
Czy chciałbyś głębiej wniknąć w świat cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz nowoczesnych technologii? Na pewno zainteresuje Cię w takim razie nasza biblioteka online. Znajdziesz tutaj książki, dzięki którym poznasz metody wykorzystywane przez hakerów. Dowiesz się także, jak skutecznie chronić dane oraz testować programy i wykrywać w nich błędy.


Blockchain for Decision Makers. A systematic guide to using blockchain for improving your business

Romain Tormen

In addition to cryptocurrencies, blockchain-based apps are being developed in different industries such as banking, supply chain, and healthcare to achieve digital transformation and enhance user experience. Blockchain is not only about Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies, but also about different technologies such as peer-to-peer networks, consensus mechanisms, and cryptography. These technologies together help sustain trustless environments in which digital value can be transferred between individuals without intermediaries.This book will help you understand the basics of blockchain such as consensus protocols, decentralized applications, and tokenization. You'll focus on how blockchain is used today in different industries and the technological challenges faced while implementing a blockchain strategy. The book also enables you, as a decision maker, to understand blockchain from a technical perspective and evaluate its applicability in your business. Finally, you'll get to grips with blockchain frameworks such as Hyperledger and Quorum and their usability.By the end of this book, you'll have learned about the current use cases of blockchain and be able to implement a blockchain strategy on your own.


Blockchain for Enterprise. Build scalable blockchain applications with privacy, interoperability, and permissioned features

Narayan Prusty

The increasing growth in blockchain use is enormous, and it is changing the way business is done. Many leading organizations are already exploring the potential of blockchain. With this book, you will learn to build end-to-end enterprise-level decentralized applications and scale them across your organization to meet your company's needs. This book will help you understand what DApps are and how the blockchain ecosystem works, via real-world examples. This extensive end-to-end book covers every blockchain aspect for business and for developers. You will master process flows and incorporate them into your own enterprise. You will learn how to use J.P. Morgan’s Quorum to build blockchain-based applications. You will also learn how to write applications that can help communicate enterprise blockchain solutions. You will learn how to write smart contracts that run without censorship and third-party interference.Once you've grasped what a blockchain is and have learned about Quorum, you will jump into building real-world practical blockchain applications for sectors such as payment and money transfer, healthcare, cloud computing, supply chain management, and much more.


Blockchain. Podstawy technologii łańcucha bloków w 25 krokach

Daniel Drescher

Blockchain. Podstawy technologii łańcucha bloków w 25 krokach W pewnym uproszczeniu łańcuch bloków (blockchain) jest rozproszoną bazą danych, która utrzymuje stale rosnącą liczbę rekordów danych zabezpieczonych kryptograficznie przed manipulacją i próbą naruszenia integralności. Może posłużyć jako rozproszona księga rachunkowa. Technologia ta cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem, a niektórzy entuzjaści nazywają ją nawet przełomową. Aby zrozumieć, do czego łańcuch bloków może się przydać, poprawnie ocenić uzasadnienie biznesowe startupów wykorzystujących łańcuch bloków czy też móc śledzić dyskusję na temat jego oczekiwanych efektów ekonomicznych, konieczne jest zrozumienie podstawowych pojęć związanych z technologią blockchain i uświadomienie sobie jej potencjalnych zastosowań. Niniejsza publikacja stanowi przystępne wprowadzenie do założeń technologii łańcucha bloków. Poszczególne pojęcia przedstawiono bez nadmiernej liczby szczegółów technicznych. Dzięki książce można przyswoić sobie takie koncepcje związane z łańcuchem bloków, jak transakcje, wartości haszujące, kryptografia, struktury danych, systemy peer-to-peer, systemy rozproszone, integralność systemu i konsensus w systemach rozproszonych. Książka została napisana w stylu konwersacyjnym, w sposób umożliwiający etapowe, stopniowe poznawanie problematyki. Matematyczne podstawy kryptografii i algorytmów zostały celowo pominięte, a zamiast tego zastosowano metafory i analogie. Dzięki temu zawarte tu treści będą zrozumiałe nawet dla Czytelnika bez przygotowania technicznego. W książce między innymi: główne koncepcje inżynierii programowania i potrzebna terminologia zastosowanie łańcucha bloków i zalety tej technologii wewnętrzne zasady działania łańcucha bloków ograniczenia łańcucha bloków i sposoby ich przezwyciężania omówienie kierunków prac rozwojowych nad technologią wykorzystywanie łańcucha bloków w warunkach rzeczywistych Łańcuch bloków. Czym jest? Do czego się przyda? W jaki sposób działa?


Blockchain. Przewodnik po technologii łańcucha bloków. Kryptowaluty, inteligentne kontrakty i aplikacje rozproszone

Lorne Lantz, Daniel Cawrey

Blockchain, czyli łańcuch bloków, niefortunnie kojarzy się z kryptowalutami i przestępczością. Tymczasem potencjał tej technologii jest ogromny i zapewne wciąż nie znamy wszystkich możliwych jej zastosowań. Łańcuch bloków jest w istocie publicznym rejestrem, który może się stać ogólnoświatową, zdecentralizowaną księgą służącą do rejestrowania, inwentaryzacji i organizowania transferów wszelkiego rodzaju aktywów. Najwyższy więc czas, aby emocje i sensacyjno-kryminalne wyobrażenia dotyczące blockchaina zastąpić zrozumieniem tej technologii i aktualną wiedzą. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla osób chcących zrozumieć działanie łańcucha bloków i rozważających praktyczne zastosowanie tej technologii. Skorzystają z niej i menedżerowie, i specjaliści IT. Omówiono tu ewolucję blockchaina i najróżniejsze sposoby jego użycia - przy czym to wyjaśnienie wychodzi daleko poza tematykę kryptowalut. Zaprezentowano też tematykę tworzenia inteligentnych kontraktów i zdecentralizowanych aplikacji z uwzględnieniem problemów wiążących się z tymi zastosowaniami łańcucha bloków. Nie zabrakło sprawdzonych informacji dotyczących naruszania prawa z wykorzystaniem łańcucha bloków, na przykład prania brudnych pieniędzy, hakowania giełd czy kradzieży. Dzięki temu przewodnikowi można łatwo zrozumieć, czym blockchain jest, a czym nie jest, do czego się nadaje i jakie modele biznesowe szczególnie mogą skorzystać na tej technologii. W książce między innymi: najważniejsze koncepcje dotyczące bitcoina i łańcucha bloków możliwości technologii blockchain skalowalność i rozwidlenia łańcucha bloków Ethereum i inne łańcuchy bloków możliwe sposoby zastosowania łańcucha bloków perspektywy technologii blockchain Łańcuch bloków: zostań mistrzem technologii jutra!


Blockchain Quick Reference. A guide to exploring decentralized blockchain application development

Brenn Hill, Samanyu Chopra, Paul Valencourt

Blockchain Quick Reference takes you through the electrifying world of blockchain technology and is designed for those who want to polish their existing knowledge regarding the various pillars of the blockchain ecosystem.This book is your go-to guide, teaching you how to apply principles and ideas for making your life and business better. You will cover the architecture, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), tokens, smart contracts, and terminologies of the blockchain technology, before studying how they work. All you need is a curious mind to get started with blockchain technology. Once you have grasped the basics, you will explore components of Ethereum, such as ether tokens, transactions, and smart contracts, in order to build simple Dapps. You will then move on to learning why Solidity is used specifically for Ethereum-based projects, followed by exploring different types of blockchain with easy-to-follow examples. All this will help you tackle challenges and problems. By the end of this book, you will not only have solved current and future problems relating to blockchain technology but will also be able to build efficient decentralized applications.


Blockchain w biznesie. Możliwości i zastosowania łańcucha bloków

William Mougayar, Vitalik Buterin

Internet całkowicie zmienił naszą cywilizację. Podobnym przełomem jest technologia blockchain (łańcuch bloków), która permanentnie rejestruje transakcje w taki sposób, że nie da się ich usunąć, lecz tylko można je sekwencyjnie aktualizować, tworząc w istocie niekończący się zapis historii. Ta pozornie prosta funkcjonalność ma ogromne implikacje, bo wymusza ewolucję sposobów zawierania transakcji, przechowywania danych i przenoszenia zasobów. Łańcuchy bloków są katalizatorami ogromnych zmian oddziałujących na sferę sprawowania władzy, zarządzanie własnością, styl życia, tradycyjne modele korporacyjne, społeczeństwo i instytucje globalne. Nie sposób dziś przewidzieć choćby części koncepcji i modeli biznesowych, które powstaną dzięki niej. Ta książka jest frapującym przewodnikiem, który jak żadna inna publikacja skłania do przemyśleń i oddania się pracy koncepcyjnej. Łańcuchy bloków pozwolą na bezkolizyjną wymianę wartości, jednak wymuszą nowe zdefiniowanie pojęć funkcji, relacji, władzy i zaufania. Dzięki tej książce zrozumiesz podstawy technologii blockchain, ale także dowiesz się, jak wiele nowych przestrzeni otworzy się do jej zastosowania. Przekonasz się, że już dziś należy postawić sobie kilka strategicznych pytań, aby za chwilę być gotowym na jeszcze ambitniejsze wyzwania, przekraczające dzisiejsze granice organizacyjne, regulacyjne i koncepcyjne. Z całą pewnością łańcuch bloków jest technologią bardziej skomplikowaną niż sieć WWW. Dzięki tej książce zrozumiesz jej znaczenie dla rozwoju cywilizacji. W tej książce między innymi: Wyjaśnienie koncepcji blockchain Łańcuch bloków jako nowa warstwa zaufania Możliwości łańcucha bloków i przeszkody w jego wdrażaniu Techniczne aspekty implementacji łańcucha bloków Decentralizacja sieci, przenikanie technologii i nowy kształt gospodarki Łańcuch bloków: otwórz się na całkowicie nowe koncepcje i modele biznesowe!


Blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric. Build decentralized applications using Hyperledger Fabric 2 - Second Edition

Nitin Gaur, Anthony O'Dowd, Petr Novotny, Luc Desrosiers, ...

Blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric - Second Edition is a refreshed and extended version of the successful book on practical Hyperledger Fabric blockchain development. This edition includes many new chapters, alongside comprehensive updates and additions to the existing ones. Entirely reworked for Hyperledger Fabric version 2, this edition will bring you right up to date with the latest in blockchain. Using a real-world Trade Finance and Logistics example, with working code available on GitHub, you’ll really understand both how and why Hyperledger Fabric can be used to maximum effect. This book is your comprehensive guide and reference to explore and build blockchain networks using Hyperledger Fabric version 2.This edition of the book begins by outlining the evolution of blockchain, including an overview of relevant blockchain technologies. Starting from first principles, you’ll learn how to design and operate a permissioned blockchain network based on Hyperledger Fabric version 2. You will learn how to configure the main architectural components of a permissioned blockchain network including Peers, Orderers, Certificate Authorities, Channels, and Policies. You’ll then learn how to design, develop, package, and deploy smart contracts, and how they are subsequently used by applications. This edition also contains chapters on DevOps, blockchain governance, and security, making this your go-to book for Hyperledger Fabric version 2.


Blockchain. Zaawansowane zastosowania łańcucha bloków. Wydanie II

Imran Bashir

Warto dobrze zrozumieć działanie łańcucha bloków. Ta nowatorska technologia intryguje badaczy, technologów i świat finansjery. Najlepiej jest znana z powiązań z bitcoinem i innymi kryptowalutami, jednak to rozwiązanie ma wielkie znaczenie również w finansach, administracji, multimediach i wielu innych branżach. Przejrzyste i kryptograficznie bezpieczne przechowywanie niemodyfikowalnego zapisu transakcji jest właściwością, która decyduje o wielkiej atrakcyjności łańcucha bloków. Bez wątpienia warto dobrze zaznajomić się z tą technologią i nauczyć się wykorzystywać ją w praktyce. Ta książka jest zaktualizowanym i uzupełnionym wydaniem świetnego przewodnika po świecie blockchaina; skorzysta z niej zarówno programista, jak i prezes konstruujący strategię swojej firmy. Znalazło się tu wyczerpujące omówienie technicznych podstaw łańcuchów bloków i systemów rozproszonych. Przedstawiono mechanizmy związane z kryptowalutami i pisaniem aplikacji wykonywanych w zdecentralizowanej maszynie wirtualnej w łańcuchu bloków Ethereum. Pokazano też inne rozwiązania z tego obszaru, w tym biznesowe platformy łańcuchów bloków rozwijanych w ramach projektu Hyperledger. Okazuje się, że technologia ta znakomicie uzupełnia internet rzeczy, a zwiększanie skalowalności łańcucha bloków daje nowe, fascynujące możliwości. W tej książce: podstawy przetwarzania rozproszonego, decentralizacja procesów i systemów wprowadzenie do kryptografii i sieci bitcoina techniczne zagadnienia związane z Ethereum i inteligentnymi kontraktami wprowadzenie do Web3 i do projektu Hyperledger informacje o zastosowaniu łańcucha bloków w różnych dziedzinach aktualne prognozy o przyszłości technologii łańcucha bloków Blockchain: w sieci węzłów rozproszonych nigdy nic nie zaginie!


Blue team i cyberbezpieczeństwo. Zestaw narzędzi dla specjalistów od zabezpieczeń w sieci

Nadean H. Tanner

Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa IT spędza sen z powiek nie tylko inżynierom, ale również menedżerom i kierownictwu organizacji. W tym zadaniu mają im pomóc różnorodne narzędzia, jednak ich skuteczne wykorzystanie wymaga nie tylko wyrafinowanej wiedzy technicznej. Konieczne jest nieco szersze spojrzenie na sprawy cyberbezpieczeństwa, aby zastosować właściwe strategie obronne i środki zaradcze. By podejmować trafne decyzje, potrzebna jest wiedza o najlepszych praktykach cyberbezpieczeństwa i o dostępnych narzędziach. To wszechstronny i praktyczny podręcznik dla kierowników i inżynierów. Opisuje różnorodne metody, platformy i technologie pochodzące od wielu dostawców, zawiera też wskazówki, jak je wykorzystać do tworzenia optymalnych rozwiązań. Przedstawiono tu pożyteczne informacje o sieciach komputerowych, podstawowych narzędziach bezpieczeństwa, rozwiązywaniu problemów w systemie Windows, inwentaryzacji sieci, zarządzaniu podatnościami, bezpieczeństwie aplikacji internetowych, zarządzaniu aktualizacjami i konfiguracją oraz wiele innych kwestii. Książka jest równocześnie treściwa i prosta w odbiorze, pozwala zapoznać się z aspektami technicznymi i nietechnicznymi, z teorią i praktyką cyberbezpieczeństwa - z pewnością ułatwi naukę metod oceny zagrożeń oraz sprawdzania i poprawiania stosowanej konfiguracji. W książce znajdziesz: teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty bezpieczeństwa informatycznego skuteczne strategie obronne rodzaje narzędzi zapewniających cyberbezpieczeństwo zastosowanie takich narzędzi jak PuTTY, pathping, sysinternals


Bug Bounty Hunting Essentials. Quick-paced guide to help white-hat hackers get through bug bounty programs

Carlos A. Lozano, Shahmeer Amir

Bug bounty programs are the deals offered by prominent companies where-in any white-hat hacker can find bugs in the applications and they will have a recognition for the same. The number of prominent organizations having this program has increased gradually leading to a lot of opportunity for Ethical Hackers.This book will initially start with introducing you to the concept of Bug Bounty hunting. Then we will dig deeper into concepts of vulnerabilities and analysis such as HTML injection, CRLF injection and so on. Towards the end of the book, we will get hands-on experience working with different tools used for bug hunting and various blogs and communities to be followed.This book will get you started with bug bounty hunting and its fundamentals.


Build Customized Apps with Amazon Honeycode. Quickly create interactive web and mobile apps for your teams without programming

Aniruddha Loya

Amazon Honeycode enables you to build fully managed, customizable, and scalable mobile and web applications for personal or professional use with little to no code. With this practical guide to Amazon Honeycode, you’ll be able to bring your app ideas to life, improving your and your team’s/organization’s productivity.You’ll begin by creating your very first app from the get-go and use it as a means to explore the Honeycode development environment and concepts. Next, you’ll learn how to set up and organize the data to build and bind an app on Honeycode as well as deconstruct different templates to understand the common structures and patterns that can be used. Finally, you’ll build a few apps from scratch and discover how to apply the concepts you’ve learned.By the end of this app development book, you’ll have gained the knowledge you need to be able to build and deploy your own mobile and web applications. You’ll also be able to invite and share your app with people you want to collaborate with.


Building a Cyber Resilient Business. A cyber handbook for executives and boards

Dr. Magda Lilia Chelly, Shamane Tan, Hai Tran

With cyberattacks on the rise, it has become essential for C-suite executives and board members to step up and collectively recognize cyber risk as a top priority business risk. However, non-cyber executives find it challenging to understand their role in increasing the business’s cyber resilience due to its complex nature and the lack of a clear return on investment.This book demystifies the perception that cybersecurity is a technical problem, drawing parallels between the key responsibilities of the C-suite roles to line up with the mission of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).The book equips you with all you need to know about cyber risks to run the business effectively. Each chapter provides a holistic overview of the dynamic priorities of the C-suite (from the CFO to the CIO, COO, CRO, and so on), and unpacks how cybersecurity must be embedded in every business function. The book also contains self-assessment questions, which are a helpful tool in evaluating any major cybersecurity initiatives and/or investment required.With this book, you’ll have a deeper appreciation of the various ways all executives can contribute to the organization’s cyber program, in close collaboration with the CISO and the security team, and achieve a cyber-resilient, profitable, and sustainable business.


Building a Home Security System with BeagleBone. Save money and pursue your computing passion with this guide to building a sophisticated home security system using BeagleBone. From a basic alarm system to fingerprint scanners, all you need to turn your home into a fortress

William Pretty

One of the best kept secrets of the security industry is just how simple the monitoring hardware actually is - BeagleBone has all the computing power you need to build yourself an extremely sophisticated access control, alarm panel, and home automation and network intrusion-detection system. Security companies make a fortune each year by charging exorbitant fees to their customers. You will learn how easy it is to make an alarm system with Beaglebone.A company-maintained-and-monitored alarm system has its place - your dear old mum is probably not going to be creating her own system any time soon. But if you are reading this book, you are probably a builder or a hobbyist with all the skills required to do it yourself. With Building a Home Security System with BeagleBone, you will learn everything you need to know to develop your own state-of-the-art security system, all for less than a year's worth of monitoring charges from your local alarm company!You will start by building and testing your hardware and open source software on an experimenter's prototype board before progressing to more complex systems. You will then learn how to test your new creations in a modular fashion and begin to utilize BeagleBone. Once your system is built and tested, you will install some of the professional-grade sensors used in modern alarm systems and learn how to use them. You will also discover how to extend your alarm system in a variety of different ways. The only limit will be your imagination.


Building a Home Security System with Raspberry Pi. Build your own sophisticated modular home security system using the popular Raspberry Pi board

Matthew Poole

The Raspberry Pi is a powerful low-cost credit-card-sized computer, which lends itself perfectly as the controller for a sophisticated home security system. Using the on-board interfaces available, the Raspberry Pi can be expanded to allow the connection of a virtually infinite number of security sensors and devices. The Raspberry Pi has the processing power and interfaces available to build a sophisticated home security system but at a fraction of the cost of commercially available systems.Building a Home Security System with Raspberry Pi starts off by showing you the Raspberry Pi and how to set up the Linux-based operating system. It then guides you through connecting switch sensors and LEDs to the native GPIO connector safely, and how to access them using simple Bash scripts. As you dive further in, you’ll learn how to build an input/output expansion board using the I2C interface and power supply, allowing the connection of the large number of sensors needed for a typical home security setup. In the later chapters of the book, we'll look at more sophisticated topics such as adding cameras, remotely accessing the system using your mobile phone, receiving intrusion alerts and images by e-mail, and more.By the end of the book, you will be well-versed with the use of Raspberry Pi to power a home-based security system that sends message alerts whenever it is triggered and will be able to build a truly sophisticated and modular home security system. You will also gain a good understanding of Raspberry Pi's ecosystem and be able to write the functions required for a security system.


Building a Next-Gen SOC with IBM QRadar. Accelerate your security operations and detect cyber threats effectively

Ashish M Kothekar, Sandeep Patil

This comprehensive guide to QRadar will help you build an efficient security operations center (SOC) for threat hunting and need-to-know software updates, as well as understand compliance and reporting and how IBM QRadar stores network data in real time.The book begins with a quick introduction to QRadar components and architecture, teaching you the different ways of deploying QRadar. You’ll grasp the importance of being aware of the major and minor upgrades in software and learn how to scale, upgrade, and maintain QRadar. Once you gain a detailed understanding of QRadar and how its environment is built, the chapters will take you through the features and how they can be tailored to meet specifi c business requirements. You’ll also explore events, flows, and searches with the help of examples. As you advance, you’ll familiarize yourself with predefined QRadar applications and extensions that successfully mine data and find out how to integrate AI in threat management with confidence. Toward the end of this book, you’ll create different types of apps in QRadar, troubleshoot and maintain them, and recognize the current security challenges and address them through QRadar XDR.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to apply IBM QRadar SOC’s prescriptive practices and leverage its capabilities to build a very efficient SOC in your enterprise.


Building and Automating Penetration Testing Labs in the Cloud. Set up cost-effective hacking environments for learning cloud security on AWS, Azure, and GCP

Joshua Arvin Lat

The significant increase in the number of cloud-related threats and issues has led to a surge in the demand for cloud security professionals. This book will help you set up vulnerable-by-design environments in the cloud to minimize the risks involved while learning all about cloud penetration testing and ethical hacking.This step-by-step guide begins by helping you design and build penetration testing labs that mimic modern cloud environments running on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Next, you’ll find out how to use infrastructure as code (IaC) solutions to manage a variety of lab environments in the cloud. As you advance, you’ll discover how generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, can be leveraged to accelerate the preparation of IaC templates and configurations. You’ll also learn how to validate vulnerabilities by exploiting misconfigurations and vulnerabilities using various penetration testing tools and techniques. Finally, you’ll explore several practical strategies for managing the complexity, cost, and risks involved when dealing with penetration testing lab environments in the cloud.By the end of this penetration testing book, you’ll be able to design and build cost-effective vulnerable cloud lab environments where you can experiment and practice different types of attacks and penetration testing techniques.


Building Full Stack DeFi Applications. A practical guide to creating your own decentralized finance projects on blockchain

Samuel Zhou

Enter the world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) with Building Full Stack DeFi Applications. Understand how this blockchain-based financial technology, designed to manage crypto assets, runs independently without centralized financial institutions like banks and brokerages, eliminating the fees that banks and other financial companies charge for using their services. This book will show you how DeFi solutions are built with smart contracts running on blockchains and how they allow users to gain and earn crypto assets based on the trust of the smart contracts.This book uncovers the inner workings of DeFi by guiding you through the mathematical foundations and teaching you how to build real-world DeFi products with Solidity and JavaScript. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll learn how to implement smart contracts of liquidity pools to trade cryptocurrencies and implement staking, including farming features that allow users to earn. You’ll also find out how to create asset pools that allow users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies and generate interest. Additionally, you’ll discover how to use Web3 libraries to build the frontend of DeFi products.By the end of this book, you’ll will be well acquainted with popular tools, libraries, and design patterns for implementing a full-stack DeFi application with Web3 and Solidity.


Building Python Microservices with FastAPI. Build secure, scalable, and structured Python microservices from design concepts to infrastructure

Sherwin John C.Tragura

FastAPI is an Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI)-based framework that can help build modern, manageable, and fast microservices. Because of its asynchronous core platform, this ASGI-based framework provides the best option when it comes to performance, reliability, and scalability over the WSGI-based Django and Flask. When working with Python, Flask, and Django microservices, you’ll be able to put your knowledge to work with this practical guide to building seamlessly manageable and fast microservices.You’ll begin by understanding the background of FastAPI and learning how to install, configure, and use FastAPI to decompose business units. You’ll explore a unique and asynchronous REST API framework that can provide a better option when it comes to building microservices. After that, this book will guide you on how to apply and translate microservices design patterns in building various microservices applications and RESTful APIs using the FastAPI framework.By the end of this microservices book, you’ll be able to understand, build, deploy, test, and experiment with microservices and their components using the FastAPI framework.


Building Serverless Applications with Python. Develop fast, scalable, and cost-effective web applications that are always available

Jalem Raj Rohit

Serverless architectures allow you to build and run applications and services without having to manage the infrastructure. Many companies have adopted this architecture to save cost and improve scalability. This book will help you design serverless architectures for your applications with AWS and Python.The book is divided into three modules. The first module explains the fundamentals of serverless architecture and how AWS lambda functions work. In the next module, you will learn to build, release, and deploy your application to production. You will also learn to log and test your application. In the third module, we will take you through advanced topics such as building a serverless API for your application. You will also learn to troubleshoot and monitor your app and master AWS lambda programming concepts with API references. Moving on, you will also learn how to scale up serverless applications and handle distributed serverless systems in production.By the end of the book, you will be equipped with the knowledge required to build scalable and cost-efficient Python applications with a serverless framework.


Building Serverless Architectures. Unleash the power of AWS Lambdas for your applications

Cagatay Gurturk

Over the past years, all kind of companies from start-ups to giant enterprises started their move to public cloud providers in order to save their costs and reduce the operation effort needed to keep their shops open. Now it is even possible to craft a complex software system consisting of many independent micro-functions that will run only when they are needed without needing to maintain individual servers.The focus of this book is to design serverless architectures, and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this approach, along with decision factors to consider. You will learn how to design a serverless application, get to know that key points of services that serverless applications are based on, and known issues and solutions.The book addresses key challenges such as how to slice out the core functionality of the software to be distributed in different cloud services and cloud functions. It covers basic and advanced usage of these services, testing and securing the serverless software, automating deployment, and more.By the end of the book, you will be equipped with knowledge of new tools and techniques to keep up with this evolution in the IT industry.


Building Virtual Pentesting Labs for Advanced Penetration Testing. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Kevin Cardwell

Security flaws and new hacking techniques emerge overnight – security professionals need to make sure they always have a way to keep . With this practical guide, learn how to build your own virtual pentesting lab environments to practice and develop your security skills. Create challenging environments to test your abilities, and overcome them with proven processes and methodologies used by global penetration testing teams. Get to grips with the techniques needed to build complete virtual machines perfect for pentest training. Construct and attack layered architectures, and plan specific attacks based on the platforms you’re going up against. Find new vulnerabilities for different kinds of systems and networks, and what these mean for your clients.Driven by a proven penetration testing methodology that has trained thousands of testers, Building Virtual Labs for Advanced Penetration Testing, Second Edition will prepare you for participation in professional security teams.


Burp Suite Cookbook. Practical recipes to help you master web penetration testing with Burp Suite

Sunny Wear

Burp Suite is a Java-based platform for testing the security of your web applications, and has been adopted widely by professional enterprise testers.The Burp Suite Cookbook contains recipes to tackle challenges in determining and exploring vulnerabilities in web applications. You will learn how to uncover security flaws with various test cases for complex environments. After you have configured Burp for your environment, you will use Burp tools such as Spider, Scanner, Intruder, Repeater, and Decoder, among others, to resolve specific problems faced by pentesters. You will also explore working with various modes of Burp and then perform operations on the web. Toward the end, you will cover recipes that target specific test scenarios and resolve them using best practices.By the end of the book, you will be up and running with deploying Burp for securing web applications.


Burp Suite Cookbook. Web application security made easy with Burp Suite - Second Edition

Dr. Sunny Wear

With its many features, easy-to-use interface, and fl exibility, Burp Suite is the top choice for professionals looking to strengthen web application and API security.This book off ers solutions to challenges related to identifying, testing, and exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications and APIs. It provides guidance on identifying security weaknesses in diverse environments by using diff erent test cases. Once you’ve learned how to confi gure Burp Suite, the book will demonstrate the eff ective utilization of its tools, such as Live tasks, Scanner, Intruder, Repeater, and Decoder, enabling you to evaluate the security vulnerability of target applications. Additionally, you’ll explore various Burp extensions and the latest features of Burp Suite, including DOM Invader.By the end of this book, you’ll have acquired the skills needed to confi dently use Burp Suite to conduct comprehensive security assessments of web applications and APIs.