
Julia 1.0 High Performance. Optimizations, distributed computing, multithreading, and GPU programming with Julia 1.0 and beyond - Second Edition

Avik Sengupta, Alan Edelman

Julia Programming Projects. Learn Julia 1.x by building apps for data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and the web

Adrian Salceanu

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide. Master wireless testing techniques to survey and attack wireless networks with Kali Linux, including the KRACK attack - Third Edition

Cameron Buchanan, Vivek Ramachandran

Kivy: Interactive Applications in Python. For Python developers this is the clearest guide to the interactive world of Kivi, ideal for meeting modern expectations of tablets and smartphones. From building a UI to controlling complex multi-touch events, it's all here

Roberto Ulloa

Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE. Develop, test, and troubleshoot enterprise applications and microservices with Kotlin and Java EE

Raghavendra Rao K

Krótka historia informatyki

Ryszard Tadeusiewicz

Kubernetes Design Patterns and Extensions. Enhance your container-cluster management skills and efficiently develop and deploy applications

Onur Yilmaz

Lean Product Management. Successful products from fuzzy business ideas

Mangalam Nandakumar