Bezpieczeństwo systemów

Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals Exam Ref SC-900. Familiarize yourself with security, identity, and compliance in Microsoft 365 and Azure

Dwayne Natwick, Sonia Cuff

Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Exam Ref SC-200 Certification Guide. Manage, monitor, and respond to threats using Microsoft Security Stack for securing IT systems

Trevor Stuart, Joe Anich

Microsoft Sentinel in Action. Architect, design, implement, and operate Microsoft Sentinel as the core of your security solutions - Second Edition

Richard Diver, Gary Bushey, John Perkins

Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008. Bezpieczeństwo środowiska z wykorzystaniem Forefront Security

Światowiak Jacek

Mobile App Reverse Engineering. Get started with discovering, analyzing, and exploring the internals of Android and iOS apps

Abhinav Mishra

Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies. Click here to enter text

Oleg Afonin, Vladimir Katalov

Mobile Forensics Cookbook. Data acquisition, extraction, recovery techniques, and investigations using modern forensic tools

Igor Mikhaylov

Modele rozwiązań prawnych w systemie cyberbepiczeństwa RP. Rekomendacje

red. Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Agnieszka Brzostek