
Czy chciałbyś głębiej wniknąć w świat cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz nowoczesnych technologii? Na pewno zainteresuje Cię w takim razie nasza biblioteka online. Znajdziesz tutaj książki, dzięki którym poznasz metody wykorzystywane przez hakerów. Dowiesz się także, jak skutecznie chronić dane oraz testować programy i wykrywać w nich błędy.

Mastering NetScaler VPX. Learn how to deploy and configure all the available Citrix NetScaler features with the best practices and techniques you need to know

Rick Roetenberg, Marius Sandbu, Andy Paul

Mastering OAuth 2.0. Create powerful applications to interact with popular service providers such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and more by leveraging the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework

Charles Bihis, Charles Bihis

Mastering Palo Alto Networks. Build, configure, and deploy network solutions for your infrastructure using features of PAN-OS - Second Edition

Tom Piens aka 'reaper', Kim Wens aka 'kiwi'

Mastering pfSense. Manage, secure, and monitor your on-premise and cloud network with pfSense 2.4 - Second Edition

David Zientara

Mastering Python for Networking and Security. Leverage Python scripts and libraries to overcome networking and security issues

José Manuel Ortega

Mastering Python for Networking and Security. Leverage the scripts and libraries of Python version 3.7 and beyond to overcome networking and security issues - Second Edition

José Ortega

Mastering Python Forensics. Master the art of digital forensics and analysis with Python

Michael Spreitzenbarth, Johann Uhrmann

Mastering Reverse Engineering. Re-engineer your ethical hacking skills

Reginald Wong