Sztuczna inteligencja


Badanie i zarządzanie ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym z zastosowaniem algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji

Mariusz Izdebski

Praca dotyczy tematyki zarządzania ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym z wykorzystaniem algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji w procesach przewozowych do minimalizacji zdarzeń niebezpiecznych. Wartością poznawczą przeprowadzonych badań jest opracowanie autorskich, oryginalnych modeli zarządzania ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym wraz z ich algorytmizacją narzędziami sztucznej inteligencji. Opracowane modele zarządzania ryzykiem mogą mieć zastosowanie w różnych obszarach, np. budownictwie. Wykorzystanie algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji w zarządzaniu ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym pozwoliło na opracowanie oryginalnych metod oceny i zarządzania ryzykiem w procesach przewozowych. Do badania redukcji poziomu ryzyka zastosowano dwa zaawansowane algorytmy sztucznej inteligencji - mrówkowy i genetyczny. Sposób ich działania jest różny, co pozwoliło na porównanie jakości generowanych rozwiązań, a tym samym wyznaczenie efektywności tych algorytmów w zarządzaniu ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym. Monografia składa się z dziewięciu rozdziałów, które podzielono na trzy obszary tematyczne. W pierwszym obszarze (rozdz. 1-3) zdefiniowano najnowsze badania z zakresu tematyki ryzyka w transporcie drogowym, scharakteryzowano kluczowe zagrożenia w procesach przewozowych i przedstawiono procedurę zarządzania ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym. Kluczowym elementem tej części monografii jest opis algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji stosowanych w zarządzaniu ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym, ze szczególnym podkreśleniem dużej roli, jaką odgrywają użyte algorytmy. W drugim obszarze (rozdz. 4 i 5) opisano modele zarządzania ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym i przedstawiono ich formalny zapis. W trzecim obszarze (rozdz. 6-8) opisano proces algorytmizacji opracowanych modeli zarządzania ryzykiem wraz ze sposobem szacowania ryzyka na odcinkach sieci transportowej i przedstawiono weryfikację algorytmów zastosowanych w aplikacji do przykładów. W podsumowaniu monografii przedłożono rekomendacje dla decydentów zarządzających ryzykiem w transporcie drogowym, a także podkreślono oryginalność przedstawionych badań i ich dalszy kierunek.


Building Data Science Applications with FastAPI. Develop, manage, and deploy efficient machine learning applications with Python - Second Edition

François Voron

Building Data Science Applications with FastAPI is the go-to resource for creating efficient and dependable data science API backends. This second edition incorporates the latest Python and FastAPI advancements, along with two new AI projects – a real-time object detection system and a text-to-image generation platform using Stable Diffusion. The book starts with the basics of FastAPI and modern Python programming. You'll grasp FastAPI's robust dependency injection system, which facilitates seamless database communication, authentication implementation, and ML model integration. As you progress, you'll learn testing and deployment best practices, guaranteeing high-quality, resilient applications. Throughout the book, you'll build data science applications using FastAPI with the help of projects covering common AI use cases, such as object detection and text-to-image generation. These hands-on experiences will deepen your understanding of using FastAPI in real-world scenarios. By the end of this book, you'll be well equipped to maintain, design, and monitor applications to meet the highest programming standards using FastAPI, empowering you to create fast and reliable data science API backends with ease while keeping up with the latest advancements.


Building Data-Driven Applications with LlamaIndex. A practical guide to retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to enhance LLM applications

Andrei Gheorghiu

Generative AI, such as Large Language Models (LLMs) possess immense potential. These models simplify problems but have limitations, including contextual memory constraints, prompt size issues, real-time data gaps, and occasional hallucinations.With this book, you’ll go from preparing the environment to gradually adding features and deploying the final project. You’ll gradually progress from fundamental LLM concepts to exploring the features of this framework. Practical examples will guide you through essential steps for personalizing and launching your LlamaIndex projects. Additionally, you’ll overcome LLM limitations, build end-user applications, and acquire skills in ingesting, indexing, querying, and connecting dynamic knowledge bases, covering Generative AI and LLM, as well as LlamaIndex deployment. As you approach the conclusion, you’ll delve into customization, gaining a holistic grasp of LlamaIndex's capabilities and applications.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to resolve challenges in LLMs and build interactive AI-driven applications by applying best practices in prompt engineering and troubleshooting Generative AI projects.


Building LLM Powered Applications. Create intelligent apps and agents with large language models

Valentina Alto

Building LLM Powered Applications delves into the fundamental concepts, cutting-edge technologies, and practical applications that LLMs offer, ultimately paving the way for the emergence of large foundation models (LFMs) that extend the boundaries of AI capabilities.The book begins with an in-depth introduction to LLMs. We then explore various mainstream architectural frameworks, including both proprietary models (GPT 3.5/4) and open-source models (Falcon LLM), and analyze their unique strengths and differences. Moving ahead, with a focus on the Python-based, lightweight framework called LangChain, we guide you through the process of creating intelligent agents capable of retrieving information from unstructured data and engaging with structured data using LLMs and powerful toolkits. Furthermore, the book ventures into the realm of LFMs, which transcend language modeling to encompass various AI tasks and modalities, such as vision and audio.Whether you are a seasoned AI expert or a newcomer to the field, this book is your roadmap to unlock the full potential of LLMs and forge a new era of intelligent machines.


Business Intelligence with Databricks SQL. Concepts, tools, and techniques for scaling business intelligence on the data lakehouse

Vihag Gupta

In this new era of data platform system design, data lakes and data warehouses are giving way to the lakehouse – a new type of data platform system that aims to unify all data analytics into a single platform. Databricks, with its Databricks SQL product suite, is the hottest lakehouse platform out there, harnessing the power of Apache Spark™, Delta Lake, and other innovations to enable data warehousing capabilities on the lakehouse with data lake economics.This book is a comprehensive hands-on guide that helps you explore all the advanced features, use cases, and technology components of Databricks SQL. You’ll start with the lakehouse architecture fundamentals and understand how Databricks SQL fits into it. The book then shows you how to use the platform, from exploring data, executing queries, building reports, and using dashboards through to learning the administrative aspects of the lakehouse – data security, governance, and management of the computational power of the lakehouse. You’ll also delve into the core technology enablers of Databricks SQL – Delta Lake and Photon. Finally, you’ll get hands-on with advanced SQL commands for ingesting data and maintaining the lakehouse.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered Databricks SQL and be able to deploy and deliver fast, scalable business intelligence on the lakehouse.


Causal Inference and Discovery in Python. Unlock the secrets of modern causal machine learning with DoWhy, EconML, PyTorch and more

Aleksander Molak, Ajit Jaokar

Causal methods present unique challenges compared to traditional machine learning and statistics. Learning causality can be challenging, but it offers distinct advantages that elude a purely statistical mindset. Causal Inference and Discovery in Python helps you unlock the potential of causality.You’ll start with basic motivations behind causal thinking and a comprehensive introduction to Pearlian causal concepts, such as structural causal models, interventions, counterfactuals, and more. Each concept is accompanied by a theoretical explanation and a set of practical exercises with Python code.Next, you’ll dive into the world of causal effect estimation, consistently progressing towards modern machine learning methods. Step-by-step, you’ll discover Python causal ecosystem and harness the power of cutting-edge algorithms. You’ll further explore the mechanics of how “causes leave traces” and compare the main families of causal discovery algorithms.The final chapter gives you a broad outlook into the future of causal AI where we examine challenges and opportunities and provide you with a comprehensive list of resources to learn more.


ChatGPT for Accelerating Salesforce Development. Achieve faster, smarter, and more cost-effective Salesforce Delivery with ChatGPT

Andy Forbes, Philip Safir, Joseph Kubon, Francisco Fálder

ChatGPT for Salesforce Development is an indispensable guide for Salesforce business analysts, developers, testers, and product owners seeking to integrate ChatGPT into their workflow. This book delves into the intricacies of Salesforce design, configuration, coding, and testing, demonstrating how ChatGPT can simplify complex setups and enhance project team efficiency.With this book, you’ll unlock the effective use of ChatGPT for crafting user stories that align seamlessly with project goals, learn how to design and implement Salesforce flows, and quickly write clear, comprehensive, and high-quality project documentation. As you advance, you’ll leverage ChatGPT to write new Apex code, decipher existing code, and explore the development of web services and callouts. This book spans trigger creation and the development of Lightning Web Components (LWC), highlighting how these can accelerate the development process. Applying ChatGPT's debugging capabilities, you’ll swiftly identify and resolve Salesforce issues to uphold the integrity and performance of your Salesforce applications.By the end of this book, you’ll be adept at integrating ChatGPT at every stage of Salesforce project delivery, from initial configuration to final testing.


ChatGPT for Cybersecurity Cookbook. Learn practical generative AI recipes to supercharge your cybersecurity skills

Clint Bodungen, Aaron Crow

Are you ready to unleash the potential of AI-driven cybersecurity? This cookbook takes you on a journey toward enhancing your cybersecurity skills, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned professional. By leveraging cutting-edge generative AI and large language models such as ChatGPT, you'll gain a competitive advantage in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.ChatGPT for Cybersecurity Cookbook shows you how to automate and optimize various cybersecurity tasks, including penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, risk assessment, and threat detection. Each recipe demonstrates step by step how to utilize ChatGPT and the OpenAI API to generate complex commands, write code, and even create complete tools. You’ll discover how AI-powered cybersecurity can revolutionize your approach to security, providing you with new strategies and techniques for tackling challenges. As you progress, you’ll dive into detailed recipes covering attack vector automation, vulnerability scanning, GPT-assisted code analysis, and more. By learning to harness the power of generative AI, you'll not only expand your skillset but also increase your efficiency.By the end of this cybersecurity book, you’ll have the confidence and knowledge you need to stay ahead of the curve, mastering the latest generative AI tools and techniques in cybersecurity.


ChatGPT Prompts Book - Precision Prompts, Priming, Training & AI Writing Techniques for Mortals. Crafting Precision Prompts and Exploring AI Writing with ChatGPT

Oliver Theobald

The course embarks on an enlightening journey through the world of ChatGPT, starting from the very basics of understanding what ChatGPT is, to delving deep into the mechanics of crafting precision prompts that unlock its full potential. From the outset, you'll be introduced to the foundational elements that make ChatGPT an indispensable tool for a wide range of applications, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of its capabilities.As we progress, the course meticulously unfolds the layers of prompt writing techniques, priming strategies, and training methodologies that are designed to enhance your interaction with AI. You'll learn how to craft prompts for common use cases, navigate the nuances of content creation, translation tasks, and personalized tutoring, all while leveraging ChatGPT's advanced AI art capabilities.The course culminates by focusing on practical applications and exploring advanced prompt training and role prompting techniques. This final stretch is designed to solidify your understanding and empower you with the confidence to employ ChatGPT across various scenarios, from professional content writing to creative explorations.


Comet for Data Science. Enhance your ability to manage and optimize the life cycle of your data science project

Angelica Lo Duca, Gideon Mendels

This book provides concepts and practical use cases which can be used to quickly build, monitor, and optimize data science projects. Using Comet, you will learn how to manage almost every step of the data science process from data collection through to creating, deploying, and monitoring a machine learning model.The book starts by explaining the features of Comet, along with exploratory data analysis and model evaluation in Comet. You’ll see how Comet gives you the freedom to choose from a selection of programming languages, depending on which is best suited to your needs. Next, you will focus on workspaces, projects, experiments, and models. You will also learn how to build a narrative from your data, using the features provided by Comet. Later, you will review the basic concepts behind DevOps and how to extend the GitLab DevOps platform with Comet, further enhancing your ability to deploy your data science projects. Finally, you will cover various use cases of Comet in machine learning, NLP, deep learning, and time series analysis, gaining hands-on experience with some of the most interesting and valuable data science techniques available.By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently build data science pipelines according to bespoke specifications and manage them through Comet.


Creators of Intelligence. Industry secrets from AI leaders that you can easily apply to advance your data science career

Dr. Alex Antic, John K. Thompson

A Gartner prediction in 2018 led to numerous articles stating that 85% of AI and machine learning projects fail to deliver.” Although it's unclear whether a mass extinction event occurred for AI implementations at the end of 2022, the question remains: how can I ensure that my project delivers value and doesn't become a statistic?The demand for data scientists has only grown since 2015, when they were dubbed the new “rock stars” of business. But how can you become a data science rock star? As a new senior data leader, how can you build and manage a productive team? And what is the path to becoming a chief data officer?Creators of Intelligence is a collection of in-depth, one-on-one interviews where Dr. Alex Antic, a recognized data science leader, explores the answers to these questions and more with some of the world's leading data science leaders and CDOs.Interviews with: Cortnie Abercrombie, Edward Santow, Kshira Saagar, Charles Martin, Petar Veličković, Kathleen Maley, Kirk Borne, Nikolaj Van Omme, Jason Tamara Widjaja, Jon Whittle, Althea Davis, Igor Halperin, Christina Stathopoulos, Angshuman Ghosh, Maria Milosavljevic, Dr. Meri Rosich, Dat Tran, and Stephane Doyen.


DAX Cookbook. Over 120 recipes to enhance your business with analytics, reporting, and business intelligence

Greg Deckler

DAX provides an extra edge by extracting key information from the data that is already present in your model. Filled with examples of practical, real-world calculations geared toward business metrics and key performance indicators, this cookbook features solutions that you can apply for your own business analysis needs.You'll learn to write various DAX expressions and functions to understand how DAX queries work. The book also covers sections on dates, time, and duration to help you deal with working days, time zones, and shifts. You'll then discover how to manipulate text and numbers to create dynamic titles and ranks, and deal with measure totals. Later, you'll explore common business metrics for finance, customers, employees, and projects. The book will also show you how to implement common industry metrics such as days of supply, mean time between failure, order cycle time and overall equipment effectiveness. In the concluding chapters, you'll learn to apply statistical formulas for covariance, kurtosis, and skewness. Finally, you'll explore advanced DAX patterns for interpolation, inverse aggregators, inverse slicers, and even forecasting with a deseasonalized correlation coefficient.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to use DAX's functionality and flexibility in business intelligence and data analytics.


Deep Learning and XAI Techniques for Anomaly Detection. Integrate the theory and practice of deep anomaly explainability

Cher Simon, Jeff Barr

Despite promising advances, the opaque nature of deep learning models makes it difficult to interpret them, which is a drawback in terms of their practical deployment and regulatory compliance.Deep Learning and XAI Techniques for Anomaly Detection shows you state-of-the-art methods that’ll help you to understand and address these challenges. By leveraging the Explainable AI (XAI) and deep learning techniques described in this book, you’ll discover how to successfully extract business-critical insights while ensuring fair and ethical analysis.This practical guide will provide you with tools and best practices to achieve transparency and interpretability with deep learning models, ultimately establishing trust in your anomaly detection applications. Throughout the chapters, you’ll get equipped with XAI and anomaly detection knowledge that’ll enable you to embark on a series of real-world projects. Whether you are building computer vision, natural language processing, or time series models, you’ll learn how to quantify and assess their explainability.By the end of this deep learning book, you’ll be able to build a variety of deep learning XAI models and perform validation to assess their explainability.


Deep Learning for Genomics. Data-driven approaches for genomics applications in life sciences and biotechnology

Upendra Kumar Devisetty

Deep learning has shown remarkable promise in the field of genomics; however, there is a lack of a skilled deep learning workforce in this discipline. This book will help researchers and data scientists to stand out from the rest of the crowd and solve real-world problems in genomics by developing the necessary skill set. Starting with an introduction to the essential concepts, this book highlights the power of deep learning in handling big data in genomics. First, you’ll learn about conventional genomics analysis, then transition to state-of-the-art machine learning-based genomics applications, and finally dive into deep learning approaches for genomics. The book covers all of the important deep learning algorithms commonly used by the research community and goes into the details of what they are, how they work, and their practical applications in genomics. The book dedicates an entire section to operationalizing deep learning models, which will provide the necessary hands-on tutorials for researchers and any deep learning practitioners to build, tune, interpret, deploy, evaluate, and monitor deep learning models from genomics big data sets.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned about the challenges, best practices, and pitfalls of deep learning for genomics.


Deep Learning for Time Series Cookbook. Use PyTorch and Python recipes for forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection

Vitor Cerqueira, Luís Roque

Most organizations exhibit a time-dependent structure in their processes, including fields such as finance. By leveraging time series analysis and forecasting, these organizations can make informed decisions and optimize their performance. Accurate forecasts help reduce uncertainty and enable better planning of operations. Unlike traditional approaches to forecasting, deep learning can process large amounts of data and help derive complex patterns. Despite its increasing relevance, getting the most out of deep learning requires significant technical expertise.This book guides you through applying deep learning to time series data with the help of easy-to-follow code recipes. You’ll cover time series problems, such as forecasting, anomaly detection, and classification. This deep learning book will also show you how to solve these problems using different deep neural network architectures, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or transformers. As you progress, you’ll use PyTorch, a popular deep learning framework based on Python to build production-ready prediction solutions.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to solve different time series tasks with deep learning using the PyTorch ecosystem.


Deep Learning from the Basics. Python and Deep Learning: Theory and Implementation

Koki Saitoh

Deep learning is rapidly becoming the most preferred way of solving data problems. This is thanks, in part, to its huge variety of mathematical algorithms and their ability to find patterns that are otherwise invisible to us.Deep Learning from the Basics begins with a fast-paced introduction to deep learning with Python, its definition, characteristics, and applications. You’ll learn how to use the Python interpreter and the script files in your applications, and utilize NumPy and Matplotlib in your deep learning models. As you progress through the book, you’ll discover backpropagation—an efficient way to calculate the gradients of weight parameters—and study multilayer perceptrons and their limitations, before, finally, implementing a three-layer neural network and calculating multidimensional arrays.By the end of the book, you’ll have the knowledge to apply the relevant technologies in deep learning.