

A Developer's Essential Guide to Docker Compose. Simplify the development and orchestration of multi-container applications

Emmanouil Gkatziouras

Software development is becoming increasingly complex due to the various software components used. Applications need to be packaged with software components to facilitate their operations, making it complicated to run them. With Docker Compose, a single command can set up your application and the needed dependencies.This book starts with an overview of Docker Compose and its usage and then shows how to create an application. You will also get to grips with the fundamentals of Docker volumes and network, along with Compose commands, their purpose, and use cases. Next, you will set up databases for daily usage using Compose and, leveraging Docker networking, you will establish communication between microservices. You will also run entire stacks locally on Compose, simulate production environments, and enhance CI/CD jobs using Docker Compose. Later chapters will show you how to benefit from Docker Compose for production deployments, provision infrastructure on public clouds such as AWS and Azure, and wrap up with Compose deployments on said infrastructure.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to effectively utilize Docker Compose for day-to-day development.


A Practical Guide to Service Management. Insights from industry experts for uncovering, implementing, and improving service management practices

Keith D. Sutherland, Lawrence J. "Butch" Sheets, Lisa Schwartz

Many organizations struggle to find practical guidance that can help them to not only understand but also apply service management best practices. Packed with expert guidance and comprehensive coverage of the essential frameworks, methods, and techniques, this book will enable you to elevate your organization’s service management capability.You’ll start by exploring the fundamentals of service management and the role of a service provider. As you progress, you’ll get to grips with the different service management frameworks used by IT and enterprises. You'll use system thinking and design thinking approaches to learn to design, implement, and optimize services catering to diverse customer needs.This book will familiarize you with the essential process capabilities required for an efficient service management practice, followed by the elements key to its practical implementation, customized to the organization’s business needs in a sustainable and repeatable manner. You’ll also discover the critical success factors that will enhance your organization’s ability to successfully implement and sustain a service management practice.By the end of this handy guide, you’ll have a solid grasp of service management concepts, making this a valuable resource for on-the-job reference.


ABC komputera. Wydanie XII

Piotr Wróblewski

Włącz się! Twój nowy przewodnik po wirtualnej rzeczywistości! Swobodnie korzystaj z systemu operacyjnego Windows 10 Profesjonalnie przygotowuj dokumenty w programach Word i Excel Podłącz komputer do sieci i bezpiecznie się w niej poruszaj Chyba nikt nie mógł przewidzieć, że komputer i Internet tak szybko staną się nieodłącznymi towarzyszami naszego codziennego życia. Czy tego chcemy, czy nie, nadszedł moment, aby się z nimi zaprzyjaźnić. W przeciwnym razie nadal będziemy tracić mnóstwo czasu na czekanie w kolejkach i "analogowe" załatwianie spraw, z których wielu w ogóle nie uda nam się pchnąć do przodu. Dlaczego? Ponieważ coraz więcej firm i instytucji komunikuje się z klientami wyłącznie przez Internet. Ponadto pandemia COVID-19 udowodniła, że dzięki sprawnej obsłudze komputera można (a nawet trzeba!) pracować w pełni zdalnie i całymi tygodniami nie odwiedzać biura! Jeśli chcesz szybko i bez stresu nauczyć się korzystać z podstawowych dobrodziejstw oferowanych przez komputer i sieć internetową, pomoże Ci właśnie ta książka. Znajdziesz w niej informacje o tym, jaki komputer wybrać, jak go włączyć i co zrobić dalej. Dowiesz się, jak poruszać się po ekranie, gdzie znaleźć potrzebne funkcje, do czego służą różne programy i jak obchodzić się z dokumentami. Nauczysz się, jak ustawić system Windows 10, aby wygodnie z niego korzystać, oraz jak pracować w Wordzie i Excelu, tworzyć rysunki 3D i skutecznie obronić się przed wirusami komputerowymi. Przejdziesz także szybki kurs internetowy - od podłączania komputera do sieci, przez ogólną orientację w Internecie i obsługę poczty elektronicznej, po sposoby korzystania z różnych serwisów: sklepów, banków, spraw urzędowych i mediów społecznościowych. W książce: Wizyta w sklepie komputerowym, czyli jak kupować z głową Instalacja i konfiguracja Windows 10 Klawiatura, mysz i nowe menu Start Twoje dane w chmurze internetowej OneDrive Aplikacje bez tajemnic - gry, nauka i muzyka z sieci Konto Microsoft i Microsoft Store (sklep Windows) Ochrona przed wirusami komputerowymi Microsoft Office 365 bez tajemnic Grafika w programach Word i Paint 3D Montaż filmów dla początkujących Excel - magia automatycznych obliczeń i analiza danych Poczta elektroniczna (e-mail) Przeglądarki internetowe Edge i Chrome oraz wyszukiwarka Google Media społecznościowe, fora dyskusyjne, banki, porównywarki cen Nie czekaj. Każda podróż zaczyna się od pierwszego kroku!


Administrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online. A practical guide to SaaS administration and migration from your on-premise Business Central environments to the cloud

Andrey Baludin

This book features all the information you need to get started with administrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online. It contains detailed information about the admin portal and cloud migration process, all based on real usage experience.The book starts by covering the data migration process for developers, which will show you how to organize the data without code. You’ll also learn how the admin portal can be useful if you want to export a database copy, restore a backup, and set up telemetry to get detailed information about the call stack and operation statuses. As you progress, you’ll learn how to check your Business Central SaaS environment details, create new and different types of environments, and notifications, and keep your cloud data within limits. Later, you’ll explore how to set up cloud migration from an on-premise environment to SaaS, run the migration, upgrade data, and fix problems if something goes wrong.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create new production and sandbox environments, restore them from backups, analyze environment telemetry, and confidently migrate your data to the cloud.


Advanced Analytics with R and Tableau. Advanced analytics using data classification, unsupervised learning and data visualization

Ruben Oliva Ramos, Jen Stirrup, Roberto Rösler

Tableau and R offer accessible analytics by allowing a combination of easy-to-use data visualization along with industry-standard, robust statistical computation.Moving from data visualization into deeper, more advanced analytics? This book will intensify data skills for data viz-savvy users who want to move into analytics and data science in order to enhance their businesses by harnessing the analytical power of R and the stunning visualization capabilities of Tableau. Readers will come across a wide range of machine learning algorithms and learn how descriptive, prescriptive, predictive, and visually appealing analytical solutions can be designed with R and Tableau. In order to maximize learning, hands-on examples will ease the transition from being a data-savvy user to a data analyst using sound statistical tools to perform advanced analytics.By the end of this book, you will get to grips with advanced calculations in R and Tableau for analytics and prediction with the help of use cases and hands-on examples.


AI and Business Rule Engines for Excel Power Users. Capture and scale your business knowledge into the cloud – with Microsoft 365, Decision Models, and AI tools from IBM and Red Hat

Paul Browne, Alex Porcelli

Microsoft Excel is widely adopted across diverse industries, but Excel Power Users often encounter limitations such as complex formulas, obscure business knowledge, and errors from using outdated sheets. They need a better enterprise-level solution, and this book introduces Business rules combined with the power of AI to tackle the limitations of Excel.This guide will give you a roadmap to link KIE (an industry-standard open-source application) to Microsoft’s business process automation tools, such as Power Automate, Power Query, Office Script, Forms, VBA, Script Lab, and GitHub. You’ll dive into the graphical Decision Modeling standard including decision tables, FEEL expressions, and advanced business rule editing and testing.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to share your business knowledge as graphical models, deploy and execute these models in the cloud (with Azure and OpenShift), link them back to Excel, and then execute them as an end-to-end solution removing human intervention. You’ll be equipped to solve your Excel queries and start using the next generation of Microsoft Office tools.


AI Blueprints. How to build and deploy AI business projects

Dr. Joshua Eckroth

AI Blueprints gives you a working framework and the techniques to build your own successful AI business applications. You’ll learn across six business scenarios how AI can solve critical challenges with state-of-the-art AI software libraries and a well thought out workflow. Along the way you’ll discover the practical techniques to build AI business applications from first design to full coding and deployment.The AI blueprints in this book solve key business scenarios. The first blueprint uses AI to find solutions for building plans for cloud computing that are on-time and under budget. The second blueprint involves an AI system that continuously monitors social media to gauge public feeling about a topic of interest - such as self-driving cars. You’ll learn how to approach AI business problems and apply blueprints that can ensure success.The next AI scenario shows you how to approach the problem of creating a recommendation engine and monitoring how those recommendations perform. The fourth blueprint shows you how to use deep learning to find your business logo in social media photos and assess how people interact with your products. Learn the practical techniques involved and how to apply these blueprints intelligently. The fifth blueprint is about how to best design a ‘trending now’ section on your website, much like the one we know from Twitter. The sixth blueprint shows how to create helpful chatbots so that an AI system can understand customers’ questions and answer them with relevant responses.This book continuously demonstrates a working framework and strategy for building AI business applications. Along the way, you’ll also learn how to prepare for future advances in AI. You’ll gain a workflow and a toolbox of patterns and techniques so that you can create your own smart code.


Amazon Web Services Bootcamp. Develop a scalable, reliable, and highly available cloud environment with AWS

Sunil Gulabani

AWS is at the forefront of Cloud Computing today. Businesses are adopting AWS Cloud because of its reliability, versatility, and flexible design. The main focus of this book is teaching you how to build and manage highly reliable and scalable applications and services on AWS. It will provide you with all the necessary skills to design, deploy, and manage your applications and services on the AWS cloud platform. We’ll start by exploring Amazon S3, EC2, and so on to get you well-versed with core Amazon services. Moving on, we’ll teach you how to design and deploy highly scalable and optimized workloads. You’ll also discover easy-to-follow, hands-on steps, tips, and recommendations throughout the book and get to know essential security and troubleshooting concepts. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to create a highly secure, fault tolerant, and scalable environment for your applications to run on.


Ansible for Real-Life Automation. A complete Ansible handbook filled with practical IT automation use cases

Gineesh Madapparambath

Get ready to leverage the power of Ansible’s wide applicability to automate and manage IT infrastructure with Ansible for Real-Life Automation. This book will guide you in setting up and managing the free and open source automation tool and remote-managed nodes in the production and dev/staging environments.Starting with its installation and deployment, you’ll learn automation using simple use cases in your workplace. You’ll go beyond just Linux machines to use Ansible to automate Microsoft Windows machines, network devices, and private and public cloud platforms such as VMWare, AWS, and GCP. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll integrate Ansible into your DevOps workflow and deal with application container management and container platforms such as Kubernetes. This Ansible book also contains a detailed introduction to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to help you get up to speed with Red Hat AAP and integration with CI/CD and ITSM.What’s more, you’ll implement efficient automation solutions while learning best practices and methods to secure sensitive data using Ansible Vault and alternatives to automate non-supported platforms and operations using raw commands, command modules, and REST API calls.By the end of this book, you’ll be proficient in identifying and developing real-life automation use cases using Ansible.


Apex Design Patterns. Harness the power of Apex design patterns to build robust and scalable code architectures on the platform

Apex is an on-demand programming language providing a complete set of features for building business applications – including data models and objects to manage data. Apex being a proprietor programming language from Salesforce to be worked with multi tenant environment is a lot different than traditional OOPs languages like Java and C#. It acts as a workflow engine for managing collaboration of the data between users, a user interface model to handle forms and other interactions, and a SOAP API for programmatic access and integration.Apex Design Patterns gives you an insight to several problematic situations that can arise while developing on platform and the usage of Design patterns to solve them. Packed with real life examples, it gives you a walkthrough from learning design patterns that Apex can offer us, to implementing the appropriate ones in your own application. Furthermore, we learn about the creational patterns that deal with object creation mechanism and structural patterns that helps to identify the relationship between entities. Also, the behavioural and concurrency patterns are put forward explaining the communication between objects and multi-threaded programming paradigm respectively. We later on, deal with the issues regarding structuring of classes, instantiating or how to give a dynamic behaviour at a runtime, with the help of anti-patterns. We learn the basic OOPs principal in polymorphic and modular way to enhance its capability. Also, best practices of writing Apex code are explained to differentiate between the implementation of appropriate patterns. This book will also explain some unique patterns that could be applied to get around governor limits. By the end of this book, you will be a maestro in developing your applications on for Salesforce


API Analytics for Product Managers. Understand key API metrics that can help you grow your business

APIs are crucial in the modern market as they allow faster innovation. But have you ever considered your APIs as products for revenue generation?API Analytics for Product Managers takes you through the benefits of efficient researching, strategizing, marketing, and continuously measuring the effectiveness of your APIs to help grow both B2B and B2C SaaS companies. Once you've been introduced to the concept of an API as a product, this fast-paced guide will show you how to establish metrics for activation, retention, engagement, and usage of your API products, as well as metrics to measure the reach and effectiveness of documentation—an often-overlooked aspect of development.Of course, it's not all about the product—as any good product manager knows; you need to understand your customers’ needs, expectations, and satisfaction too. Once you've gathered your data, you’ll need to be able to derive actionable insights from it. This is where the book covers the advanced concepts of leading and lagging metrics, removing bias from the metric-setting process, and bringing metrics together to establish long- and short-term goals.By the end of this book, you'll be perfectly placed to apply product management methodologies to the building and scaling of revenue-generating APIs.


Appcelerator Titanium Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide. Once you've got into Appcelerator Titanium you'll never look back. This book is the perfect introduction to developing native cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, and Windows 8

Darren Cope, Darren Paul Cope

Appcelerator Titanium is the leading method for creating native cross-platform apps. This book guides you from the initial stages with the language right through to the submission of your app to the marketplace/app store. Specially crafted examples cover the most common requirements of an app programmer. This book will be your companion as you progress with the language.Appcelerator Titanium Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide will guide you through the process of designing cross-platform apps using Titanium. It covers all areas of the language from installation through development to submission to the store. This book will take a hands-on approach in teaching you how to write cross-platform apps using Titanium, as well as exploring the new features of Titanium 3. Each chapter will show you how to overcome specific challenges using Titanium. You will learn how to design your apps using MVC principles and Alloy, use the cloud to your advantage, develop apps that work on tablets and phones, use the phone gadgets like the accelerometer, integrate social media, record usage using analytics, and monetise your app. All tasks from installation to deployment to the store are covered and backed by examples. The book will be your companion from your first steps with Titanium to successful live deployment.


Applied Supervised Learning with R. Use machine learning libraries of R to build models that solve business problems and predict future trends

Karthik Ramasubramanian, Jojo Moolayil

R provides excellent visualization features that are essential for exploring data before using it in automated learning.Applied Supervised Learning with R helps you cover the complete process of employing R to develop applications using supervised machine learning algorithms for your business needs. The book starts by helping you develop your analytical thinking to create a problem statement using business inputs and domain research. You will then learn different evaluation metrics that compare various algorithms, and later progress to using these metrics to select the best algorithm for your problem. After finalizing the algorithm you want to use, you will study the hyperparameter optimization technique to fine-tune your set of optimal parameters. The book demonstrates how you can add different regularization terms to avoid overfitting your model.By the end of this book, you will have gained the advanced skills you need for modeling a supervised machine learning algorithm that precisely fulfills your business needs.


ArcGIS Blueprints. Explore the robust features of Python to create real-world ArcGIS applications through exciting, hands-on projects

Eric Pimpler

This book is an immersive guide to take your ArcGIS Desktop application development skills to the next levelIt starts off by providing detailed description and examples of how to create ArcGIS Desktop Python toolboxes that will serve as containers for many of the applications that you will build. We provide several practical projects that involve building a local area/community map and extracting wildfire data. You will then learn how to build tools that can access data from ArcGIS Server using the ArcGIS REST API. Furthermore, we deal with the integration of additional open source Python libraries into your applications, which will help you chart and graph advanced GUI development; read and write JSON, CSV, and XML format data sources; write outputs to Google Earth Pro, and more. Along the way, you will be introduced to advanced ArcPy Mapping and ArcPy Data Access module techniques and use data-driven Pages to automate the creation of map books.Finally, you will learn advanced techniques to work with video and social media feeds. By the end of the book, you will have your own desktop application without having spent too much time learning sophisticated theory.


ArcGIS Pro 2.x Cookbook. Create, manage, and share geographic maps, data, and analytical models using ArcGIS Pro

Tripp Corbin

ArcGIS is Esri's catalog of GIS applications with powerful tools for visualizing, maintaining, and analyzing data. ArcGIS makes use of the modern ribbon interface and 64-bit processing to increase the speed and efficiency of using GIS. It allows users to create amazing maps in both 2D and 3D quickly and easily. If you want to gain a thorough understanding of the various data formats that can be used in ArcGIS Pro and shared via ArcGIS Online, then this book is for you. Beginning with a refresher on ArcGIS Pro and how to work with projects, this book will quickly take you through recipes about using various data formats supported by the tool. You will learn the limits of each format, such as Shapefiles, Geodatabase, and CAD files, and learn how to link tables from outside sources to existing GIS data to expand the amount of data that can be used in ArcGIS. You'll learn methods for editing 2D and 3D data using ArcGIS Pro and how topology can be used to ensure data integrity. Lastly the book will show you how data and maps can be shared via ArcGIS Online and used with web and mobile applications.