Andere - Programmierung

QGis. Tworzenie i analiza map

Bartłomiej Iwańczak

Qt 5 and OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Projects. Get up to speed with cross-platform computer vision app development by building seven practical projects

Zhuo Qingliang

Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook. Practical recipes for building cross-platform GUI applications, widgets, and animations with Qt 5 - Second Edition

Lee Zhi Eng

Quantum Computing with Silq Programming. Get up and running with quantum computing with the simplicity of this new high-level programming language

RabbitMQ Essentials. Build distributed and scalable applications with message queuing using RabbitMQ - Second Edition

Rapid Application Development with OutSystems. Create applications with OutSystems up to seven times faster than with traditional technologies

Ricardo Pereira, Paulo Moreira, Taiji Hagino

Raspberry Pi. Przewodnik użytkownika

Raspberry Pi Zero Cookbook. Delve into the practical world of the Raspberry Pi Zero

Edward Snajder

React: Cross-Platform Application Development with React Native. Build 4 real-world apps with React Native

Emilio Rodriguez Martinez

React Material-UI Cookbook. Build captivating user experiences using React and Material-UI

Adam Boduch

React Native Blueprints. Create eight exciting native cross-platform mobile applications with JavaScript

Emilio Rodriguez Martinez

React Router Quick Start Guide. Routing in React applications made easy

Sagar Ganatra

React, TypeScript i Node. Tworzenie aplikacji internetowych typu fullstack

React. Wstęp do programowania

Paweł Kamiński

Reactive Programming in Kotlin. Design and build non-blocking, asynchronous Kotlin applications with RXKotlin, Reactor-Kotlin, Android, and Spring

Rivu Chakraborty

Redux Quick Start Guide. A beginner's guide to managing app state with Redux

James Lee, Tao Wei, Suresh Kumar Mukhiya