Програмування ігор

Azure Synapse Analytics Cookbook. Implement a limitless analytical platform using effective recipes for Azure Synapse

Gaurav Agarwal, Meenakshi Muralidharan, Dr Rohini Srivathsa

Beginning DevOps with Docker. Automate the deployment of your environment with the power of the Docker toolchain

Joseph Muli

Beginning Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure. Design scalable applications and microservices that effortlessly adapt to the requirements of your customers

Daniel Bass

Big Data Forensics - Learning Hadoop Investigations. Perform forensic investigations on Hadoop clusters with cutting-edge tools and techniques

Joseph Sremack, Joe Sremack

Building Applications with Spring 5 and Kotlin. Build scalable and reactive applications with Spring combined with the productivity of Kotlin

Miloš Vasić

Building ERP Solutions with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Solve business scenarios using NAV

Stefano Demiliani

Building Google Cloud Platform Solutions. Develop scalable applications from scratch and make them globally available in almost any language

Ted Hunter, Steven Porter, Legorie Rajan PS

Building Hybrid Clouds with Azure Stack. Implementing on-premises Azure infrastructure

Markus Klein, Susan Roesner

Building Low Latency Applications with C++. Develop a complete low latency trading ecosystem from scratch using modern C++

Sourav Ghosh

Building RESTful Web Services with Spring 5. Leverage the power of Spring 5.0, Java SE 9, and Spring Boot 2.0 - Second Edition

Raja CSP Raman, Ludovic Dewailly

Building Serverless Python Web Services with Zappa. Build and deploy serverless applications on AWS using Zappa

Abdulwahid Abdulhaque Barguzar

Building VMware Software-Defined Data Centers. Click here to enter text

Valentin Hamburger

Ceph Cookbook. Practical recipes to design, implement, operate, and manage Ceph storage systems - Second Edition

Vikhyat Umrao, Karan Singh, Michael Hackett

Ceph: Designing and Implementing Scalable Storage Systems. Design, implement, and manage software-defined storage solutions that provide excellent performance

Michael Hackett, Vikhyat Umrao, Karan Singh, Nick Fisk, ...

Chef Cookbook. Achieve powerful IT infrastructure management and automation - Third Edition

Matthias Marschall

Citrix XenApp 7.5 Desktop Virtualization Solutions. Plan, design, optimize, and implement your XenApp solution to mobilize your business

Andy Paul

Citrix XenDesktop Cookbook. Over 40 engaging recipes that will help you implement a full-featured XenDesktop 7.6 architecture and its main satellite components

Gaspare Silvestri

Cloud Analytics with Microsoft Azure. Transform your business with the power of analytics in Azure - Second Edition

Has Altaiar, Jack Lee, Michael Pena

Cloud Foundry for Developers. Deploy, manage, and orchestrate cloud-native applications with ease

Rick Farmer, Rahul Kumar Jain, David Wu

Cloud Native Applications with Ballerina. A guide for programmers interested in developing cloud native applications using Ballerina Swan Lake

Dhanushka Madushan

Cloud Native Architectures. Design high-availability and cost-effective applications for the cloud

Tom Laszewski, Kamal Arora, Erik Farr, Piyum Zonooz

Cloud Native Development Patterns and Best Practices. Practical architectural patterns for building modern, distributed cloud-native systems

John Gilbert

Cloud Native programming with Golang. Develop microservice-based high performance web apps for the cloud with Go

Mina Andrawos, Martin Helmich

Cloud Native Python. Build and deploy resilent applications on the cloud using microservices, AWS, Azure and more

Manish Sethi