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CISSP in 21 Days. Boost your confidence and get the competitive edge you need to crack the exam in just 21 days! - Second Edition

M. L. Srinivasan

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is an internationally recognized and coveted qualification. Success in this respected exam opens the door to your dream job as a security expert with an eye-catching salary. But passing the final exam is challenging. Every year a lot of candidates do not prepare sufficiently for the examination, and fail at the final stage. This happens when they cover everything but do not revise properly and hence lack confidence.This simple yet informative book will take you through the final weeks before the exam with a day-by-day plan covering all of the exam topics. It will build your confidence and enable you to crack the Gold Standard exam, knowing that you have done all you can to prepare for the big day.This book provides concise explanations of important concepts in all 10 domains of the CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). Starting with Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, you will focus on classifying information and supporting assets. You will understand data handling requirements for sensitive information before gradually moving on to using secure design principles while implementing and managing engineering processes. You will understand the application of cryptography in communication security and prevent or mitigate strategies for network attacks. You will also learn security control requirements and how to assess their effectiveness. Finally, you will explore advanced topics such as automated and manual test result analysis and reporting methods.A complete mock test is included at the end to evaluate whether you're ready for the exam. This book is not a replacement for full study guides; instead, it builds on and reemphasizes concepts learned from them.


CISSP (ISC)2 Certification Practice Exams and Tests. Over 1,000 practice questions and explanations covering all 8 CISSP domains for the May 2021 exam version

Ted Jordan

The CISSP exam is for security professionals who understand that poor security can put a company out of business. The exam covers eight important security domains - risk management, security architecture, data security, network security, identity management, auditing, security operations, and software development security. Designed to cover all the concepts tested in the CISSP exam, CISSP (ISC)2 Certification Practice Exams and Tests will assess your knowledge of information security and introduce you to the tools you need to master to pass the CISSP exam (version May 2021). With more than 100 questions for every CISSP domain, this book will test your understanding and fill the gaps in your knowledge with the help of descriptive answers and detailed explanations. You'll also find two complete practice exams that simulate the real CISSP exam, along with answers. By the end of this book, you'll be ready to take and pass the (ISC)2 CISSP exam and achieve the Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification putting you in the position to build a career as a security engineer, security manager, or chief information security officer (CISO)


Cloud Auditing Best Practices. Perform Security and IT Audits across AWS, Azure, and GCP by building effective cloud auditing plans

Shinesa Cambric, Michael Ratemo

As more and more companies are moving to cloud and multi-cloud environments, being able to assess the compliance of these environments properly is becoming more important. But in this fast-moving domain, getting the most up-to-date information is a challenge—so where do you turn?Cloud Auditing Best Practices has all the information you’ll need. With an explanation of the fundamental concepts and hands-on walk-throughs of the three big cloud players, this book will get you up to speed with cloud auditing before you know it.After a quick introduction to cloud architecture and an understanding of the importance of performing cloud control assessments, you’ll quickly get to grips with navigating AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud environments. As you explore the vital role an IT auditor plays in any company’s network, you'll learn how to successfully build cloud IT auditing programs, including using standard tools such as Terraform, Azure Automation, AWS Policy Sentry, and many more.You’ll also get plenty of tips and tricks for preparing an effective and advanced audit and understanding how to monitor and assess cloud environments using standard tools.By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently apply and assess security controls for AWS, Azure, and GCP, allowing you to independently and effectively confirm compliance in the cloud.


Cloud Forensics Demystified. Decoding cloud investigation complexities for digital forensic professionals

Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Mansoor Haqanee

As organizations embrace cloud-centric environments, it becomes imperative for security professionals to master the skills of effective cloud investigation. Cloud Forensics Demystified addresses this pressing need, explaining how to use cloud-native tools and logs together with traditional digital forensic techniques for a thorough cloud investigation. The book begins by giving you an overview of cloud services, followed by a detailed exploration of the tools and techniques used to investigate popular cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Progressing through the chapters, you’ll learn how to investigate Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and containerized environments such as Kubernetes. Throughout, the chapters emphasize the significance of the cloud, explaining which tools and logs need to be enabled for investigative purposes and demonstrating how to integrate them with traditional digital forensic tools and techniques to respond to cloud security incidents. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to handle security breaches in cloud-based environments and have a comprehensive understanding of the essential cloud-based logs vital to your investigations. This knowledge will enable you to swiftly acquire and scrutinize artifacts of interest in cloud security incidents.


Cloud Identity Patterns and Strategies. Design enterprise cloud identity models with OAuth 2.0 and Azure Active Directory

Giuseppe Di Federico, Fabrizio Barcaroli

Identity is paramount for every architecture design, making it crucial for enterprise and solutions architects to understand the benefits and pitfalls of implementing identity patterns. However, information on cloud identity patterns is generally scattered across different sources and rarely approached from an architect’s perspective, and this is what Cloud Identity Patterns and Strategies aims to solve, empowering solutions architects to take an active part in implementing identity solutions.Throughout this book, you’ll cover various theoretical topics along with practical examples that follow the implementation of a standard de facto identity provider (IdP) in an enterprise, such as Azure Active Directory. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll explore the different factors that contribute to an enterprise's current status quo around identities and harness modern authentication approaches to meet specific requirements of an enterprise. You’ll also be able to make sense of how modern application designs are impacted by the company’s choices and move on to recognize how a healthy organization tackles identity and critical tasks that the development teams pivot on.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to breeze through creating portable, robust, and reliable applications that can interact with each other.


Cloud Penetration Testing. Learn how to effectively pentest AWS, Azure, and GCP applications

Kim Crawley

With AWS, Azure, and GCP gaining prominence, understanding their unique features, ecosystems, and penetration testing protocols has become an indispensable skill, which is precisely what this pentesting guide for cloud platforms will help you achieve. As you navigate through the chapters, you’ll explore the intricacies of cloud security testing and gain valuable insights into how pentesters evaluate cloud environments effectively.In addition to its coverage of these cloud platforms, the book also guides you through modern methodologies for testing containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes, which are fast becoming staples in the cloud ecosystem. Additionally, it places extended focus on penetration testing AWS, Azure, and GCP through serverless applications and specialized tools. These sections will equip you with the tactics and tools necessary to exploit vulnerabilities specific to serverless architecture, thus providing a more rounded skill set.By the end of this cloud security book, you’ll not only have a comprehensive understanding of the standard approaches to cloud penetration testing but will also be proficient in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities that are unique to cloud environments.


Cloud Security Automation. Get to grips with automating your cloud security on AWS and OpenStack

Prashant Priyam

Security issues are still a major concern forall IT organizations. For many enterprises,the move to cloud computing has raisedconcerns for security, but when applicationsare architected with focus on security,cloud platforms can be made just as secureas on-premises platforms. Cloud instancescan be kept secure by employing securityautomation that helps make your data meetyour organization's security policy.This book starts with the basics of whycloud security is important and howautomation can be the most effective wayof controlling cloud security. You willthen delve deeper into the AWS cloudenvironment and its security servicesby dealing with security functions suchas Identity and Access Managementand will also learn how these servicescan be automated. Moving forward,you will come across aspects suchas cloud storage and data security, automatingcloud deployments, and so on. Then,you'll work with OpenStack security modulesand learn how private cloud securityfunctions can be automated for bettertime- and cost-effectiveness. Toward the endof the book, you will gain an understandingof the security compliance requirementsfor your Cloud.By the end of this book, you will havehands-on experience of automating yourcloud security and governance.


CMake Cookbook. Building, testing, and packaging modular software with modern CMake

Radovan Bast, Roberto Di Remigio

CMake is cross-platform, open-source software for managing the build process in a portable fashion. This book features a collection of recipes and building blocks with tips and techniques for working with CMake, CTest, CPack, and CDash.CMake Cookbook includes real-world examples in the form of recipes that cover different ways to structure, configure, build, and test small- to large-scale code projects. You will learn to use CMake's command-line tools and master modern CMake practices for configuring, building, and testing binaries and libraries. With this book, you will be able to work with external libraries and structure your own projects in a modular and reusable way. You will be well-equipped to generate native build scripts for Linux, MacOS, and Windows, simplify and refactor projects using CMake, and port projects to CMake.