
Mastering Metasploit. Exploit systems, cover your tracks, and bypass security controls with the Metasploit 5.0 framework - Fourth Edition

Nipun Jaswal

Mastering Metasploit. Take your penetration testing and IT security skills to a whole new level with the secrets of Metasploit - Third Edition

Nipun Jaswal

Mastering Metasploit. With this tutorial you can improve your Metasploit skills and learn to put your network’s defenses to the ultimate test. The step-by-step approach teaches you the techniques and languages needed to become an expert

Nipun Jaswal

Metasploit 5.0 for Beginners. Perform penetration testing to secure your IT environment against threats and vulnerabilities - Second Edition

Sagar Rahalkar

Metasploit. Receptury pentestera. Wydanie II

Abhinav Singh, Monika Agarwal

Mroczne odmęty phishingu. Nie daj się złowić!

Christopher Hadnagy

Offensive Shellcode from Scratch. Get to grips with shellcode countermeasures and discover how to bypass them

Rishalin Pillay

Penetration Testing Azure for Ethical Hackers. Develop practical skills to perform pentesting and risk assessment of Microsoft Azure environments

David Okeyode, Karl Fosaaen, Charles Horton