
Hands-On RESTful Web Services with TypeScript 3. Design and develop scalable RESTful APIs for your applications

Biharck Muniz Araújo

JavaScript at Scale. Build web applications that last, with scaling insights from the front-line of JavaScript development

Adam Boduch

JavaScript w praktyce. Stwórz twitterowego bota, system sygnalizacyjny LED i inne projekty z użyciem Node.js i Raspberry Pi

Lynn Beighley

Learning Yeoman. Design, implement, and deliver a successful modern web application project using three powerful tools in the Yeoman workflow

Jonathan Spratley

MEAN Web Development. Master real-time MEAN web application development and learn how to construct a MEAN application using a combination of MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js

Amos Q. Haviv

Modern Full-Stack React Projects. Build, maintain, and deploy modern web apps using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js

Daniel Bugl, Matthias Zronek

Nest.js: A Progressive Node.js Framework. Hit the ground running with Nest.js

Greg Magolan, Patrick Housley, Adrien de Peretti, Jay Bell, ...

Node Cookbook. Discover solutions, techniques, and best practices for server-side web development with Node.js 14 - Fourth Edition

Bethany Griggs