Mobile programming

In this category you will find online books that will help you acquire skills in the field of mobile programming. Therefore, they discuss the programming languages used in popular Android and iOS-based mobile devices. Here you will also find publications on related issues, such as voice assistants, AMP technology or UI and UX design.

Tworzenie gier na platformę Android 4

J. F. DiMarzio

Windows Phone 7. Tworzenie efektownych aplikacji

Henry Lee, Eugene Chuvyrov

Xamarin. Tworzenie interfejsów użytkownika

Steven F. Daniel

Xamarin.Forms Projects. Build seven real-world cross-platform mobile apps with C# and Xamarin.Forms

Johan Karlsson, Daniel Hindrikes

Zarządzanie urządzeniami Apple. Zunifikowana teoria zarządzania urządzeniami Mac, iPad, iPhone oraz AppleTV

Charles Edge, Rich Trouton

Zen Steve'a Jobsa

JESS3 (Illustrator), Caleb Melby (Author), Forbes LLC (Author)