
Git Version Control Cookbook. 90 hands-on recipes that will increase your productivity when using Git as a version control system

Aske Olsson, Rasmus Voss

Git Version Control Cookbook. Leverage version control to transform your development workflow and boost productivity - Second Edition

Kenneth Geisshirt, Emanuele Zattin(EUR), Aske Olsson, Rasmus Voss

GitHub Essentials. Unleash the power of collaborative development workflows using GitHub - Second Edition

Achilleas Pipinellis

GitHub. Przyjazny przewodnik

Brent Beer, Peter Bell

Gitolite Essentials. Sophisticated access control for your Git server is now in reach with this fantastic introduction to Gitolite. In easy to follow chapters it takes you through the steps to managing users and repositories securely and efficiently

Sitaram Chamarty

Kontrola wersji z systemem Git. Zaawansowane narzędzia i techniki do wspólnego projektowania oprogramowania. Wydanie III

Prem Ponuthorai, Jon Loeliger

Learning Shell Scripting with Zsh. Your one-stop guide to reading, writing, and debugging simple and complex Z shell scripts

Gaston Festari

Tablice informatyczne. Git

Daniel Krasnokucki