
Książki online z kategorii Hardware pomogą Ci nabyć praktycznych umiejętności z zakresu składania zestawów komputerowych oraz ich naprawy. Dowiesz się także, jak wykorzystywać popularne języki programowania typu JavaScript i C++ do tworzenia ciekawych projektów (np. systemów sygnalizacyjnych). Zainteresować mogą Cię też poradniki wprowadzające do Arduino.

Angular 2 Components. Practical and easy-to-follow guide to Angular 2 Components

Robin Böhm, Nir Kaufman, Thierry Templier Thierry

Angular and Deep Learning Pocket Primer. A Comprehensive Guide to AI and Expert Systems for Professionals

Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato

Apache OfBiz Cookbook. Over 60 simple but incredibly effective recipes for taking control of OFBiz

Ruth Hoffman, Brian Fitzpatrick

Apache Roller 4.0 - Beginner's Guide. A comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to set up, customize, and market your blog using Apache Roller

Alfonso V. Romero, Brian Fitzpatrick, Alfonso Vidal Romero

Apache Tomcat 7 Essentials. This book takes you from beginner to expert in logical stages, covering all the essentials of Tomcat 7 from trouble-free installation to building your own middleware servers. Packed with examples and illustrations

Tanuj Khare

Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform. An in-depth scenario-driven approach to architecting systems using Microsoft technologies

Stephen Thomas, Stephen W. Thomas, Mike Sexton, Rama Ramani, ...

Architecting and Building High-Speed SoCs. Design, develop, and debug complex FPGA based systems-on-chip

Mounir Maaref