Електронні книги
Бізнес та економіка
- Біткойн
- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
- Фінанси
- Фондова біржа та інвестиції
- Особисті компетенції
- Комп'ютер в офісі
- Комунікація та переговори
- Малий бізнес
- Маркетинг
- Мотивація
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- Нерухомість
- Переконання та НЛП
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Для дітей
Для молоді
Енциклопедії, словники
Електронна преса
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Іноземні мови
Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
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- Художня література
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- Поезія
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- Історичний роман
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- Журналістика
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- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
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- Інтерв'ю та спогади
Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Шкільні підручники
Науково-популярна та академічна
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- Finanse i bankowość
- Географія
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- Торгівля. Світова економіка
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- Zarządzanie i marketing
Ігрові посібники
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
- Безпека життєдіяльності
- Історія
- Дорожній кодекс. Водійські права
- Юридичні науки
- Охорона здоров'я
- Загальне, компендіум
- Академічні підручники
- Інше
- Закон про будівництво і житло
- Цивільне право
- Фінансове право
- Господарське право
- Господарське та комерційне право
- Кримінальний закон
- Кримінальне право. Кримінальні злочини. Кримінологія
- Міжнародне право
- Міжнародне та іноземне право
- Закон про охорону здоров'я
- Закон про освіту
- Податкове право
- Трудове право та законодавство про соціальне забезпечення
- Громадське, конституційне та адміністративне право
- Кодекс про шлюб і сім'ю
- Аграрне право
- Соціальне право, трудове право
- Законодавство Євросоюзу
- Промисловість
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- Словники та енциклопедії
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Путівники та подорожі
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- Латвія
- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
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- Словенія
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- Швеція
- Світ
- Туреччина
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- Угорщина
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- Італія
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- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
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- Mindfulness
- Загальне
- Переконання та НЛП
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- Психологія душі та розуму
- Психологія праці
- Relacje i związki
- Батьківство та дитяча психологія
- Вирішення проблем
- Інтелектуальний розвиток
- Секрет
- Сексуальність
- Спокушання
- Зовнішній вигляд та імідж
- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бізнес та економіка
- Біткойн
- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
- Фінанси
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- Особисті компетенції
- Комунікація та переговори
- Малий бізнес
- Маркетинг
- Мотивація
- Нерухомість
- Переконання та НЛП
- Податки
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- Лідерство
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Для дітей
Для молоді
Енциклопедії, словники
Іноземні мови
Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
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- Художня література
- Mity i legendy
- Лауреати Нобелівської премії
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- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
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- Трилер, жах
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Природничі науки
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Науково-популярна та академічна
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
Путівники та подорожі
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- Переконання та НЛП
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- Вирішення проблем
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- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бази даних
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Для дітей
Графіка / Відео / CAX
Microsoft Office
Інструменти розробки
Особистісний розвиток
Комп'ютерні мережі
Операційні системи
Тестування програмного забезпечення
Мобільні пристрої
Веброзробка, Web development
- Електронні книги
- Програмування
- Inne - Програмування
Inne - Програмування
Functional programming is a paradigm specifically designed to deal with the complexity of software development in large projects. It helps developers to keep track of the interdependencies in the code base and changes in its state in runtime. Mastering Functional Programming provides detailed coverage of how to apply the right abstractions to reduce code complexity, so that it is easy to read and understand.Complete with explanations of essential concepts, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, the book begins by covering the basics such as what lambdas are and how to write declarative code with the help of functions. It then moves on to concepts such as pure functions and type classes, the problems they aim to solve, and how to use them in real-world scenarios. You’ll also explore some of the more advanced patterns in the world of functional programming such as monad transformers and Tagless Final. In the concluding chapters, you’ll be introduced to the actor model, which you can implement in modern functional languages, and delve into parallel programming.By the end of the book, you will be able to apply the concepts of functional programming and object-oriented programming (OOP)in order to build robust applications.
Mastering Immutable.js. Better JavaScript development using immutable data
Immutable.js is a JavaScript library that will improve the robustness and dependability of your larger JavaScript projects. All aspects of the Immutable.js framework are covered in this book, and common JavaScript situations are examined in a hands-on way so that you gain practical experience using Immutable.js that you can apply across your own JavaScript projects.The key to building robust JavaScript applications using immutability is to control how data flows through your application, and how the side-effects of these flows are managed. Many problems that are difficult to pinpoint in large codebases stem from data that’s been mutated where it shouldn’t have been. With immutable data, you rule out an entire class of bugs.Mastering Immutable.js takes a practical, hands-on approach throughout, and shows you the ins and outs of the Immutable.js framework so that you can confidently build successful and dependable JavaScript projects.
Mastering Java EE Development with WildFly. Create Enterprise-grade Java applications with WildFly
Packed with rich assets and APIs, Wildfly 10 allows you to create state-of-the-art Java applications. This book will help you take your understanding of Java EE to the next level by creating distributed Java applications using Wildfly.The book begins by showing how to get started with a native installation of WildFly and it ends with a cloud installation. After setting up the development environment, you will implement and work with different WildFly features, such as implementing JavaServer Pages. You will also learn how you can use clustering so that your apps can handle a high volume of data traffic. You will also work with enterprise JavaBeans, solve issues related to failover, and implement Java Message Service integration. Moving ahead, you will be working with Java Naming and Directory Interface, Java Transaction API, and use ActiveMQ for message relay and message querying. This book will also show you how you can use your existing backend JavaScript code in your application.By the end of the book, you’ll have gained the knowledge to implement the latest Wildfly features in your Java applications.
Mastering macOS Programming. Hands-on guide to macOS Sierra Application Development
Stuart Grimshaw, Gregory Casamento
macOS continues to lead the way in desktop operating systems, with its tight integration across the Apple ecosystem of platforms and devices. With this book, you will get an in-depth knowledge of working on macOS, enabling you to unleash the full potential of the latest version using Swift 3 to build applications.This book will help you broaden your horizons by taking your programming skills to next level. The initial chapters will show you all about the environment that surrounds a developer at the start of a project. It introduces you to the new features that Swift 3 and Xcode 8 offers and also covers the common design patterns that you need to know for planning anything more than trivial projects. You will then learn the advanced Swift programming concepts, including memory management, generics, protocol orientated and functional programming and with this knowledge you will be able to tackle the next several chapters that deal with Apple’s own Cocoa frameworks. It also covers AppKit, Foundation, and Core Data in detail which is a part of the Cocoa umbrella framework. The rest of the book will cover the challenges posed by asynchronous programming, error handling, debugging, and many other areas that are an indispensable part of producing software in a professional environment.By the end of this book, you will be well acquainted with Swift, Cocoa, and AppKit, as well as a plethora of other essential tools, and you will be ready to tackle much more complex and advanced software projects.
Updated for the latest version of Metasploit, this book will prepare you to face everyday cyberattacks by simulating real-world scenarios. Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, Mastering Metasploit will help you gain insights into programming Metasploit modules and carrying out exploitation, as well as building and porting various kinds of exploits in Metasploit.Giving you the ability to perform tests on different services, including databases, IoT, and mobile, this Metasploit book will help you get to grips with real-world, sophisticated scenarios where performing penetration tests is a challenge. You'll then learn a variety of methods and techniques to evade security controls deployed at a target's endpoint. As you advance, you’ll script automated attacks using CORTANA and Armitage to aid penetration testing by developing virtual bots and discover how you can add custom functionalities in Armitage. Following real-world case studies, this book will take you on a journey through client-side attacks using Metasploit and various scripts built on the Metasploit 5.0 framework.By the end of the book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to work confidently with efficient exploitation techniques
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an all-in-one business management solution that's easy to use and adapt. It helps you connect your finances, sales, service, and operations to streamline business processes, improve customer interactions, and enable growth. This book gives you all the information you need to become an expert in MS Dynamics 365.This book starts with a brief overview of the functional features of Dynamics 365. You will learn how to create Word and Excel templates using CRM data to enable customized data analysis for your organization. This book helps you understand how to use Dynamics 365 as an XRM Framework, gain a deep understanding of client-side scripting in Dynamics 365, and create client-side applications using JavaScript and the Web API.In addition to this, you will discover how to customize Dynamics 365, and quickly move on to grasp the app structure, which helps you customize Dynamics 365 better. You will also learn how Dynamics 365 can be seamlessly embedded into various productivity tools to customize them for machine learning and contextual guidance.By the end of this book, you will have mastered utilizing Dynamics 365 features through real-world scenarios.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM is the most trusted name in enterprise-level customer relationship management. The latest version of Dynamics CRM 2016 comes with some exciting extra features guaranteed to make your life easier with Dynamics CRM. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of Dynamics CRM 2016 and helps you make your tasks much simpler while elevating you to the level of an expert.The book starts with a brief overview of the functional features and then introduces the latest features of Dynamics CRM 2016. You will learn to create Word and Excel templates, using CRM data that will enable you to provide customized data analysis for your organization. You will understand how to utilize Dynamics CRM as an XRM Framework, gain a deep understanding about client-side scripting in Dynamics CRM, and learn creating client-side applications using JavaScript and Web API. We then introduce visual control frameworks for Dynamics CRM 2016 mobile and tablet applications. Business Process Flows, Business Rules, and their enhancements are introduced. By the end of this book, you will have mastered utilizing Dynamics CRM 2016 features through real-world scenarios.
The book begins by giving you a brief introduction to setting up your NAV environment and shows you how to install and configure it according to your requirements. You will then dive deep into the latest design patterns, network architecture, and topologies. We will show you how you can integrate NAV with the Microsoft platform, and secure your deployment by managing roles and permissions.Moving on, we will explain how to monitor and manage server instances using the Administration tool. We’ll discuss how you can take advantage of the expanded extensibility and connectivity capabilities for a tighter integration with the cloud as well as handheld devices. Then, we’ll show you how you can make use of the PowerBI capabilities that have been built into Dynamics NAV.By the end of the book, you will be confident in developing and administering a Dynamics NAV implementation that will leverage all of the new features.
Non-functional Requirements are key to any software/IT program and cannot beoverlooked or ignored. This book provides a comprehensive approach to the analysis,architecture, and measurement of NFRs. It includes considerations for bespoke Java, .NET, and COTS applications that are applicable to IT applications/systems indifferent domains.The book outlines the methodology for capturing the NFRs and also describes aframework that can be leveraged by analysts and architects for tackling NFRs for variousengagements.This book starts off by explaining the various KPIs, taxonomies, and methods foridentifying NFRs. Learn the design guidelines for architecting applications and systemsrelating to NFRs and design principles to achieve the desired outcome. We will then move on to various key tiers/layers and patterns pertaining to the business, database, and integrating tiers. After this, we will dive deep into the topics pertaining to techniques related to monitoring and measurement of NFRs, such as sizing, analytical modeling, and quality assurance. Lastly, we end the book by describing some pivotal NFRs and checklists for the softwarequality attributes related to the business, application, data, and infrastructuredomains.
Python is an object-oriented scripting language that is used in a wide range of categories. In software engineering, a design pattern is an elected solution for solving software design problems. Although they have been around for a while, design patterns remain one of the top topics in software engineering, and are a ready source for software developers to solve the problems they face on a regular basis. This book takes you through a variety of design patterns and explains them with real-world examples. You will get to grips with low-level details and concepts that show you how to write Python code, without focusing on common solutions as enabled in Java and C++. You'll also fnd sections on corrections, best practices, system architecture, and its designing aspects. This book will help you learn the core concepts of design patterns and the way they can be used to resolve software design problems. You'll focus on most of the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns, which are used to solve everyday problems, and take your skills to the next level with reactive and functional patterns that help you build resilient, scalable, and robust applications. By the end of the book, you'll be able to effciently address commonly faced problems and develop applications, and also be comfortable working on scalable and maintainable projects of any size.
Mastering PyTorch. Build powerful neural network architectures using advanced PyTorch 1.x features
Ashish Ranjan Jha, Dr. Gopinath Pillai
Deep learning is driving the AI revolution, and PyTorch is making it easier than ever before for anyone to build deep learning applications. This PyTorch book will help you uncover expert techniques to get the most out of your data and build complex neural network models.The book starts with a quick overview of PyTorch and explores using convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures for image classification. You'll then work with recurrent neural network (RNN) architectures and transformers for sentiment analysis. As you advance, you'll apply deep learning across different domains, such as music, text, and image generation using generative models and explore the world of generative adversarial networks (GANs). You'll not only build and train your own deep reinforcement learning models in PyTorch but also deploy PyTorch models to production using expert tips and techniques. Finally, you'll get to grips with training large models efficiently in a distributed manner, searching neural architectures effectively with AutoML, and rapidly prototyping models using PyTorch and fast.ai.By the end of this PyTorch book, you'll be able to perform complex deep learning tasks using PyTorch to build smart artificial intelligence models.
Mastering Reactive JavaScript. Building asynchronous and high performing web apps with RxJS
If you’re struggling to handle a large amount of data and don’t know how to improve your code readability, then reactive programming is the right solution for you. It lets you describe how your code behaves when changes happen and makes it easier to deal with real-time data. This book will teach you what reactive programming is, and how you can use it to write better applications.The book starts with the basics of reactive programming, what Reactive Extensions is, and how can you use it in JavaScript along with some reactive code using Bacon. Next, you’ll discover what an Observable and an Observer are and when to use them.You'll also find out how you can query data through operators, and how to use schedulers to react to changes.Moving on, you’ll explore the RxJs API, be introduced to the problem of data traffic (backpressure), and see how you can mitigate it. You’ll also learn about other important operators that can help improve your code readability, and you’ll see how to use transducers to compose operators.At the end of the book, you’ll get hands-on experience of using RxJs, and will create a real-time web chat using RxJs on the client and server, providing you with the complete package to master RxJs.
Rahul Sharma, Vesa Kaihlavirta
Rust is an empowering language that provides a rare combination of safety, speed, and zero-cost abstractions. Mastering Rust – Second Edition is filled with clear and simple explanations of the language features along with real-world examples, showing you how you can build robust, scalable, and reliable programs. This second edition of the book improves upon the previous one and touches on all aspects that make Rust a great language. We have included the features from latest Rust 2018 edition such as the new module system, the smarter compiler, helpful error messages, and the stable procedural macros. You’ll learn how Rust can be used for systems programming, network programming, and even on the web. You’ll also learn techniques such as writing memory-safe code, building idiomatic Rust libraries, writing efficient asynchronous networking code, and advanced macros. The book contains a mix of theory and hands-on tasks so you acquire the skills as well as the knowledge, and it also provides exercises to hammer the concepts in. After reading this book, you will be able to implement Rust for your enterprise projects, write better tests and documentation, design for performance, and write idiomatic Rust code.
SAS is used for various functions in the development and maintenance of data warehouses, thanks to its reputation of being able to handle ’big data’.This book will help you learn the pros and cons of storing data in SAS. As you progress, you’ll understand how to document and design extract-transform-load (ETL) protocols for SAS processes. Later, you’ll focus on how the use of SAS arrays and macros can help standardize ETL. The book will also help you examine approaches for serving up data using SAS and explore how connecting SAS to other systems can enhance the data warehouse user’s experience.By the end of this data management book, you will have a fundamental understanding of the roles SAS can play in a warehouse environment, and be able to choose wisely when designing your data warehousing processes involving SAS.
SFML is a cross-platform software development library written in C++ with bindings available for many programming languages. It provides a simple interface to the various components of your PC, to ease the development of games and multimedia applications. This book will help you become an expert of SFML by using all of its features to its full potential. It begins by going over some of the foundational code necessary in order to make our RPG project run. By the end of chapter 3, we will have successfully picked up and deployed a fast and efficient particle system that makes the game look much more ‘alive’. Throughout the next couple of chapters, you will be successfully editing the game maps with ease, all thanks to the custom tools we’re going to be building. From this point on, it’s all about making the game look good. After being introduced to the use of shaders and raw OpenGL, you will be guided through implementing dynamic scene lighting, the use of normal and specular maps, and dynamic soft shadows. However, no project is complete without being optimized first. The very last chapter will wrap up our project by making it lightning fast and efficient.
When building an application it is of utmost importance to have clean code, a productive environment and efficient systems in place. Having automated unit testing in place helps developers to achieve these goals. The JUnit testing framework is a popular choice among Java developers and has recently released a major version update with JUnit 5.This book shows you how to make use of the power of JUnit 5 to write better software. The book begins with an introduction to software quality and software testing. After that, you will see an in-depth analysis of all the features of Jupiter, the new programming and extension model provided by JUnit 5. You will learn how to integrate JUnit 5 with other frameworks such as Mockito, Spring, Selenium, Cucumber, and Docker.After the technical features of JUnit 5, the final part of this book will train you for the daily work of a software tester. You will learn best practices for writing meaningful tests. Finally, you will learn how software testing fits into the overall software development process, and sits alongside continuous integration, defect tracking, and test reporting.
Mastering the C++17 STL. Make full use of the standard library components in C++17
Modern C++ has come a long way since 2011. The latest update, C++17, has just been ratified and several implementations are on the way.This book is your guide to the C++ standard library, including the very latest C++17 features. The book starts by exploring the C++ Standard Template Library in depth. You will learn the key differences between classical polymorphism and generic programming, the foundation of the STL. You will also learn how to use the various algorithms and containers in the STL to suit your programming needs. The next module delves into the tools of modern C++. Here you will learn about algebraic types such as std::optional, vocabulary types such as std::function, smart pointers, and synchronization primitives such as std::atomic and std::mutex. In the final module, you will learn about C++'s support for regular expressions and file I/O. By the end of the book you will be proficient in using the C++17 standard library to implement real programs, and you'll have gained a solid understanding of the library's own internals.
Visual Studio 2017 is the all-new IDE released by Microsoft for developers, targeting Microsoft and other platforms to build stunning Windows and web apps. Learning how to effectively use this technology can enhance your productivity while simplifying your most common tasks, allowing you more time to focus on your project. With this book, you will learn not only what VS2017 offers, but also what it takes to put it to work for your projects.Visual Studio 2017 is packed with improvements that increase productivity, and this book will get you started with the new features introduced in Visual Studio 2017 IDE and C# 7.0. Next, you will learn to use XAML tools to build classic WPF apps, and UWP tools to build apps targeting Windows 10. Later, you will learn about .NET Core and then explore NuGet, the package manager for the Microsoft development platform. Then, you will familiarize yourself with the debugging and live unit testing techniques that comes with the IDE. Finally, you'll adapt Microsoft's implementation of cloud computing with Azure, and the Visual Studio integration with Source Control repositories.
Windows Presentation Foundation is rich in possibilities when it comes to delivering an excellent user experience. This book will show you how to build professional-grade applications that look great and work smoothly.We start by providing you with a foundation of knowledge to improve your workflow – this includes teaching you how to build the base layer of the application, which will support all that comes after it. We’ll also cover the useful details of data binding. Next, we cover the user interface and show you how to get the most out of the built-in and custom WPF controls. The final section of the book demonstrates ways to polish your applications, from adding practical animations and data validation to improving application performance. The book ends with a tutorial on how to deploy your applications and outlines potential ways to apply your new-found knowledge so you can put it to use right away.
Matematyka dla programistów JavaScript
Programowanie matematyki wcale nie musi być trudne! Przypomnij sobie reguły i działania matematyczne Poznaj w praktyce funkcje matematyczne JavaScriptu Zamieniaj wzory i problemy matematyczne na algorytmy Naucz się wizualizować matematykę Spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy: większość ludzi nie lubi matematyki. Co dziwne, nie jest ona również ulubioną dziedziną wiedzy wielu osób zawodowo parających się informatyką. Niejedną z nich w prawdziwy popłoch wpędza konieczność posłużenia się choćby najbardziej niewinnie wyglądającą funkcją matematyczną, nie wspominając o przeprowadzeniu bardziej skomplikowanych obliczeń statystycznych, wykreśleniu przebiegu funkcji czy implementowaniu działań na macierzach. Niepotrzebnie, bo matematyka wcale nie jest taka straszna! Przekonasz się o tym dzięki tej książce, która szybko i łatwo wprowadzi Cię w świat obliczeń matematycznych przeprowadzanych za pomocą komputera. Z wykorzystaniem praktycznych przykładów, opracowanych w popularnym języku JavaScript, przedstawia ona sposoby wykonywania rozmaitych działań i przekształceń, stosowania algorytmów i wizualizowania otrzymanych wyników. Przestań się martwić i zostań prawdziwym matematycznym ninja! Podstawy matematyki i teorii informacji Działania na liczbach binarnych i heksadecymalnych Kombinatoryka i prawdopodobieństwo Działania na wektorach i macierzach Przetwarzanie liczb zespolonych Wykresy krzywych Chaos, fraktale i paradoksy Matematyka i JavaScript to doskonały tandem!
Matematyka jest niezbędna do zrozumienia reguł rządzących tworzeniem grafiki komputerowej w czasie rzeczywistym, a także zasad manipulowania obiektami i środowiskami 3D. Idealnym narzędziem ułatwiającym uchwycenie tych zależności jest język Python wraz z bibliotekami Pygame i PyOpenGL. Dzięki nim łatwo zrozumiesz, w jaki sposób komputery tworzą i wprowadzają zmiany w środowiskach trójwymiarowych. Ta książka wyjaśni Ci rolę matematyki w tworzeniu, renderowaniu i zmienianiu wirtualnych środowisk 3D, a ponadto pozwoli odkryć tajemnice najpopularniejszych dzisiaj silników gier. Za sprawą licznych praktycznych ćwiczeń zorientujesz się, co się kryje za rysowaniem linii i kształtów graficznych, stosowaniem wektorów i wierzchołków, budowaniem i renderowaniem siatek, jak również przekształcaniem wierzchołków. Nauczysz się używać kodu Pythona, a także bibliotek Pygame i PyOpenGL do budowy własnych silników. Dowiesz się też, jak tworzyć przydatne API i korzystać z nich podczas pisania własnych aplikacji. W książce między innymi: praca w Pythonie z edytorem PyCharm, bibliotekami Pygame i PyOpenGL różne polecenia rysowania z różnych graficznych API najważniejsze zagadnienia trygonometrii w odniesieniu do środowisk 3D wektory i matryce w przenoszeniu, ustawianiu kierunku i skalowaniu obiektów 3D renderowanie obiektów 3D z teksturami, kolorami, cieniami i oświetleniem przekształcanie wierzchołków w celu przyspieszenia renderowania opartego na GPU Matematyka: najlepszy sprzymierzeniec programisty i grafika!
MEAN Cookbook. The meanest set of MEAN stack solutions around
The MEAN Stack is a framework for web application development using JavaScript-based technologies; MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js. If you want to expand your understanding of using JavaScript to produce a fully functional standalone web application, including the web server, user interface, and database, then this book can help guide you through that transition. This book begins by configuring the frontend of the MEAN stack web application using the Angular JavaScript framework. We then implement common user interface enhancements before moving on to configuring the server layer of our MEAN stack web application using Express for our backend APIs. You will learn to configure the database layer of your MEAN stack web application using MongoDB and the Mongoose framework, including modeling relationships between documents. You will explore advanced topics such as optimizing your web application using WebPack as well as the use of automated testing with the Mocha and Chai frameworks. By the end of the book, you should have acquired a level of proficiency that allows you to confidently build a full production-ready and scalable MEAN stack application.