
Czy chciałbyś głębiej wniknąć w świat cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz nowoczesnych technologii? Na pewno zainteresuje Cię w takim razie nasza biblioteka online. Znajdziesz tutaj książki, dzięki którym poznasz metody wykorzystywane przez hakerów. Dowiesz się także, jak skutecznie chronić dane oraz testować programy i wykrywać w nich błędy.

Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity. Implement smart AI systems for preventing cyber attacks and detecting threats and network anomalies

Alessandro Parisi

Hands-On Automation Testing with Java for Beginners. Build automation testing frameworks from scratch with Java

Rahul Shetty

Hands-On Bitcoin Programming with Python. Build powerful online payment centric applications with Python

Harish Garg

Hands-On Blockchain for Python Developers. Gain blockchain programming skills to build decentralized applications using Python

Arjuna Sky Kok

Hands-On Blockchain with Hyperledger. Building decentralized applications with Hyperledger Fabric and Composer

Nitin Gaur, Luc Desrosiers, Venkatraman Ramakrishna, Petr Novotny, ...

Hands-On Bug Hunting for Penetration Testers. A practical guide to help ethical hackers discover web application security flaws

Joe Marshall

Hands-On Cryptography with Python. Leverage the power of Python to encrypt and decrypt data

Samuel Bowne

Hands-On Cybersecurity for Finance. Identify vulnerabilities and secure your financial services from security breaches

Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, Milad Aslaner