
Apache 2. Leksykon kieszonkowy

Andrew Ford

Apache Hive Essentials. Essential techniques to help you process, and get unique insights from, big data - Second Edition

Dayong Du

Apache Karaf Cookbook. Over 60 recipes to help you get the most out of your Apache Karaf deployments

Jamie Goodyear, Johan Edstorm, Achim Nierbeck, Heath J Kesler

Apache. Receptury. Wydanie II

Building Big Data Pipelines with Apache Beam. Use a single programming model for both batch and stream data processing

Jan Lukavský

Instant Apache Camel Message Routing. Route, transform, split, multicast messages, and do much more with Camel

Bilgin Ibryam, Bilgin Ismet Ibryam

Instant Apache Camel Messaging System. Tackle integration problems and learn practical ways to make data flow between your application and other systems using Apache Camel

Evgeniy Sharapov

Mastering Apache Cassandra 3.x. An expert guide to improving database scalability and availability without compromising performance - Third Edition

Aaron Ploetz, Tejaswi Malepati, Nishant Neeraj