System security


Unveiling the NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF). A practical guide to implementing RMF and managing risks in your organization

Thomas Marsland, Jaclyn "Jax" Scott

Overcome the complexities of the NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) with this comprehensive and practical resource. Offering invaluable insights, this guide equips individuals and organizations with the understanding and tools necessary to implement the framework and safeguard against cyber threats.Complete with clear explanations, best practices, and real-world examples, this book guides you through the RMF process, covering its history, components, and stages. You’ll then delve into the RMF approach—prepare, categorize, select, implement, assess, authorize, and monitor—and deepen your understanding as you explore real-world case studies. The book also focuses on cultivating practical skills for implementing the RMF in your organization, covering essential tasks such as forming a security team, conducting security assessments, and preparing for audits. What’s more? You’ll learn how to establish continuous monitoring processes, develop robust incident response plans, and analyze security incidents efficiently.By the end of this risk management book, you’ll have gained the practical skills and confidence to systematically manage and mitigate cybersecurity risks within your organization.


User Experience Mapping. Enhance UX with User Story Map, Journey Map and Diagrams

Do you want to create better products and innovative solutions? User experience maps will help you understand your users and improve communication with them. Maps can also champion user-centricity within the organization.This book is the first print resource covering two advanced mapping techniques—the behavioral change map and the 4D UX map. You’ll explore user story maps, task models, and journey maps, while also creating wireflows, mental model maps, ecosystem maps, and solution maps. You’ll learn how to use insights from real users to create and improve your maps and products.The book delves into each major user experience map type, ranging from simple techniques based on sticky notes to more complex map types, and guides you in solving real-world problems with maps. You’ll understand how to create maps using a variety of software products, including Adobe Illustrator, Balsamiq Mockups, Axure RP, and Microsoft Word. Besides, you can draw each map type with pen and paper too!The book also showcases communication techniques and workshop ideas. You’ll learn about the Kaizen-UX management framework, developed by the author, now used by many agencies and in-house UX teams in Europe and beyond.Buying this book will give you hundreds of hours worth of user experience knowledge, from one of the world’s leading UX consultants. It will change your users’ world for the better. If you are still not convinced, we have hidden some cat drawings in it, just in case.


VMware NSX Cookbook. Over 70 recipes to master the network virtualization skills to implement, validate, operate, upgrade, and automate VMware NSX for vSphere

Bayu Wibowo, Tony Sangha

This book begins with a brief introduction to VMware's NSX for vSphere Network Virtualization solutions and how to deploy and configure NSX components and features such as Logical Switching, Logical Routing, layer 2 bridging and the Edge Services Gateway. Moving on to security, the book shows you how to enable micro-segmentation through NSX Distributed Firewall and Identity Firewall and how to do service insertion via network and guest introspection. After covering all the feature configurations for single-site deployment, the focus then shifts to multi-site setups using Cross-vCenter NSX.Next, the book covers management, backing up and restoring, upgrading, and monitoring using built-in NSX features such as Flow Monitoring, Traceflow, Application Rule Manager, and Endpoint Monitoring. Towards the end, you will explore how to leverage VMware NSX REST API using various tools from Python to VMware vRealize Orchestrator.


Warsztat hakera. Testy penetracyjne i inne techniki wykrywania podatności

Matthew Hickey, Jennifer Arcuri

Bezpieczeństwo systemów informatycznych niejednemu spędza sen z powiek, konsekwencje udanego włamania bowiem mogą oznaczać milionowe straty i zrujnowaną reputację. Przy czym odpowiednie zabezpieczenie systemu jest dla wielu podmiotów niezwykle trudne, gdyż w zespołach brakuje osób z odpowiednimi umiejętnościami. Nawet zatrudnienie zewnętrznego konsultanta nie daje gwarancji, że firmowy system informatyczny będzie bezpieczny i odpowiednio chroniony przed atakami. Okazuje się, że najpewniejszą metodą jest gruntowne przyswojenie wiedzy i umiejętności hakerskich. Ta książka stanowi kurs praktycznych technik hakowania, dzięki którym dokładnie poznasz zasady i narzędzia używane do przełamywania zabezpieczeń i uzyskiwania dostępu do chronionych danych. Dowiesz się, w jaki sposób należy się przygotować do przeprowadzenia ataku, a także jakie aspekty infrastruktury sieciowej stanowią o jej niedoskonałości i podatności. Poznasz metody zbierania informacji z otwartych źródeł, systemu DNS, usług pocztowych, serwerów WWW, sieci VPN, serwerów plików lub baz danych i aplikacji sieciowych. Nauczysz się korzystać z narzędzi i exploitów do hakowania systemów: Linux, Unix i Microsoft Windows. Do praktycznych ćwiczeń posłużą Ci laboratoria - specjalne środowiska przygotowane do bezpiecznego hakowania, dzięki czemu łatwiej zdobędziesz potrzebne umiejętności. W książce: teoretyczne, praktyczne, prawne i etyczne aspekty hakowania koncepcja purpurowych zespołów protokoły współczesnego internetu i ich problemy włamywanie się do maszyn pracujących pod kontrolą różnych systemów operacyjnych krytyczne podatności aplikacji sieciowych metody zawodowego hakera Przekonaj się, jak łatwo jest się włamać do Twojego systemu


Windows 10 for Enterprise Administrators. Modern Administrators’ guide based on Redstone 3 version

Richard Diver, Manuel Singer, Jeff Stokes

Microsoft's launch of Windows 10 is a step toward satisfying enterprise administrators' needs for management and user experience customization. This book provides enterprise administrators with the knowledge needed to fully utilize the advanced feature set of Windows 10 Enterprise.This practical guide shows Windows 10 from an administrator's point of view. You'll focus on areas such as installation and configuration techniques based on your enterprise requirements, various deployment scenarios and management strategies, and setting up and managing admin and other user accounts. You'll see how to configure Remote Server Administration Tools to remotely manage Windows Server and Azure Active Directory. Lastly, you will learn modern mobile device management for effective BYOD and how to enable enhanced data protection, system hardening, and enterprise-level security with the new Windows 10 in order to prevent data breaches and to impede attacks.By the end of this book, you will know the key technologies and capabilities in Windows 10 and will confidently be able to manage and deploy these features in your organization.


Windows Forensics Cookbook. Over 60 practical recipes to acquire memory data and analyze systems with the latest Windows forensic tools

Scar de Courcier, Oleg Skulkin

Windows Forensics Cookbook provides recipes to overcome forensic challenges and helps you carry out effective investigations easily on a Windows platform. You will begin with a refresher on digital forensics and evidence acquisition, which will help you to understand the challenges faced while acquiring evidence from Windows systems. Next you will learn to acquire Windows memory data and analyze Windows systems with modern forensic tools. We also cover some more in-depth elements of forensic analysis, such as how to analyze data from Windows system artifacts, parse data from the most commonly-used web browsers and email services, and effectively report on digital forensic investigations. You will see how Windows 10 is different from previous versions and how you can overcome the specific challenges it brings. Finally, you will learn to troubleshoot issues that arise while performing digital forensic investigations. By the end of the book, you will be able to carry out forensics investigations efficiently.


Windows Ransomware Detection and Protection. Securing Windows endpoints, the cloud, and infrastructure using Microsoft Intune, Sentinel, and Defender

Marius Sandbu

If you’re looking for an effective way to secure your environment against ransomware attacks, this is the book for you. From teaching you how to monitor security threats to establishing countermeasures to protect against ransomware attacks, Windows Ransomware Detection and Protection has it all covered.The book begins by helping you understand how ransomware attacks work, identifying different attack vectors, and showing you how to build a secure network foundation and Windows environment. You’ll then explore ransomware countermeasures in different segments, such as Identity and Access Management, networking, Endpoint Manager, cloud, and infrastructure, and learn how to protect against attacks. As you move forward, you’ll get to grips with the forensics involved in making important considerations when your system is attacked or compromised with ransomware, the steps you should follow, and how you can monitor the threat landscape for future threats by exploring different online data sources and building processes.By the end of this ransomware book, you’ll have learned how configuration settings and scripts can be used to protect Windows from ransomware attacks with 50 tips on security settings to secure your Windows workload.