Visual C# - Programowanie


Unity 2017 Game Optimization. Optimize all aspects of Unity performance - Second Edition

Chris Dickinson

Unity is an awesome game development engine. Through its massive feature-set and ease-of-use, Unity helps put some of the best processing and rendering technology in the hands of hobbyists and professionals alike.This book shows you how to make your games fly with the recent version of Unity 2017, and demonstrates that high performance does not need to be limited to games with the biggest teams and budgets.Since nothing turns gamers away from a game faster than a poor user-experience, the book starts by explaining how to use the Unity Profiler to detect problems. You will learn how to use stopwatches, timers and logging methods to diagnose the problem. You will then explore techniques to improve performance through better programming practices. Moving on, you will then learn about Unity’s built-in batching processes; when they can be used to improve performance, and their limitations. Next, you will import your art assets using minimal space, CPU and memory at runtime, and discover some underused features and approaches for managing asset data. You will also improve graphics, particle system and shader performance with a series of tips and tricks to make the most of GPU parallel processing. You will then delve into the fundamental layers of the Unity3D engine to discuss some issues that may be difficult to understand without a strong knowledge of its inner-workings. The book also introduces you to the critical performance problems for VR projects and how to tackle them.By the end of the book, you will have learned to improve the development workflow by properly organizing assets and ways to instantiate assets as quickly and waste-free as possible via object pooling.


Unity 2017 Mobile Game Development. Build, deploy, and monetize games for Android and iOS with Unity

John P. Doran

Unity has established itself as an overpowering force for developing mobile games. If you love mobile games and want to learn how to make them but have no idea where to begin, then this book is just what you need. This book takes a clear, step-by-step approach to building an endless runner game using Unity with plenty of examples on how to create a game that is uniquely your own.Starting from scratch, you will build, set up, and deploy a simple game to a mobile device. You will learn to add touch gestures and design UI elements that can be used in both landscape and portrait mode at different resolutions. You will explore the best ways to monetize your game projects using Unity Ads and in-app purchases before you share your game information on social networks. Next, using Unity’s analytics tools you will be able to make your game better by gaining insights into how players like and use your game. Finally, you’ll learn how to publish your game on the iOS and Android App Stores for the world to see and play along.


Unity 2018 Augmented Reality Projects. Build four immersive and fun AR applications using ARKit, ARCore, and Vuforia

Jesse Glover

Augmented Reality allows for radical innovations in countless areas. It magically blends the physical and virtual worlds, bringing applications from a screen into your hands. Meanwhile, Unity has now become the leading platform to develop augmented reality experiences, as it provides a great pipeline for working with 3D assets.Using a practical and project-based approach, Unity 2018 Augmented Reality Projects educates you about the specifics of augmented reality development in Unity 2018.This book teaches you how to use Unity in order to develop AR applications which can be experienced with devices such as HoloLens and Daydream. You will learn to integrate, animate, and overlay 3D objects on your camera feed, before gradually moving on to implementing sensor-based AR applications. In addition to this, you will explore the technical considerations that are especially important and possibly unique to AR. The projects in the book demonstrate how you can build a variety of AR experiences, whilst also giving insights into C# programming as well as the Unity 3D game engine via the interactive Unity Editor.By the end of the book, you will be equipped to develop rich, interactive augmented reality experiences for a range of AR devices and platforms using Unity.


Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook. Transform your game into a visually stunning masterpiece with over 70 recipes - Third Edition

John P. Doran, Alan Zucconi

Since their introduction to Unity, shaders have been seen as notoriously difficult to understand and implement in games. Complex mathematics has always stood in the way of creating your own shaders and attaining the level of realism you crave.Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook changes that by giving you a recipe-based guide to creating shaders using Unity. It will show you everything you need to know about vectors, how lighting is constructed with them, and how textures are used to create complex effects without the heavy math.This book starts by teaching you how to use shaders without writing code with the post-processing stack. Then, you’ll learn how to write shaders from scratch, build up essential lighting, and finish by creating stunning screen effects just like those in high-quality 3D and mobile games. You'll discover techniques, such as normal mapping, image-based lighting, and animating your models inside a shader. We'll explore how to use physically based rendering to treat light the way it behaves in the real world. At the end, we’ll even look at Unity 2018’s new Shader Graph system.With this book, what seems like a dark art today will be second nature by tomorrow.


Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming. Add powerful, believable, and fun AI entities in your game with the power of Unity 2018! - Fourth Edition

Dr. Davide Aversa, Aung Sithu Kyaw, Clifford Peters

Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for game characters in Unity 2018 has never been easier. Unity provides game and app developers with a variety of tools to implement AI, from the basic techniques to cutting-edge machine learning-powered agents. Leveraging these tools via Unity's API or built-in features allows limitless possibilities when it comes to creating your game's worlds and characters.This fourth edition with Unity will help you break down AI into simple concepts to give you a fundamental understanding of the topic to build upon. Using a variety of examples, the book then takes those concepts and walks you through actual implementations designed to highlight key concepts and features related to game AI in Unity.Further on, you'll learn how to distinguish the state machine pattern and implement one of your own. This is followed by learning how to implement a basic sensory system for your AI agent and coupling it with a Finite State Machine (FSM).Next, you'll learn how to use Unity's built-in NavMesh feature and implement your own A* pathfinding system. You'll then learn how to implement simple ?ocks and crowd dynamics, which are key AI concepts in Unity. Moving on, you'll learn how to implement a behavior tree through a game-focused example. Lastly, you'll apply all the concepts in the book to build a popular game.


Visual Studio 2013. Podręcznik programowania w C# z zadaniami

Jacek Matulewski

Ucz się, projektuj, zarabiaj! Poznaj język C# 5.0 i platformę .NET 4.5.1 — podstawy nowoczesnego projektowania aplikacji Windows Dowiedz się, jak projektować aplikacje Windows Forms i efektywnie używać kontrolek Wybierz optymalny sposób przechowywania informacji w bazie danych w aplikacjach dla platformy .NET Współczesne oprogramowanie musi sprostać wysokim standardom — powinno być funkcjonalne, bezawaryjne i szybkie. Pisanie i kompilowanie takich programów znacznie ułatwiają Visual Studio 2013 oraz platforma .NET. Warto wykorzystać także obiektowy język programowania C# 5.0, sprawdzone rozwiązanie zaprojektowane i wykorzystywane przez Microsoft. Ta wiedza pomoże Ci odnieść sukces na elitarnym rynku programistów Windows. Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o praktycznych aspektach działania Visual Studio, platformy .NET i programowaniu w języku C#, koniecznie przeczytaj tę książkę! Dowiesz się, jak pisać programy w C#, debugować je i kompilować. Zobaczysz, do czego służy biblioteka kontrolek i gdzie możesz bezpiecznie przechowywać dane. Przede wszystkim jednak będziesz miał możliwość rozwiązania wielu zadań, bo nic nie sprzyja nauce tak bardzo, jak samodzielne zmaganie się z ciekawymi zadaniami. Pierwsze spotkanie ze środowiskiem Visual Studio i językiem C# Błędy i ich tropienie Język C# 5.0 i programowanie obiektowe w C# Biblioteki DLL, testy jednostkowe i elementy programowania współbieżnego Pierwszy projekt aplikacji Windows Forms i komponenty biblioteki Windows Forms Technologia LINQ Przechowywanie danych w plikach XML (LINQ to XML) Tworzenie i rozbudowa bazy danych SQL Server i kreator źródeł danych Tradycyjne ADO.NET (DataSet) i nowoczesne Entity Framework Przykładowe zadania Twórz nowoczesne aplikacje w najnowszym Visual Studio i z platformą .NET!


Windows Presentation Foundation Development Cookbook. 100 recipes to build rich desktop client applications on Windows

Kunal Chowdhury

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is Microsoft's development tool for building rich Windows client user experiences that incorporate UIs, media, and documents. With the updates in .NET 4.7, Visual Studio 2017, C# 7, and .NET Standard 2.0, WPF has taken giant strides and is now easier than ever for developers to use. If you want to get an in-depth view of WPF mechanics and capabilities, then this book is for you.The book begins by teaching you about the fundamentals of WPF and then quickly shows you the standard controls and the layout options. It teaches you about data bindings and how to utilize resources and the MVVM pattern to maintain a clean and reusable structure in your code. After this, you will explore the animation capabilities of WPF and see how they integrate with other mechanisms. Towards the end of the book, you will learn about WCF services and explore WPF's support for debugging and asynchronous operations.By the end of the book, you will have a deep understanding of WPF and will know how to build resilient applications.