
Practical Mobile Forensics. Dive into mobile forensics on iOS, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry devices with this action-packed, practical guide

Satish Bommisetty, Rohit Tamma, Heather Mahalik

Programowanie aplikacji na iPhone 4. Poznaj platformę iOS SDK3 od podstaw

Jeff LaMarche, David Mark, Jack Nutting

Projektowanie witryn internetowych dla urządzeń mobilnych

Gail Frederick, Rajesh Lal

Projekty elektroniczne na iPhone i iPad. Niekonwencjonalne gadżety z technologią Arduino i techBASIC

Mike Westerfield

Swift by Example

Giordano Scalzo

Swift Cookbook. Over 50 hands-on recipes to help you create apps, solve problems, and build your portfolio of projects in Swift

Cecil Costa, Cecil Costa

Swift Cookbook. Proven recipes for developing robust iOS applications with Swift 5.9 - Third Edition

Keith Moon, Chris Barker, Daniel Bolella, Nathan Lawlor

Swift Essentials. Get up and running lightning fast with this practical guide to building applications with Swift

Bandlem Limited