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Fedora Linux System Administration. Install, manage, and secure your Fedora Linux environments

Alex Callejas

Fedora Linux is a free and open-source platform designed for hardware, clouds, and containers that enables software developers and community members to create custom solutions for their customers. This book is a comprehensive guide focusing on workstation configuration for the modern system administrator.The book begins by introducing you to the philosophy underlying the open-source movement, along with the unique attributes of the Fedora Project that set it apart from other Linux distributions. The chapters outline best practices and strategies for essential system administration tasks, including operating system installation, first-boot configuration, storage, and network setup. As you make progress, you’ll get to grips with the selection and usage of top applications and tools in the tech environment. The concluding chapters help you get a clear understanding of the basics of version control systems, enhanced Linux security, automation, virtualization, and containers, which are integral to modern system administration.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the knowledge needed to optimize day-to-day tasks related to Linux-based system administration.


Firewall nie powstrzyma prawdziwego smoka, czyli jak zadbać o cyberbezpieczeństwo. Przewodnik dla niefachowców. Wydanie III

Carey Parker

Internet jest obecny w większości obszarów naszego życia. To już nie tylko korzystanie ze stron internetowych, ale także bankowość, zakupy w sieci czy podtrzymywanie relacji z rodziną i ze znajomymi. Oznacza to, że niemal cały czas Twoje bezpieczeństwo, pieniądze i prywatność są narażone na ataki. Aby skutecznie chronić siebie i swoich bliskich, musisz zdobyć pewne minimum wiedzy. Nie sposób obronić się przed naprawdę zdeterminowanym hakerem, ale ochrona przed pospolitymi włamaniami czy masową inwigilacją jest jak najbardziej możliwa, i to z wykorzystaniem prostych narzędzi. Trzeba tylko wiedzieć, jak się do tego zabrać! To przystępny i kompleksowy przewodnik po zagadnieniach bezpieczeństwa, skierowany do osób, które nie znają się na komputerach i informatyce. Kwestie cyberbezpieczeństwa przedstawiono tu krok po kroku, z minimalnym użyciem specjalistycznego języka. Opisano dziesiątki całkiem prostych sposobów pozwalających każdemu zabezpieczyć swoje urządzenia i dane. Książka została napisana tak, aby maksymalnie uprościć zarządzanie Twoim bezpieczeństwem w sieci. W każdym rozdziale znalazła się kompletna lista kontrolna ze szczegółowymi instrukcjami i rysunkami. Najważniejsze zagadnienia: zarządzanie hasłami dostępu blokowanie inwigilacji i śledzenia w internecie bezpieczne korzystanie z bankowości, ze sklepów i z serwisów społecznościowych bezpieczeństwo smartfona, tabletu i domowej sieci ochrona dzieci korzystających z internetu Nie musisz być informatykiem, by pamiętać o bezpieczeństwie!


Foundations of Blockchain. The pathway to cryptocurrencies and decentralized blockchain applications

Koshik Raj

Blockchain technology is a combination of three popular concepts: cryptography, peer-to-peer networking, and game theory. This book is for anyone who wants to dive into blockchain from first principles and learn how decentralized applications and cryptocurrencies really work.This book begins with an overview of blockchain technology, including key definitions, its purposes and characteristics, so you can assess the full potential of blockchain. All essential aspects of cryptography are then presented, as the backbone of blockchain. For readers who want to study the underlying algorithms of blockchain, you’ll see Python implementations throughout.You’ll then learn how blockchain architecture can create decentralized applications. You’ll see how blockchain achieves decentralization through peer-to-peer networking, and how a simple blockchain can be built in a P2P network. You’ll learn how these elements can implement a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, and the wider applications of blockchain work through smart contracts. Blockchain optimization techniques, and blockchain security strategies are then presented. To complete this foundation, we consider blockchain applications in the financial and non-financial sectors, and also analyze the future of blockchain. A study of blockchain use cases includes supply chains, payment systems, crowdfunding, and DAOs, which rounds out your foundation in blockchain technology.


GeoServer Beginner's Guide. Share geospatial data using Open Source standards - Second Edition

Stefano Iacovella

GeoServer is an opensource server writtenin Java that allows users to share, process,and edit geospatial data. This book willguide you through the new featuresand improvements of GeoServer and willhelp you get started with it. GeoServerBeginner's Guide gives you the impetus tobuild custom maps using your data withoutthe need for costly commercial softwarelicenses and restrictions. Even if you donot have prior GIS knowledge, you will beable to make interactive maps after readingthis book.You will install GeoServer, access your datafrom a database, and apply style points,lines, polygons, and labels to impress sitevisitors with real-time maps. Then youfollow a step-by-step guide that installsGeoServer in minutes. You will explorethe web-based administrative interfaceto connect to backend data stores suchas PostGIS, and Oracle. Going ahead, youcan display your data on web-basedinteractive maps, use style lines, points,polygons, and embed images to visualizethis data for your web visitors. You willwalk away from this book with a workingapplication ready for production.After reading GeoServer Beginner's Guide,you will be able to build beautiful custommaps on your website using your geospatialdata.


Getting Started with FortiGate. This book will take you from complete novice to expert user in simple, progressive steps. It covers all the concepts you need to administer a FortiGate unit with lots of examples and clear explanations

Fabrizio Volpe, Rosato Fabbri

FortiGate from Fortinet is a highly successful family of appliances enabled to manage routing and security on different layers, supporting dynamic protocols, IPSEC and VPN with SSL, application and user control, web contents and mail scanning, endpoint checks, and more, all in a single platform. The heart of the appliance is the FortiOS (FortiOS 5 is the latest release) which is able to unify a friendly web interface with a powerful command line to deliver high performance. FortiGate is able to give users the results they usually achieve at a fraction of the cost of what they would have to invest with other vendors.This practical, hands-on guide addresses all the tasks required to configure and manage a FortiGate unit in a logical order. The book starts with topics related to VLAN and routing (static and advanced) and then discusses in full the UTM features integrated in the appliance. The text explains SSL VPN and IPSEC VPN with all the required steps you need to deploy the aforementioned solutions. High availability and troubleshooting techniques are also explained in the last two chapters of the book.This concise, example-oriented book explores all the concepts you need to administer a FortiGate unit. You will begin by covering the basic tools required to administer a FortiGate unit, including NAT, routing, and VLANs. You will then be guided through the concepts of firewalling, UTM inside the appliance, tunnelling using SSL, and IPSEC and dial-up configurations. Next, you will get acquainted with important topics like high availability and Vdoms. Finally, you will end the book with an overview of troubleshooting tools and techniques.


Getting Started with Web Components. Build modular and reusable components using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Prateek Jadhwani

Web Components are a set of APIs that help you build reusable UI modules that can operate in any modern browser using just Vanilla JavaScript. The power of Web Components lies in their ability to build frontend web applications with or without web frameworks.With this practical guide, you will understand how Web Components can help you build reusable UI components for your modern web apps. The book starts by explaining the fundamentals of Web Components' design and strategies for using them in your existing frontend web projects. You will also learn how to use JavaScript libraries such as Polymer.js and Stencil.js for building practical components. As you progress, you will build a single-page application using only Web Components to fully realize their potential. This practical guide demonstrates how to work with Shadow DOM and custom elements to build the standard components of a web application. Toward the end of the book, you will learn how to integrate Web Components with standard web frameworks to help you manage large-scale web applications.By the end of this book, you will have learned about the capabilities of Web Components in building custom elements and have the necessary skills for building a reusable UI for your web applications.


Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering for Beginners. Analyze, identify, and avoid malicious code and potential threats in your networks and systems

David Álvarez Pérez

Ghidra, an open source software reverse engineering (SRE) framework created by the NSA research directorate, enables users to analyze compiled code on any platform, whether Linux, Windows, or macOS. This book is a starting point for developers interested in leveraging Ghidra to create patches and extend tool capabilities to meet their cybersecurity needs.You'll begin by installing Ghidra and exploring its features, and gradually learn how to automate reverse engineering tasks using Ghidra plug-ins. You’ll then see how to set up an environment to perform malware analysis using Ghidra and how to use it in the headless mode. As you progress, you’ll use Ghidra scripting to automate the task of identifying vulnerabilities in executable binaries. The book also covers advanced topics such as developing Ghidra plug-ins, developing your own GUI, incorporating new process architectures if needed, and contributing to the Ghidra project.By the end of this Ghidra book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to harness the power of Ghidra for analyzing and avoiding potential vulnerabilities in code and networks.