

Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett Horseracing is the sport of kings, perhaps because racehorses are very expensive animals. But when they win, they can make a lot of money for the owners, for the trainers, and for the people who put bets on them. Silver Blaze is a young horse, but already the winner of many races. One night he disappears, and someone kills his trainer. The police want the killer, and the owner wants his horse, but they can't find them. So what do they do? They write to 221B Baker Street, of course - to ask for the help of the great detective, Sherlock Holmes.


Sherlock Holmes Short Stories - With Audio Level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Retold for Learners of English by Clare West. Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective of them all. He sits in his room, and smokes his pipe. He listens, and watches, and thinks. He listens to the steps coming up the stairs; he watches the door opening - and he knows what question the stranger will ask. In these three of his best stories, Holmes has three visitors to the famous flat in Baker Street - visitors who bring their troubles to the only man in the world who can help them.


Sherlock Holmes Short Stories Level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Clare West Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective of them all. He sits in his room, and smokes his pipe. He listens, and watches, and thinks. He listens to the steps coming up the stairs; he watches the door opening - and he knows what question the stranger will ask. In these three of his best stories, Holmes has three visitors to the famous flat in Baker Street - visitors who bring their troubles to the only man in the world who can help them.


Sherlock Holmes: Two Plays - With Audio Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Retold for Learners of English by John Escott. Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective the world has ever seen, and he knows it. As the famous bank-robber, John Clay, says to him, 'You think of everything, Mr Holmes. You're very clever.' People come to him with problems that no one, not even the police, can solve. Holmes sits, and thinks, and smokes his pipe, and in the end he finds the answer. In these plays, based on two of his stories, Holmes, helped by his old friend, Dr Watson, uses his great intelligence to solve two unusual and interesting cases.


Shirley Homes and the Cyber Thief - With Audio Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Bassett, Jennifer

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett. Shirley Homes, private investigator. Like Sherlock Holmes a hundred years ago, she lives in London, enjoys working on difficult cases, and has some helpful friends. She understands people, is a good listener, and of course, she is clever with computers. In today's world that is important, because a lot of crime is cyber crime. In this second Shirley Homes detective story, Shirley must catch a cyber thief. But how? You can't see a cyber thief, you can't hear a cyber thief. Only the computer knows, and the computer isn't talking . . .


Shirley Homes and the Cyber Thief Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Bassett, Jennifer

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett. Shirley Homes, private investigator. Like Sherlock Holmes a hundred years ago, she lives in London, enjoys working on difficult cases, and has some helpful friends. She understands people, is a good listener, and of course, she is clever with computers. In today's world that is important, because a lot of crime is cyber crime. In this second Shirley Homes detective story, Shirley must catch a cyber thief. But how? You can't see a cyber thief, you can't hear a cyber thief. Only the computer knows, and the computer isn't talking . . .


Shirley Homes and the Lithuanian Case - With Audio Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Bassett, Jennifer

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett. Shirley Homes is a private investigator. She is clever with computers, and knows London like the back of her hand. She laughs when people say, 'Was Sherlock Holmes your grandfather?' Sherlock Holmes, of course, was not a real person, but, like Sherlock, Shirley has good eyes, and good ears. And she knows the right questions to ask. And in the Lithuanian Case, the right questions are important. Because Shirley must find a missing person - Carrie Williams, aged fifteen. Where is she? Who is she with?


Shirley Homes and the Lithuanian Case Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Bassett, Jennifer

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett. Shirley Homes is a private investigator. She is clever with computers, and knows London like the back of her hand. She laughs when people say, 'Was Sherlock Holmes your grandfather?' Sherlock Holmes, of course, was not a real person, but, like Sherlock, Shirley has good eyes, and good ears. And she knows the right questions to ask. And in the Lithuanian Case, the right questions are important. Because Shirley must find a missing person - Carrie Williams, aged fifteen. Where is she? Who is she with?


Silas Marner - With Audio Level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library

Eliot, George

A level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Retold for Learners of English by Clare West. In a hole under the floorboards Silas Marner the linen-weaver keeps his gold. Every day he works hard at his weaving, and every night he takes the gold out and holds the bright coins lovingly, feeling them and counting them again and again. The villagers are afraid of him and he has no family, no friends. Only the gold is his friend, his delight, his reason for living. But what if a thief should come in the night and take his gold away? What will Silas do then? What could possibly comfort him for the loss of his only friend?


Silas Marner Level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library

Eliot, George

A level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Clare West In a hole under the floorboards Silas Marner the linen-weaver keeps his gold. Every day he works hard at his weaving, and every night he takes the gold out and holds the bright coins lovingly, feeling them and counting them again and again. The villagers are afraid of him and he has no family, no friends. Only the gold is his friend, his delight, his reason for living. But what if a thief should come in the night and take his gold away? What will Silas do then? What could possibly comfort him for the loss of his only friend?


Sister Love and Other Crime Stories - With Audio Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Escott, John

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by John Escott. Some sisters are good friends, some are not. Sometimes there is more hate in a family than there is love. Karin is beautiful and has lots of men friends, but she can be very unkind to her sister Marcia. Perhaps when they were small, there was love between them, but that was a long time ago. They say that everybody has one crime in them. Perhaps they only take an umbrella that does not belong to them. Perhaps they steal from a shop, perhaps they get angry and hit someone, perhaps they kill . . .


Sister Love and Other Crime Stories Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Escott, John

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by John Escott. Some sisters are good friends, some are not. Sometimes there is more hate in a family than there is love. Karin is beautiful and has lots of men friends, but she can be very unkind to her sister Marcia. Perhaps when they were small, there was love between them, but that was a long time ago. They say that everybody has one crime in them. Perhaps they only take an umbrella that does not belong to them. Perhaps they steal from a shop, perhaps they get angry and hit someone, perhaps they kill . . .


SITOPIA Jak jedzenie może ocalić świat

Steel Carolyn

Szacunek do jedzenia to coś dużo więcej niż radość z organicznej marchewki czy kawałka dobrego sera; to nasza jedyna droga przeżycia. Dlaczego jedzenie uratuje świat? Bo wszyscy jemy. Bo gotując i jedząc wspólnie, dowodzimy swojego człowieczeństwa. Bo proces produkcji jedzenia ma ogromy wpływ na planetę i na nasze zdrowie, a zmieniając nasze menu, możemy uratować świat i pomóc sobie nawzajem. Industrializacja osłabiła lub nawet zerwała nasze więzi z naturą. Bogaci są coraz bogatsi i szczuplejsi, a biedni, nie mając czasu i pieniędzy, jedzą tanie przetworzone jedzenie co ma ogromny, negatywny wpływ na ich zdrowie. Carolyn Steel ostrzega, że jeśli nie zsynchronizujemy się z naturą na wzór naszych przodków i nie zmienimy swojego stosunku do tego, co i jak jemy – zniszczymy naszą planetę bezpowrotnie. W siedmiu rozdziałach, poświęconych odpowiednio zagadnieniom jedzenia, ciała, domu, społeczeństwa, miasta i wsi, natury oraz czasu autorka zastanawia się nad rolą i wartością pożywienia i nad naszym stosunkiem do niego. „Szacunek do jedzenia […] to nasza jedyna droga przeżycia.” - pisze. Dlatego marzy o samożywiących się miastach z ogrodami na dachach i farmami wertykalnymi, analizuje poglądy starożytnych filozofów i osiągnięcia współczesnej nauki. W skrócie - marzy o sitopii. Dobra sitopia to naturalnie zeroemisyjne społeczeństwo, ponieważ całe pożywienie wywodzi się z natury, a dobre praktyki rolnicze dbają o naturalne cykle ekologiczne i je naśladują. Nie uczą tego w szkole, ale intuicja moralna ci podpowiada, że możesz mieć dobre życie tylko jeśli zatroszczysz się o swój świat. Niekoniecznie jednak wiesz, co możesz zrobić, zaczynając od swojej kuchni, spiżarni, lodówki, zamiast czekać aż ktoś znów wymyśli za nas uniwersalne rozwiązanie. Które jak wszystko co uniwersalne, jest dobre dla wszystkich a zatem dla nikogo. Słusznie zatem dałeś się skusić przez tę książkę. Zacznij od siebie, zacznij czytać. Paweł Bravo [fragment wstępu]


Skyjack! - With Audio Level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library

Vicary, Tim

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Tim Vicary. When a large plane is hijacked, the Prime Minister looks at the list of passengers and suddenly becomes very, very frightened. There is a name on the list that the Prime Minister knows very well - too well. There is someone on that plane who will soon be dead - if the hijackers can find out who he is! And there isn't much time. One man lies dead on the runway. In a few minutes the hijackers will use their guns again. And the Prime Minister knows who they are going to kill.


Skyjack! Level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library

Vicary, Tim

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Written for Learners of English by Tim Vicary When a large plane is hijacked, the Prime Minister looks at the list of passengers and suddenly becomes very, very frightened. There is a name on the list that the Prime Minister knows very well - too well. There is someone on that plane who will soon be dead - if the hijackers can find out who he is! And there isn't much time. One man lies dead on the runway. In a few minutes the hijackers will use their guns again. And the Prime Minister knows who they are going to kill.


Słowa i zbawienie. Dyskurs religijny w perspektywie filozofii Hilarego Putnama

Piotr Sikora

  Głównym zamierzeniem pracy jest sformułowanie poglądu na temat sensowności, racjonalności i prawdziwości dyskursu religijnego. Autor szuka inspiracji i podstaw dla swych przemyśleń w poglądach Hilarego Putnama, znanego i cenionego filozofa analitycznego. Książka składa się z trzech części – dwie pierwsze poświęcone są prezentacji i uzasadnieniu perspektywy Putnamowskiej, trzecia natomiast zasadniczemu tematowi, którym jest żywo dziś dyskutowana kwestia: czy język religijny posiada wartość poznawczą i czy jest on dyskursem na tyle racjonalnym, by można było mówić o racjonalności zaangażowania religijnego.