
Komputerowe projektowanie układów cyfrowych, wyd. 1 / 2000

Tadeusz Łuba, Bogdan Zbierzchowski

Krótka historia informatyki

Ryszard Tadeusiewicz

Kubernetes. Receptury. Aplikacje natywne dla środowiska chmurowego. Wydanie II

Sameer Naik, Sébastien Goasguen, Jonathan Michaux

Kubernetes. Tworzenie niezawodnych systemów rozproszonych. Wydanie II

Brendan Burns, Joe Beda, Kelsey Hightower

Laravel Application Development Cookbook. Since Laravel is so versatile, one of the best learning routes is a cookbook. We've included lots of recipes and guidance on building web application, both simple and complex. It's a pick & mix approach that works brilliantly

Terry Matula

Layered Design for Ruby on Rails Applications. Discover practical design patterns for maintainable web applications

Vladimir Dementyev

Learn Java 17 Programming. Learn the fundamentals of Java Programming with this updated guide with the latest features - Second Edition

Nick Samoylov