Mobile programming

In this category you will find online books that will help you acquire skills in the field of mobile programming. Therefore, they discuss the programming languages used in popular Android and iOS-based mobile devices. Here you will also find publications on related issues, such as voice assistants, AMP technology or UI and UX design.

Flutter Cookbook. Over 100 proven techniques and solutions for app development with Flutter 2.2 and Dart

Simone Alessandria, Brian Kayfitz

Flutter for Beginners. An introductory guide to building cross-platform mobile applications with Flutter 2.5 and Dart - Second Edition

Thomas Bailey, Alessandro Biessek, Trevor Wills

Flutter for Beginners. An introductory guide to building cross-platform mobile applications with Flutter and Dart 2

Alessandro Biessek

Flutter i Dart 2 dla początkujących. Przewodnik dla twórców aplikacji mobilnych

Alessandro Biessek

Flutter. Podstawy

Krzysztof Baranowski

Flutter Projects. A practical, project-based guide to building real-world cross-platform mobile applications and games

Simone Alessandria

Funkcjonalność aplikacji mobilnych. Nowoczesne standardy UX i UI

Raluca Budiu, Jakob Nielsen

Gradle for Android. Automate the build process for your Android projects with Gradle

Kevin Pelgrims