

Enterprise Security: A Data-Centric Approach to Securing the Enterprise. A guide to applying data-centric security concepts for securing enterprise data to enable an agile enterprise

Aaron Woody

Enterprise security redefined using a data-centric approach and trust models to transform information security into a business enablement process. It is a unique and forward thinking approach for deciding the best method to secure data in the enterprise, the cloud, and in BYOD environments.Enterprise Security: A Data-Centric Approach to Securing the Enterprise will guide you through redefining your security architecture to be more affective and turn information security into a business enablement process rather than a roadblock. This book will provide you with the areas where security must focus to ensure end-to-end security throughout the enterprise-supporting enterprise initiatives such as cloud and BYOD. Enterprise Security: A Data-Centric Approach to Securing the Enterprise will first introduce the reader to a new security architecture model and then explores the must have security methods and new tools that can used to secure the enterprise.This book will take a data-centric approach to securing the enterprise through the concept of Trust Models and building a layered security implementation focused on data. This is not your traditional security book focused on point solutions and the network aspect of security. This book combines best practice methods with new methods to approach enterprise security and how to remain agile as the enterprise demands more access to data from traditionally untrusted assets, hosted solutions, and third parties. Applied Information Security - A Data-Centric Approach to Securing the Enterprise will provide the reader an easy-to-follow flow from architecture to implementation, diagrams and recommended steps, and resources for further research and solution evaluation.This book is a reference and guide for all levels of enterprise security programs that have realized that non-data centric security is no longer practical and new methods must be used to secure the most critical assets in the enterprise.


Ethical Password Cracking. Decode passwords using John the Ripper, hashcat, and advanced methods for password breaking

James Leyte-Vidal

Whether you’re looking to crack passwords as part of a thorough security audit or aiming to recover vital information, this book will equip you with the skills to accomplish your goals. Written by a cybersecurity expert with over fifteen years of experience in penetration testing, Ethical Password Cracking offers a thorough understanding of password protection and the correct approach to retrieving password-protected data.As you progress through the chapters, you first familiarize yourself with how credentials are stored, delving briefly into the math behind password cracking. Then, the book will take you through various tools and techniques to help you recover desired passwords before focusing on common cracking use cases, hash recovery, and cracking. Real-life examples will prompt you to explore brute-force versus dictionary-based approaches and teach you how to apply them to various types of credential storage.By the end of this book, you'll understand how passwords are protected and how to crack the most common credential types with ease.


Executive's Cybersecurity Program Handbook. A comprehensive guide to building and operationalizing a complete cybersecurity program

Jason Brown

Ransomware, phishing, and data breaches are major concerns affecting all organizations as a new cyber threat seems to emerge every day, making it paramount to protect the security of your organization and be prepared for potential cyberattacks. This book will ensure that you can build a reliable cybersecurity framework to keep your organization safe from cyberattacks.This Executive’s Cybersecurity Program Handbook explains the importance of executive buy-in, mission, and vision statement of the main pillars of security program (governance, defence, people and innovation). You’ll explore the different types of cybersecurity frameworks, how they differ from one another, and how to pick the right framework to minimize cyber risk. As you advance, you’ll perform an assessment against the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which will help you evaluate threats to your organization by identifying both internal and external vulnerabilities. Toward the end, you’ll learn the importance of standard cybersecurity policies, along with concepts of governance, risk, and compliance, and become well-equipped to build an effective incident response team.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a thorough understanding of how to build your security program from scratch as well as the importance of implementing administrative and technical security controls.


Gray Hat C#. Język C# w kontroli i łamaniu zabezpieczeń

Brandon Perry

C# to nowoczesny język programowania, który został od podstaw zaprojektowany jako obiektowy. Ta dojrzała technologia jest często wybierana przez twórców oprogramowania, również tego służącego do pokonywania zabezpieczeń systemów. Dzięki temu, że platforma .NET jest oprogramowaniem open source, w C# można pisać kod, który bez problemu będzie działał w każdym systemie operacyjnym. Co prawda język ten jest prosty i łatwy do nauczenia się, jednak dopiero gruntowna znajomość C# umożliwia efektywne tworzenie narzędzi związanych z bezpieczeństwem, służących choćby do wyszukiwania luk w infrastrukturze czy prowadzenia testów penetracyjnych. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla specjalistów ds. bezpieczeństwa, którzy chcą korzystać z języka C# do takich zadań jak fuzzowanie, skanowanie w poszukiwaniu luk zabezpieczeń i analiza złośliwego oprogramowania. Opisano tu zarówno podstawy języka C#, jak i jego dość zaawansowane funkcje. Przedstawiono szereg bibliotek dostępnych dla tego języka. Pokazano, jak pisać kod wyszukujący luki w zabezpieczeniach i jak tworzyć eksploity. Przedstawiono sposoby korzystania z takich narzędzi jak Nessus, sqlmap i Cuckoo Sandbox. Dzięki technikom zaprezentowanym w książce administrator bezpieczeństwa bez problemu zautomatyzuje nawet najbardziej żmudne codzienne zadania! W tej książce między innymi: Podstawowe i zaawansowane funkcjonalności języka C# Generowanie kodu ładunków, również wieloplatformowych Skanery, w tym OpenVAS, Nessus i Nexpose Automatyczna identyfikacja luk umożliwiających wstrzyknięcie kodu SQL Tworzenie w C# narzędzi do inżynierii wstecznej C#. Sprawdź swój system zabezpieczeń! Brandon Perry jest programistą i gorącym zwolennikiem idei open source. Odkąd pojawiło się środowisko Mono, pisze aplikacje w języku C#. Tworzy też moduły dla frameworka Metasploit, analizuje pliki binarne i zarządza ciekawymi projektami ( Fascynuje się badaniami nad bezpieczeństwem systemów informatycznych. Chętnie dzieli się swoją wiedzą, pisze książki i pomaga innym w tworzeniu solidniejszego oprogramowania.


Hack the Cybersecurity Interview. A complete interview preparation guide for jumpstarting your cybersecurity career

Ken Underhill, Christophe Foulon, Tia Hopkins, Mari Galloway

This book is a comprehensive guide that helps both entry-level and experienced cybersecurity professionals prepare for interviews in a wide variety of career areas.Complete with the authors’ answers to different cybersecurity interview questions, this easy-to-follow and actionable book will help you get ready and be confident. You’ll learn how to prepare and form a winning strategy for job interviews. In addition to this, you’ll also understand the most common technical and behavioral interview questions, learning from real cybersecurity professionals and executives with years of industry experience.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to apply the knowledge you've gained to confidently pass your next job interview and achieve success on your cybersecurity career path.


Hacking Android. Click here to enter text

Mohammed A. Imran, Srinivasa Rao Kotipalli

With the mass explosion of Android mobile phones in the world, mobile devices have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Security of Android devices is a broad subject that should be part of our everyday lives to defend against ever-growing smartphone attacks. Everyone, starting with end users all the way up to developers and security professionals should care about android security. Hacking Android is a step-by-step guide that will get you started with Android security. You’ll begin your journey at the absolute basics, and then will slowly gear up to the concepts of Android rooting, application security assessments, malware, infecting APK files, and fuzzing. On this journey you’ll get to grips with various tools and techniques that can be used in your everyday pentests. You’ll gain the skills necessary to perform Android application vulnerability assessment and penetration testing and will create an Android pentesting lab.


Hands-On Ethical Hacking Tactics. Strategies, tools, and techniques for effective cyber defense

Shane Hartman, Ken Dunham

If you’re an ethical hacker looking to boost your digital defenses and stay up to date with the evolving cybersecurity landscape, then this book is for you. Hands-On Ethical Hacking Tactics is a comprehensive guide that will take you from fundamental to advanced levels of ethical hacking, offering insights into both offensive and defensive techniques. Written by a seasoned professional with 20+ years of experience, this book covers attack tools, methodologies, and procedures, helping you enhance your skills in securing and defending networks.The book starts with foundational concepts such as footprinting, reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, vulnerability assessment, and threat modeling. Next, you’ll progress to using specific tools and procedures for hacking Windows, Unix, web servers, applications, and databases. The book also gets you up to speed with malware analysis. Throughout the book, you’ll experience a smooth transition from theoretical concepts to hands-on techniques using various platforms. Finally, you’ll explore incident response, threat hunting, social engineering, IoT hacking, and cloud exploitation, which will help you address the complex aspects of ethical hacking.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to navigate the ever-changing world of cybersecurity.


Hands-On Network Programming with C# and .NET Core. Build robust network applications with C# and .NET Core

Sean Burns

The C# language and the .NET Core application framework provide the tools and patterns required to make the discipline of network programming as intuitive and enjoyable as any other aspect of C# programming. With the help of this book, you will discover how the C# language and the .NET Core framework make this possible.The book begins by introducing the core concepts of network programming, and what distinguishes this field of programming from other disciplines. After this, you will gain insights into concepts such as transport protocols, sockets and ports, and remote data streams, which will provide you with a holistic understanding of how network software fits into larger distributed systems. The book will also explore the intricacies of how network software is implemented in a more explicit context, by covering sockets, connection strategies such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), asynchronous processing, and threads. You will then be able to work through code examples for TCP servers, web APIs served over HTTP, and a Secure Shell (SSH) client. By the end of this book, you will have a good understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network stack, the various communication protocols for that stack, and the skills that are essential to implement those protocols using the C# programming language and the .NET Core framework.