
Foundations of Blockchain. The pathway to cryptocurrencies and decentralized blockchain applications

Koshik Raj

Hands-On Bitcoin Programming with Python. Build powerful online payment centric applications with Python

Harish Garg

Hands-On Blockchain for Python Developers. Gain blockchain programming skills to build decentralized applications using Python

Arjuna Sky Kok

Hands-On Blockchain with Hyperledger. Building decentralized applications with Hyperledger Fabric and Composer

Nitin Gaur, Luc Desrosiers, Venkatraman Ramakrishna, Petr Novotny, ...

Hands-On Cryptography with Python. Leverage the power of Python to encrypt and decrypt data

Samuel Bowne

Hands-On IoT Solutions with Blockchain. Discover how converging IoT and blockchain can help you build effective solutions

Maximiliano Santos, Enio Moura

Head First. Python. Легкий для сприйняття довідник

Пол Беррі

Head First. Програмування на JavaScript. Head First. Програмування на JavaScript

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