
Active Directory w systemach wolnego oprogramowania

Zbigniew Góra

Angielsko-polski słownik IA, UX, UI & SEO

Anna Matysek, Jacek Tomaszczyk

Apache Maven Cookbook. Over 90 hands-on recipes to successfully build and automate development life cycle tasks following Maven conventions and best practices

Raghuram Bharathan, SRIRANGAN .

Augmented Reality for Developers. Build practical augmented reality applications with Unity, ARCore, ARKit, and Vuforia

Jonathan Linowes, Krystian Babilinski

Beginning DevOps with Docker. Automate the deployment of your environment with the power of the Docker toolchain

Joseph Muli

Chmura Azure. Praktyczne wprowadzenie dla administratora. Implementacja, monitorowanie i zarządzanie ważnymi usługami i komponentami IaaS/PaaS

Mustafa Toroman

Cloud Native with Kubernetes. Deploy, configure, and run modern cloud native applications on Kubernetes

Alexander Raul

Containerization with LXC. Build, manage, and configure Linux containers

Konstantin Ivanov