Inne - Programowanie

Python, C++, JavaScript. Zadania z programowania

Marek Luliński, Gniewomir Sarbicki

Python Geospatial Analysis Cookbook. Over 60 recipes to work with topology, overlays, indoor routing, and web application analysis with Python

Michael Diener, Michael R Diener

Python Geospatial Analysis Essentials. Process, analyze, and display geospatial data using Python libraries and related tools

Erik Westra

Python Geospatial Development Essentials. Utilize Python with open source libraries to build a lightweight, portable, and customizable GIS desktop application

Karim Bahgat

Python High Performance. Build high-performing, concurrent, and distributed applications - Second Edition

Dr. Gabriele Lanaro

Python i Asyncio. Programowanie asynchroniczne

Caleb Hattingh

Python Machine Learning Cookbook. Over 100 recipes to progress from smart data analytics to deep learning using real-world datasets - Second Edition

Giuseppe Ciaburro, Prateek Joshi

Python na maturze. Rozwiązania i analiza wybranych zadań programistycznych

Roland Zimek