
Książki online z kategorii Hardware pomogą Ci nabyć praktycznych umiejętności z zakresu składania zestawów komputerowych oraz ich naprawy. Dowiesz się także, jak wykorzystywać popularne języki programowania typu JavaScript i C++ do tworzenia ciekawych projektów (np. systemów sygnalizacyjnych). Zainteresować mogą Cię też poradniki wprowadzające do Arduino.

Learning Articulate Storyline. You don't need any programming skills to create great e-learning material with Storyline. This book will get you up to speed with all the super user-friendly features of the tool, making you a proficient e-learning author in no time

Stephanie Harnett

Learning AWS IoT. Effectively manage connected devices on the AWS cloud using services such as AWS Greengrass, AWS button, predictive analytics and machine learning

Agus Kurniawan

Learning BeagleBone. Learn how to love and care for your BeagleBone and teach it tricks

Hunyue Yau

Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 3D Beginner's Guide. The beauty of this book is that it assumes absolutely no knowledge of coding at all. Starting from very first principles it will end up giving you an excellent grounding in the writing of C# code and scripts

Learning C for Arduino. A comprehensive guide that will help you ace C's fundamentals using the powerful Arduino board

Learning Ceph. Unifed, scalable, and reliable open source storage solution - Second Edition

Karan Singh, Vaibhav Bhembre, Anthony D'Atri

Learning Embedded Android N Programming. Click here to enter text

Stefano Viola, Ivan Morgillo

Learning Go Programming. Click here to enter text

Vladimir Vivien, Parth Desai