Computer graphics

Would you like to learn how to perfectly balance white and colour in the photos? Do you want to learn how to create high quality photomontage? So visit our digital library related to computer graphics. Here you will find practical guides to such programs as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and ABC CorelDRAW.

Photoshop. Profesjonalny retusz i fotomontaż

Glyn Dewis

Photoshop. Twoje projekty krok po kroku

Tomasz Gądek

Photoshop w trampkach. Stwórz własny album rodzinny

Agnieszka Korzeniewska

PlayStation Mobile Development Cookbook. Over 65 recipes that will help you create and develop amazing mobile applications!

Michael Fleischauer

Po co ci logo?

Andrzej-Ludwik Włoszczyński

Podręcznik projektantów logo. Smashing Magazine

Gareth Hardy

Power Up Your PowToon Studio Project. The ultimate PowToon project guide – get hints, tips, and ideas to turbocharge your PowToon Studio project

Bruce Graham

Practical Autodesk AutoCAD 2023 and AutoCAD LT 2023. A beginner’s guide to 2D drafting and 3D modeling with Autodesk AutoCAD - Second Edition

Jaiprakash Pandey, Yasser Shoukry