
Czy chciałbyś głębiej wniknąć w świat cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz nowoczesnych technologii? Na pewno zainteresuje Cię w takim razie nasza biblioteka online. Znajdziesz tutaj książki, dzięki którym poznasz metody wykorzystywane przez hakerów. Dowiesz się także, jak skutecznie chronić dane oraz testować programy i wykrywać w nich błędy.


Rust for Blockchain Application Development. Learn to build decentralized applications on popular blockchain technologies using Rust

Akhil Sharma

Before Rust, blockchain developers didn’t have a systems programming language that was type-safe, fast, and, at the same time, had stable and easy memory management. Rust proved to be a boon for developers and works as the perfect solution for not only blockchain and protocol development but also dApp development.Rust for Blockchain Application Development focuses on demonstrating solutions that can help blockchain developers productize decentralized applications using Rust, which is a complex language with a steep learning curve.This book starts with basic Rust language concepts and then builds on these concepts to enable you to develop your own blockchain from scratch. As you progress, you’ll learn how to build dApps on popular chains like Solana and NEAR. You’ll also be guided through creating Ethereum dApps using Foundry (Rust). Finally, you’ll develop a custom blockchain using Substrate by Parity (Polkadot). The book provides a complete 360-degree view of Rust in the blockchain ecosystem.By the end of this Rust book, you’ll have a thorough understanding of how to apply your Rust knowledge to building dApps and blockchains from scratch.


Ryzyko w cyberbezpieczeństwie. Metody modelowania, pomiaru i szacowania ryzyka. Wydanie II

Douglas W. Hubbard, Richard Seiersen

Lord Kelvin powtarzał, że jeśli nie potrafisz czegoś zmierzyć, to nie znasz tego wystarczająco dobrze. Ta zasada w pełni odnosi się do analizy ryzyka w cyberbezpieczeństwie, a słabość pomiarów prowadzi do podejmowania błędnych decyzji. Ta książka nauczy Cię nowych sposobów myślenia o problemie. Uważam, że jest lekturą obowiązkową dla naszej dziedziny! John "Four" Flynn, CISO Amazon Stores Oto drugie wydanie książki, którą specjaliści CISO uznali za przełomową. Dowiesz się z niej, jak kwantyfikować niepewność i jak za pomocą prostych metod i narzędzi poprawić ocenę ryzyka w nowoczesnych organizacjach. Znalazły się tu nowe techniki modelowania, pomiaru i szacowania, a także mnóstwo praktycznych wskazówek dotyczących wdrażania tych rozwiązań w formie spójnego programu. Nauczysz się też oceniać ryzyko, gdy masz dostęp do niewielu danych. Przekonasz się, że zamiast metod jakościowych dużo lepsze efekty w zarządzaniu ryzykiem cyberbezpieczeństwa osiąga się dzięki kwantyfikacji i zaplanowanym pomiarom. Ta książka umożliwia pewne poruszanie się w złożonym krajobrazie cyberbezpieczeństwa. Jason Chan, były wiceprezes do spraw bezpieczeństwa informacji, Netflix Opisane przez Hubbarda i Seiersena metody są praktyczne. Każdy, kto zajmuje się cyberbezpieczeństwem, powinien je stosować. Nick Shevelyov, były CISO banku Silicon Valley


Securing Cloud PCs and Azure Virtual Desktop. Start implementing and optimizing security for Windows 365 and AVD infrastructure

Dominiek Verham, Johan Vanneuville, Christiaan Brinkhoff, Scott Manchester

Do you want to effectively implement and maintain secure virtualized systems? This book will give you a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft virtual endpoints, from the fundamentals of Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop to advanced security measures, enabling you to secure, manage, and optimize virtualized environments in line with contemporary cybersecurity challenges.You’ll start with an introduction to Microsoft technologies, gaining a foundational understanding of their capabilities. Next, you’ll delve into the importance of endpoint security, addressing the challenges faced by companies in safeguarding their digital perimeters. This book serves as a practical guide to securing virtual endpoints, covering topics such as network access, data leakage prevention, update management, threat detection, and access control configuration. As you progress, the book offers insights into the nuanced security measures required for Windows 365, Azure Virtual Desktop, and the broader Microsoft Azure infrastructure. The book concludes with real-world use cases, providing practical scenarios for deploying Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with practical skills for implementing and evaluating robust endpoint security strategies.


Securing Industrial Control Systems and Safety Instrumented Systems. A practical guide for safeguarding mission and safety critical systems

Jalal Bouhdada, Marco Ayala

As modern process facilities become increasingly sophisticated and vulnerable to cyber threats, securing critical infrastructure is more crucial than ever. This book offers an indispensable guide to industrial cybersecurity and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), vital for maintaining the safety and reliability of critical systems and protecting your operations, personnel, and assets.Starting with SIS design principles, the book delves into the architecture and protocols of safety networks. It provides hands-on experience identifying vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors, exploring how attackers might target SIS components. You’ll thoroughly analyze Key SIS technologies, threat modeling, and attack techniques targeting SIS controllers and engineer workstations. The book shows you how to secure Instrument Asset Management Systems (IAMS), implement physical security measures, and apply integrated risk management methodologies. It also covers compliance with emerging cybersecurity regulations and industry standards worldwide.By the end of the book, you’ll have gained practical insights into various risk assessment methodologies and a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively protect critical infrastructure.


Securing Network Infrastructure. Discover practical network security with Nmap and Nessus 7

Sairam Jetty, Sagar Rahalkar

Digitization drives technology today, which is why it’s so important for organizations to design security mechanisms for their network infrastructures. Analyzing vulnerabilities is one of the best ways to secure your network infrastructure.This Learning Path begins by introducing you to the various concepts of network security assessment, workflows, and architectures. You will learn to employ open source tools to perform both active and passive network scanning and use these results to analyze and design a threat model for network security. With a firm understanding of the basics, you will then explore how to use Nessus and Nmap to scan your network for vulnerabilities and open ports and gain back door entry into a network. As you progress through the chapters, you will gain insights into how to carry out various key scanning tasks, including firewall detection, OS detection, and access management to detect vulnerabilities in your network.By the end of this Learning Path, you will be familiar with the tools you need for network scanning and techniques for vulnerability scanning and network protection.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt books:•Network Scanning Cookbook by Sairam Jetty•Network Vulnerability Assessment by Sagar Rahalkar


Securing Remote Access in Palo Alto Networks. Practical techniques to enable and protect remote users, improve your security posture, and troubleshoot next-generation firewalls

Tom Piens aka 'reaper'

This book builds on the content found in Mastering Palo Alto Networks, focusing on the different methods of establishing remote connectivity, automating log actions, and protecting against phishing attacks through user credential detection.Complete with step-by-step instructions, practical examples, and troubleshooting tips, you will gain a solid understanding of how to configure and deploy Palo Alto Networks remote access products. As you advance, you will learn how to design, deploy, and troubleshoot large-scale end-to-end user VPNs. Later, you will explore new features and discover how to incorporate them into your environment.By the end of this Palo Alto Networks book, you will have mastered the skills needed to design and configure SASE-compliant remote connectivity and prevent credential theft with credential detection.


Security Automation with Ansible 2. Leverage Ansible 2 to automate complex security tasks like application security, network security, and malware analysis

Akash Mahajan, MADHU AKULA

Security automation is one of the most interesting skills to have nowadays. Ansible allows you to write automation procedures once and use them across your entire infrastructure. This book will teach you the best way to use Ansible for seemingly complex tasks by using the various building blocks available and creating solutions that are easy to teach others, store for later, perform version control on, and repeat.We’ll start by covering various popular modules and writing simple playbooks to showcase those modules. You’ll see how this can be applied over a variety of platforms and operating systems, whether they are Windows/Linux bare metal servers or containers on a cloud platform. Once the bare bones automation is in place, you’ll learn how to leverage tools such as Ansible Tower or even Jenkins to create scheduled repeatable processes around security patching, security hardening, compliance reports, monitoring of systems, and so on. Moving on, you’ll delve into useful security automation techniques and approaches, and learn how to extend Ansible for enhanced security. While on the way, we will tackle topics like how to manage secrets, how to manage all the playbooks that we will create and how to enable collaboration using Ansible Galaxy. In the final stretch, we’ll tackle how to extend the modules of Ansible for our use, and do all the previous tasks in a programmatic manner to get even more powerful automation frameworks and rigs.


Security Automation with Python. Practical Python solutions for automating and scaling security operations

Corey Charles Sr., Frank McMahon

Designed to address the most common pain point for security teams—scalability—Security Automation with Python leverages the author’s years of experience in vulnerability management to provide you with actionable guidance on automating security workflows to streamline your operations and improve your organization’s overall security posture.What makes this book stand out is its hands-on approach. You won’t just learn theoretical concepts—you’ll apply Python-based automation techniques directly to real-world scenarios. Whether you're automating vulnerability scans, managing firewall rules, or responding to security incidents, this book provides clear examples and use cases, breaking down complex topics into easily digestible steps. With libraries like Paramiko, Requests, and PyAutoGUI, you’ll automate everything from network scanning and threat intelligence gathering to system patching and alert management. Plus, this book focuses heavily on practical tips for error handling, scaling automation workflows, and integrating Python scripts into larger security infrastructures.By the end of this book, you'll have developed a set of highly valuable skills, from creating custom automation scripts to deploying them in production environments, and completed projects that can be immediately put to use in your organization.