
Blockchain By Example. A developer's guide to creating decentralized applications using Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger

Bellaj Badr, Richard Horrocks, Xun (Brian) Wu

Blockchain Developer's Guide. Develop smart applications with Blockchain technologies - Ethereum, JavaScript, Hyperledger Fabric, and Corda

Brenn Hill, Samanyu Chopra, Paul Valencourt, Narayan Prusty

Blockchain Development for Finance Projects. Building next-generation financial applications using Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Stellar

Ishan Roy

Blockchain Development with Hyperledger. Build decentralized applications with Hyperledger Fabric and Composer

Salman A. Baset, Luc Desrosiers, Nitin Gaur, Petr Novotny, ...

Blockchain for Business 2019. A user-friendly introduction to blockchain technology and its business applications

Peter Lipovyanov

Blockchain for Decision Makers. A systematic guide to using blockchain for improving your business

Romain Tormen

Blockchain for Enterprise. Build scalable blockchain applications with privacy, interoperability, and permissioned features

Narayan Prusty

Blockchain. Podstawy technologii łańcucha bloków w 25 krokach

Daniel Drescher