
Scientific Computing with Python 3. Click here to enter text

Claus Führer, Jan Erik Solem, Olivier Verdier

Serverless Machine Learning with Amazon Redshift ML. Create, train, and deploy machine learning models using familiar SQL commands

Debu Panda, Phil Bates, Bhanu Pittampally, Sumeet Joshi, ...

Siatka danych. Nowoczesna koncepcja samoobsługowej infrastruktury danych

Simplifying Data Engineering and Analytics with Delta. Create analytics-ready data that fuels artificial intelligence and business intelligence

Anindita Mahapatra, Doug May

Skazany na sukces. Kariera w Data Science

Jacqueline Nolis, Emily Robinson

Smarter Decisions - The Intersection of Internet of Things and Decision Science. A comprehensive guide for solving IoT business problems using decision science

Jojo Moolayil

Solr Cookbook. Solve real-time problems related to Apache Solr 4.x and 5.0 effectively with the help of over 100 easy-to-follow recipes

Rafal Kuc

Spark. Błyskawiczna analiza danych. Wydanie II

Jules S. Damji, Brooke Wenig, Tathagata Das, Denny Lee