications with many exciting features

Vladimir Vivien

JavaScript w praktyce. Stwórz twitterowego bota, system sygnalizacyjny LED i inne projekty z użyciem Node.js i Raspberry Pi

Lynn Beighley