
Hands-On GUI Programming with C++ and Qt5. Build stunning cross-platform applications and widgets with the most powerful GUI framework

Lee Zhi Eng

Hands-on Nuxt.js Web Development. Build universal and static-generated Vue.js applications using Nuxt.js

Hands-On RESTful API Design Patterns and Best Practices. Design, develop, and deploy highly adaptable, scalable, and secure RESTful web APIs

Harihara Subramanian J, Pethuru Raj

Hartowanie Linuksa we wrogich środowiskach sieciowych. Ochrona serwera od TLS po Tor

Kyle Rankin

HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification Guide. Pass the Terraform Associate exam and manage IaC to scale across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud

Ravi Mishra

HoloLens Blueprints. Build immersive AR and Mixed Reality Applications

Abhijit Jana, Manish Sharma, Mallikarjuna Rao

Industrial Internet Application Development. Simplify IIoT development using public cloud and native cloud services

Alena Traukina, Jayant Thomas, Prashant Tyagi, Veera Kishore Reddipalli

Interakcja człowiek-komputer

Marcin Sikorski

Interfejs API. Strategia programisty

Greg Brail, Dan Woods, Daniel Jacobson

Internet rzeczy. Budowa sieci z wykorzystaniem technologii webowych i Raspberry Pi

Dominique Guinard, Vlad Trifa

Jakarta EE Cookbook. Practical recipes for enterprise Java developers to deliver large scale applications with Jakarta EE - Second Edition

Elder Moraes

JavaScript i jQuery. Interaktywne strony WWW dla każdego. Podręcznik Front-End Developera

Jon Duckett

JBoss: Developer's Guide. A complete guide to the JBoss ecosystem

Elvadas Nono Woguia

Język Kotlin na platformie Spring. Programowanie aplikacji internetowych

Learning Node.js Development. Learn the fundamentals of Node.js, and deploy and test Node.js applications on the web

Andrew Mead

Learning Rust. A comprehensive guide to writing Rust applications

Paul Johnson, Vesa Kaihlavirta

Less Web Development Cookbook. Over 110 practical recipes to help you write leaner, more efficient CSS code

Bass Jobsen, Amin Meyghani

Less Web Development Essentials. Leverage the features of Less to write better, reusable, and maintainable CSS code

Bass Jobsen

Mastering ABP Framework. Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices

Halil Ibrahim Kalkan, Ismail ÇAGDAŞ

Mastering Android Game Development with Unity. Build high-end Android games with Unity's advanced features

Wajahat Karim, Siddharth Shekar

Modern C++: Efficient and Scalable Application Development. Leverage the modern features of C++ to overcome difficulties in various stages of application development

Richard Grimes, Marius Bancila

Nauka programowania. Rusz głową!

Eric Freeman

NHibernate 4.x Cookbook. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Gunnar Liljas, Alexander Zaytsev, Jason Dentler

Niebieski lis. Polecenia procesorów Arm i inżynieria wsteczna

Maria Markstedter