Inne - Programming

Artificial Intelligence for IoT Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for building AI solutions for smart homes, industrial IoT, and smart cities

Michael Roshak

ASP.NET Core 2 and Vue.js. Full Stack Web Development with Vue, Vuex, and ASP.NET Core 2.0

Stuart Ratcliffe

ASP.NET Core 2 High Performance. Learn the secrets of developing high performance web applications using C# and ASP.NET Core 2 on Windows, Mac, and Linux - Second Edition

James Singleton

ASP.NET Core 2.0. Wprowadzenie

Jason De Oliveira, Michel Bruchet

ASP.NET Core, Angular i Bootstrap. Kompletny przybornik front-end developera

Simone Chiaretta

Associations and Correlations. Unearth the powerful insights buried in your data

Lee Baker

Augmented Reality Game Development. Click here to enter text

Micheal Lanham

Automatyzacja metodyki DevOps za pomocą potoków CI/CD GitLaba. Buduj efektywne potoki CI/CD do weryfikacji, zabezpieczenia i wdrażania kodu, korzystając z rzeczywistych przykładów

Christopher Cowell, Nicholas Lotz, Chris Timberlake